𝐍𝐞𝐤𝐨 𝐉𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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Drinking from the energy drink you bought, you stared at the screen watching the several comments flooding your live chat, scanning through everyone that caught your eye you giggled at a few funny ones. Despite having streamed live for a few months you gained popularity rather fast, your aesthetic garnered the viewer's attention, as well as, your humor and commentary.

Tonight, you were streaming once again but with your friends. You were all grinding on Kenshin Impact for artifacts in order to improve your builds.

Suddenly a tiny ball of fur jumped on your lap giving you the stinky eye. You chuckled staring into his round hazel eyes, grabbing his puffy cheeks you squeezed them bringing his face closer to yours, in the end, your noses touched.

The cat struggled to get out of your grasp his claws ready to scratch you on the face, however before he could attempt it you let go eyes staring at the camera.

''Look you guys, grumpy decided to show himself!'' You grabbed the camera which was atop your computer and brought it so you can give your audience a closer look at your cat, Kiku.

Kiku in turn sheepishly buried his head on your stomach so he can hide from the device. You giggled kissing him on the head which made him bury himself.

Kiku, from the first time you adopted him, had been extremely shy and hard to get along with due to him constantly running off whenever you'd approach him, however, over time he warmed up to you unless you forget the countless times where he would intentionally bite or scratch you for entertainment.

Regardless, you still love your adorably cute Kiku, despite all of the marks he leaves.

Meanwhile, the chat was going wild with Kiku's unexpected appearance since it's a rare sighting, they mutually agreed how Kiku is their favorite whenever you streamed or posted him on your story occasionally mainly so you could brag to the world that you've got the best cat in the whole entire world.

Bracing yourself for the upcoming domain you decided to do with your friends, you nearly lost focus when Kiku began to shift in your lap multiple times, knowing he is likely doing this to gain your attention you in the meantime ignored him. The little fluff ball despite his odd attitude towards you is very needy.

When I mean very-I mean extremely needy, you can't do anything that requires your full attention without Kiku inevitably interrupting you.

Of course in the end you succumbed to the little devil without question. Your relationship can be described as a love-hate from Kiku's side since you loved him unconditionally.

Thankfully, you beat the domain and even got achievement in the process, celebrating you kissed Kiku's head to which he meowed in disapproval. The stream lasted over a total of 3 hours and to say the least it was very enjoyable.

On the other hand, you had to clean your desk which is covered in garbage from all the unhealthy snacks you ate. Checking the time, it read 2:45, imagine how you felt when last minute, before getting ready for your night routine, remembered the assignment that is due tomorrow had yet to be started.

Groaning you quickly went over your skincare routine and got prepared to work on it. You praised yourself for buying two cans of energy drinks, if it weren't for them you surely would've fell asleep right then and there on the desk.

Kiku being himself slept next to your keyboard while you researched for the topic to officially begin writing the assignment.

After about 2 hours of focusing mainly on the subject you got distracted by a notification, someone had messaged you this late at night. Unlocking the device you realized it was Kiku, a fellow classmate.

A faint blush blossomed on your cheeks as the corners of your lips lifted and just like this the focus you previously maintained for such a long time had gone away by the man that made your heart skip a beat.

Now, you may have come to the conclusion of the existence of two Kiku's and are likely questioning if you read the paragraphs correcting.

Indeed, you have because when adopting Kiku the cat your mind immediately went to your crush Kiku the human. Their personalities also matched so you saw no harm in naming your cat after him, of course, you can only pray he never has to learn of this.

Kiku, your classmate, as well as, a very close friend was someone you deeply cherished and admired for his great achievements had your heart wrapped around his finger.

You, whenever he requests your help always make time for him, shockingly enough he also bears deeper feelings for you, however is too shy to confess, so neither of you is aware of the other's feelings.

Kiku the cat briefly opened his round eyes spotting you on your phone smiling widely like an idiot. Glancing at your pen abandoned on the desk quickly got up and proceeded to begin operation 'get this idiot to finish their work before they regret staying this late'.

His tail brushed your hands all the way to your phone, his eyes were narrowed disappointed in you, judging you like a parent. Shoo-ing him his tail with your hand he opened his mouth offended by the gesture. He must do the inevitably, despite the trouble and lecture you'll give him anything is better than this.

He pushed the can of energy drink down all its contents left pouring and ruining all the progress you'd made. Out of instinct you back away, staring at the mess trying to comprehend what just happened. Eyes following the fluid you saw the glare Kiku is giving you.

''Kiku!'' You yelled angrily. ''Do you know how long it took me to write all this?!'' You continued to yell to which Kiku in turn sat and stared at you innocently.

''Now I have to start from the freaking beginning-WAIT MY KEYBOARD SHIT!''

In the end, you cleaned the mess up annoyed at the fact you have to rewrite and re-review everything from the start.

Catching the time for a brief second you cringed, you had to leave an assignment for the last minute like always. Falling on the bed you curled hugging your pillow, just as you were about to doze off, the one thing you didn't want to see was getting in a comfortable position beside your stomach.

Involuntarily you decided to forgive him this time, placing a hand on top of Kiku you pushing him closer to you.

''I let you off the hook this time, however, don't think I'll cuddle you next time'' Ah, yes the same warning that both of you knew you wouldn't keep.

Unsurprisingly, this wasn't the first time Kiku misbehaved and you held a grudge only to forget all about it on account of the soft spot you have for him. Kiku knew what was best for you and after misbehaving he would always cuddle up to you at night when he knew you would always break.

After all, you love him too much to hate him.

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