𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐚 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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I apologies for the delay, but here it is a Romania x Reader requested by HetaliaFanatic4ever I hope you like it and if there is anything you would like for me to change do tell! 😊


The drama club was mostly popular for it's plays and how well they were thought out. Everything about that one club was fascinating to everybody that knew who the leader was.

Vladimir, also known as Romania had a distinct way of showing how unique he's club is and why anyone could try to join it.

It was another day of preparation for the Romeo and Juliet. Yes, this year's theme would be about passion and tragedy. Everything was going as planned as usual but the only problem was the main characters.

I had to find a replacement of Juliet because the last girl that auditioned wouldn't oblige to the conditions. You see, I had changed some portions of the play that Shakespeare wrote, I couldn't leave it be because of how much somethings bothered me.

Well, I had no choice but to look for a new bird. I was with Boris until we got close to the door of the drama club, we stopped in our tracks. Our ears had picked up a sweet delicate voice, reading out the lines of Juliet.

We stared at the female before us. Her voice the way she spoke sounded exactly like what I was looking for, the perfect damsel.

"Excuse me, domnişoară*1" I spoke first.

She stopped and jumped at the sound of my voice.

"O-oh, hey there I am sorry" She still seemed in shock, so I of course decided to lighten the mood up.

"Oh no no, it's completely fine actually your the one I was looking for!"

"What?" She tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"Well you must know that there will be a play in the school, am I right?" I give her big smile.

"Oh, yeah wait does that mean that I-"

"Yup it does, Julieta mea*2" I clapped my hands and explained to her the different changes in the play that I was planning.

I was surprised at how she took all my ideas with ease, everybody else would either take back their words or say that the whole thing was ridiculous.

Now that I think about it she didn't even ask what was up with my whole outfit and why I had fangs that stuck from my mouth.


It has been a few days since (Y/n) became Juliet she was doing a fascinating job at getting the role right. I was glad to see the rest of the countries that had auditioned work hard to get it all right.

I would of course give them a five minute break if they were really struggling with their roles. We had three more months until the show begins so we have plenty of time to get prepared for it.

Me and (Y/n) were getting closer as friends of course nothing more, after the first time I met her in the drama club she seemed to peak my interest.

So before I knew it we become friends.

Her partner to be was Alfred, it was either him or Arthur he but refused because there was a kissing scene so instead of him I picked Alfred.

As more days passed by (Y/n) and Boris had been getting along just fine. Also me and her have been becoming close, ever since the time I met her in the drama club she seemed to peak my interest even further.

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