Tell him

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We walk out the door slamming it in the process. The nerve of him we think.

Rory's POV.

I finished my list of things that need to be done before I check in. I'm already ahead in all of my classes and I've talked to the dean. I can take my final exams next week and be done for this year as I'm making coffee my phone rings.

" Hey Bible Boy" I say happily.

" Hey Mare, I'll be down next week and then we'll pack and check in." Tristan says.

" I'm glad we're doing this we're honoring your uncle John who was a uncle to me as well." I say to him sad and happy at the same time.

" I know Mare. He loved you too and he especially loved spoiling you. He never had kids so we were like his. So what are you doing tonight?" Tristan asks.

" I'm going out with Finn" I say.

"Oh really now." Tristan says and I could tell that he was smirking.

" Yes I told him I was leaving and joined the military. He was sad but he supported me." I say.

" Mare are you ever going to tell him you fell for him before Logan?" Tristan asks curiously.

" No he never showed any interest besides I'm leaving I couldn't do that to him" I say sadly.

" What if he wanted to wait for you?" Tristan asks me probing further, I pause thinking.

" It's a big if and if he did I would give him a chance." I say dreamily.

" Ok Mare have fun and tell him, I'll see you next week love you" Tristan says.

" Love you too" I say. I hang up and immediately get a text from Finn asking if Robert and Colin can join us too tonight and tomorrow night it'll just be me and him. I tell him that's fine and he said he'll be by in a hour to pick me up. I start to get ready for a night out, I do my hair in tight curls, minimal makeup on and wear a navy blue strapless dress and a pair of black Jimmy Choos. As I'm putting the finishing touches on there's a knock on my door and I answer it.

" Hey Finn" I say giving a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

" My god you look stunning kitten" Finn says.

" Thank you Finny. How was your day?" I ask him as I grab my purse and we make our way out.

" Great for the most part" Finn says evasively looking away.

" Finn what happened?" I ask him seriously.

" Colin and I moved out of the dorm. I was mad at Logan before but when I found out who he did it with I can't stand to look at him and Colin feels the same way. I also told him your leaving and joined the military, he's proud of you just like I am. I know you want to do it to honor your uncle John." He says ranting and smiling at me. I smile back he's so sweet, I'll miss him when I'm gone. I know he'll never truly be gone that he'll always be in my life. I just wish it was more than just friends. We finally arrive at a restaurant bar and make our way in. There's Stephanie, Rosemary, Juliet, Seth, Robert and Colin.

" I thought it was only going to be Robert and Colin?" I ask shocked.

" Come on girly we had to be here. Colin told us what's going on, your finally doing it." Steph exclaims. I just nod.

" You guys know my grandparents are throwing a party for Tristan and I. We don't leave for less than two months from now. Then off to boot camp then hopefully into the navy seals and in the process to get our college and law degrees. " I say to them

" Your smart you'll get what you want" Colin says giving me a hug. Dinner and drinks and conversation go on throughout the night and we all leave around ten. Finn and I decided to walk around the park before he drops me off.

" I'm going to miss you love" Finn says sadly taking my hand in his, I look into his eyes.

" Finn you'll always be in my life, I couldn't live without you. We'll email and talk on the phone and when I have leave I'll visit. I'm going to miss you so much also." I say. He wraps his arm around me and we just walk around in our own thoughts. God why couldn't I have been with Finn. He's such an amazing man and has always been there for me as I am for him. He knows my secrets unlike many.

Finn's POV.

God she's gorgeous, I need to tell her how I feel. I know she's leaving but I'll do anything to be with her. She's my everything after the walk we make our way back to her place.

" Thank you Finny I had a great time." She tells me with a sparkle in her eye.

" So did I love and tomorrow it'll be just us. I promise" I tell her she leans in and gives me a hug. As she pulls away and she looks up at me. Our eyes lock and this is my chance I lower my head and fuse my lips to hers. It starts slow but the passion builds and I've never felt like this before. Being with her feels so right, I lick her lip asking for entrance and she willingly does, our tongues duel. Our breathing is rapid and our hearts are racing feeling on fire. We slowly pull apart for some air and she looks up at me.

" Finny what was that?" Rory asks breathless with a sparkle in her eye and a smile gracing her beautiful face.

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