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I duck down immediately and as the man charges at me and move up at just the right spot and I flip him onto his back. As he ends up on his back the rest of the team enter the room. I move towards a room and open the door and see the hostages tied up and gagged. We've cleared all the hostiles and now it's time to take care of the hostages. We start to untie them 

"You know, you kind of look like your brother." I say smiling at him. 

"You know Robert?" He asks surprised. Before I can answer some hostiles enter the room and start taking shots. James was still on his knees and I take one to the vest, damn that hurt. We take them out and get the hostages untied and ready for departure. We make our way back to the plane and arrive in no time. The doctors check them out, they only have minor injuries and are dehydrated. I sit and take off my vest thinking damn that hurts. Tristan makes his way to me 

"Mare you need to get looked at." He says grabbing my hand and leading me to the doctor so we both can get checked out.

Finn's POV

I wake the next morning to make coffee and breakfast for us. It's been a few days since Rory and her team had left. I walk into the kitchen and I see Robert and he looks like hell. 

"Mate you look like hell. Did you sleep at all?" I ask him concerned. As I ask him this Colin makes his way to the kitchen. 

"No it's been a few days, I hope their ok. Not only am I worried about my brother but Rory, Tristan and the team as well. If something happens to them I'll never forgive myself." Robert says shaking his head in sorrow. 

"Robert nothings going to happen to them they'll be home safe. Don't worry their the best, I'm more worried about what they'll do to the guys who took their brothers in arms." Colin says laughing. 

"Robert look at it this way, If it wasn't for what James, Rory, Tristan and many others doing what they do we couldn't live the lives we are now. They protect this country yes sometimes it's with their own lives but it's what makes them them." I say passionately. 

"I never thought of it like that, I am proud for what they do I just don't want them hurt." Robert says wistfully. 

"None of us do man their family." Colin says giving Roberts shoulder a squeeze. 

"Now how about some breakfast mates?" I ask them so we can get our mind off of this. I start to make breakfast and I come up with an idea. 

"How about after this we go shopping for our hero's. Get them all something special." I say suggesting the idea to the men before me. 

"That sounds great." Robert says and Colin nods in agreement. We finish breakfast and spent the day looking for gifts for the guys and for Rory. We get home around four once we got them all matching watches that was suggested that would be great for them. We had them engraved. 

To our hero's who watch over us.

Rory's POV

Finally after many hours in transport we finally make it back to base. We're being escorted to the hospital, both Tristan and I have head wounds that needed stitches. We both need head scans to make sure nothing else was wrong and we're doing a check up for any other injuries. The hostages will be looked at as well and have tests run. The hostages that we rescued would be staying in the hospital for a few days. Once we get in the SUVs to go to the hospital and I make a call to Finn and he picks up on the second ring. 

"Hello?" Finn asked. 

"Hey baby. We're back." I say sighing. 

"What happened is everything ok?" He asked concerned. 

"Babe meet us at the hospital." I say and I give him the details of where we'll be and he said they'll be there ASAP. I hang up and lay my head back. Within minutes of my call with Finn we make it to the hospital. Austin, Ben, Nate and Mark wait in the waiting room for Tristan and I. Tristan, the hostages and I are escorted to our exam rooms. I had my scan and now I'm waiting for the doctor when I hear a knock on the door. 

" Commander Morgan?" The doctor asked. 

"Yes" I say.

Robert's POV

We're sitting down for a early dinner when Finn's phone rang. He went into the other room to answer it and Colin and I just look at each other and shrug our shoulders. After a few minutes Finn comes back from his call. 

"Mates we have to go to the hospital now." He says with worry laced in his voice. 

"Finn what's going on?" Colin asks. I am to shocked to say anything I'm literally speechless. 

"Rory called they are there." He says and we all grab our stuff and head to the car. I'm lost in my thoughts wondering if their ok. Thirty minutes later Finn parks his car in the hospital parking lot. I rush out of the car and head straight into the hospital and head straight to the nurses station to find my brother. God let him and the others be alright that keeps going through my head as I make my way in.

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