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Two years have passed and it's October and I'll be twenty three soon. Shane got cleared for duty last month and we  went on several missions with me as team leader. The higher ups were impressed with my skills. Shane has called me to his office he told me he needed to discuss something with me. That morning I woke up and got ready to go meet Shane. I was putting on my uniform when Finn came out of the bathroom. 

"Hey baby how long do you think you'll be?" Finn asks me curiously. 

"I have no idea, Shane said he wanted to talk to me." I say shrugging my shoulders. 

"Don't forget this weekend is your birthday party. We couldn't the last two years cause we've all been busy." He says leaning down kissing me. 

"I know, I'll call you when I get out maybe we can go out to lunch?" I say to him with a raised eyebrow. 

"I'd loved to, I'll see you soon love you baby." He says kissing me softly one last time. 

"Love you too." I say and wink at him and was out the door to head to my meeting. Within fifteen minutes I'm on base and waiting outside of Shane's office to be called in. 

"He'll see you now." Shane's secretary says. I stand up and make my way inside. When I walk in not only Shane is there. 

"Captain  Evans, sir." I say saluting him. 

"You may sit LT Morgan." Captain  Evans says. 

"I asked Captain Evans to be here, I've been asked to train at the seal school. I have to find a replacement and he agreed with me that you are a perfect candidate." Shane says. 

"Over the past two years you have gone above and beyond for your unit. You made sure your team and others have made it home safe. Not only that you were top of your class and are a top notch sharp shooter." Captain Evans says. 

"You are promoted to Commander and you will be team leader indefinitely from here on out." Captain Evans says. 

"Thank you both of you, I'm honoured that you choose me." I say with gratitude. "Your dismissed and congratulations. Oh by the way happy early birthday Commander Morgan." Captain Evans says. Before I leave Commander Shane stops me and puts on my new rank. I leave the office and head home to change for lunch, the moment I walk in I hear a whistle. 

"Wow someone got some new hardware there." Tristan says impressed. 

"What happened love?" Finn asks with a raised eyebrow. 

"You are looking at the new commander of the unit. Both commander Shane and Captain Evans promoted me. Commander Shane is going to train at the seal school." I say. 

"Congrats Mare you deserve this." Tristan says pulling me into a hug. 

"You LT DuGrey will be my second in command." I tell him proudly. 

"Tonight lets get the guys and family together and tell them the good news." Finn suggested. 

"That's a great idea, let me change and we'll head to lunch. Then I need to get to base and have my uniforms changed with my new rank on them." I say. The three of us head to lunch and I went to the base to get the changes done that needed to be done. We headed home to get ready for dinner with the families and the unit who are family now. We called everyone up and said we had an announcement we needed to make. Everyone was curious as to what the announcement was. Shane was even coming he was proud that I was the new commander and was happy to hand the unit over to me, he knew that they would be in good hands. We changed and headed to the restaurant. We had them close down and paid a huge amount so it could just be us. We walked around and mingled a bit and Shane went to the front of the room and started tapping his glass. 

"May I have the lovely Mrs Morgan come up here please?" He asked. I walked up and stood next to him 

"Now I would like you all to know that I will no longer be commander of this unit." Shane says. You can hear gasp throughout the room. 

"Captain Evans and myself have chosen LT Morgan. Well she isn't LT Morgan anymore she's Commander Morgan now and she will be leading the unit from now on." Shane says proudly. There's a round of applause and then I silence the room. 

"My second in command will be LT DuGrey." I say with a smile gracing my face. Tristan comes up to where Shane and I are standing. 

"I was shocked when Mare gave me this news. Even more shocked that she would be our new commander. They couldn't have promoted anyone better. Am I right guys?" Tristan yells out. 

"Hell Yeah." Austin says. 

"One of the best." Nate yells. 

"To our new commander." Mark says proudly. 

"To our new commander." They all say in unison. That night was great everyone was proud of what has come. Finn was beyond happy and excited for his wife. She's the best and glad that they saw that and promoted her. She deserved it all and everyone was so happy for her.

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