Birthday party

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The weekend has come and it was time for my birthday party. I was all ready to go and we were waiting for the limo to pick us up to bring us to the venue. I walk to the kitchen and grab a water to have while I sit and wait. 

"Happy birthday baby." Finn says leaning down giving me a kiss. 

"Thanks hun." I say sweetly kissing him back. 

"Cars here." Tristan says. We all grab our coats and I grab my purse and we make our way out to the car. We make it to the venue early as requested and are met by the elders. 

"There's our birthday girl." Nathalie says sweetly to me. 

"Hi everybody." I say hugging everyone. 

"I just wanted to tell you that you are our heiress, but you won't be announced until the time is right and you are stateside." Grandpa Strobe says and Grandpa Richard nods in agreement. 

"Same goes for you Tristan." Marcus says. 

"Thanks Dad and grandpa we appreciate it." Tristan and I say in unison with smiles plastered on our faces. Finn leans in and whispers that he's going to get us drinks and he'll be back soon. I nod and give him a soft kiss and he makes his way to the bar. 

"We're so proud of both of you." Grandpa Richard says and everyone nods in agreement. 

"Rory we wanted to warn you the Huntzberger's will be here tonight." Finnegan Sr says. 

"Great lets hope I'm not abused on my birthday." I say pissed off. 

 "What are you talking about dear?" Janlan asks. I looked towards Colin, Finn and Tristan not sure what I should say. 

"Grandpa, Logan Huntzberger is her ex, he cheated on her with one of her friends." Tristan says. 

"After luv broke up with him, Colin and I moved out and he was still harassing her after they broke up trying to get back with her." Finn continued where Tristan left off. 

"He also accosted her at their goodbye party." Colin added. 

"He hurt her and left her bruised, she had to recuperate here. She didn't want anyone seeing her like that." Grandma Francine said through tears. 

"We'll try our best to make sure he doesn't start anything." Finnegan Sr assures me. 

" I can't believe the nerve of that boy." Janlan said anger laced in his voice and expression. Finn wraps his arms around me and holds me tight. 

"Almost show time, you ready kiddo?" Dad asked me. 

"As ready as I'll ever be." I say and I take a deep breath. 

"We have a gift for you and Finn. It's a wedding/ birthday gift." Finnegan Sr says handing me a small box. I slowly open it and I see a set of keys and I pick them up and look at Finnegan Sr with curiosity. He laughs 

"Those are keys to your home in Australia, its finally finished being built." Finnegan Sr says. 

"Thank you I love it." I say as Finn and I give them both hugs. I stood with my grandparents, parents, Tristan, his parents, grandfather, Finn, and his parents greeting the guest. Soon we see Mitchum, Shira, Honor, Josh, and Logan walk in. 

"Thank you for attending my birthday Mr and Mrs Huntzberger." I say with my society mask on. 

"Thank you for inviting us Miss Gilmore." Mitchum says politely. 

"Actually it's Mrs Morgan now." I say politely. 

"Technically love its Mrs Lorelei Leigh Gilmore Hayden Morgan the third." Finn says smugly looking at the Huntzberger's. We hide our laughs at their shocked faces. 

"Well thank you Mrs Morgan." Shira says walking away and headed straight to the bar. They all leave to mingle with other guest. 

"Now that was funny." Tristan says laughing. 

"Did you see their faces?" Finnegan Sr says trying to stifle his laugh. We all nod and we make our way around to greet our guest. We went to the bar to grab drinks and talked with our families and friends who are family to us. 

"Do you know when you'll be out again?" Steph asked curiously. 

"Nope I'll be notified first, then I'll notify my team." I say happily. 

"I still can't believe your a Commander now and have your own team." Robert says in awe. 

"Well believe it mate. My lovely wife has done it." Finn says smugly and then laughs. As we're laughing Logan, Honor, and Josh came up to us. 

"Rory you look amazing. It's been a while since we've seen you." Honor saying hugging me. 

"That's what training does to you, also we've been busy with our careers." I say laughing. 

"Training?" Josh asked perplexed. 

"Yes Tristan, Austin, Nate, Mark, Ben and I are in the military." I say softly. 

"Yes we are and she's our Commander now." Austin says softly. 

"Ace can we talk?" Logan asked nervously. 

"No I will not speak to you alone, I don't trust you." I state matter of factly. 

"Mate my wife isn't going anywhere near you." Finn says adamantly. 

"Your wife? I want to talk to Ace not your wife." Logan says angrily and confused. 

"Seriously dude? Didn't you hear? Her name changed when you were with your parents?" Tristan asked annoyed. 

"No." Logan stated simply. 

"Logan my name is Mrs Lorelei Leigh Morgan." I say.

 "Technically Ror, your Lorelei "Rory" Leigh Gilmore Hayden Morgan the third." Steph adds smugly looking at Logan. The shock on his face was hilarious. 

"I'm sorry I must go and greet other guests now." I say and wrap my arm around Finn's waist as he does the same to my waist. We make our rounds, cut the cake and soon enough we're saying goodbye to the families and heading home with three cars full of gifts. Tonight was a eventful night and a learning one for some. My life is amazing I have a wonderful husband, a wonderful family, and a career that I'm absolutely happy with. Right now it couldn't get any better.

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