A idea to heal

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Rory's POV

A week has passed and tonight was the event. We were staying at the original Hayden estate.

My grandparents gave it to me and each guy has their own room. They could do what they wanted with it. When we were in Hartford this was our home.

I was in the bedroom and I was applying the final touches when Finn walked in. "Love you look absolutely stunning." He says affectionally.

He pulls me close and leans down and kisses me as he does our son kicks him and we laugh. He kneeled before me and kisses my belly.

"Don't worry daddy loves you to." He coos to our son and he kicks again.

He stands back up and we walk down stairs to meet the others. "Your positively glowing." Tristan says smiling fondly at me.

"How are you baby girl?" Nate asked concerned.

"I'm fine. I just have a bad feeling about tonight." I say admitting my fear.

"It's alright love. We all got your back." Finn says affectionally to me.

I lean up and kiss him. "I know baby. I have you all. My protectors. Ready boys?" I asked them.

"Let's go." Robert said and we made it out to the stretch limo.

We arrived at the venue shortly and made our way inside. "Angel you look amazing." My Dad Marcus says smiling
fondly at me.

"Thanks Dad." I say smiling.

"How's my grand baby treating you?" Amelia asked.

"Yeah he's doing great. Constantly kicking me." I say with a small laugh.

"Is he kicking now?" Mom asked curious with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah." I say with a smile. Mom puts her hand on my belly and felt the baby kick and she smiled.

"He's strong." Mom says in awe.

"My nephew is very strong." Tristan says with a smirk and we all laugh.

We make our way to the bar and order drinks. "Oh my god Rory. Your getting so big. How far along are you now?" Rosemary asked as she hugged me.

"Five months soon to be six." I say smiling widely.

"You look good for five months." Rosemary says in awe.

"Working out and being healthy does that to you." I say and we all laugh.

"How are you guys doing? I heard about Shane." Rosemary asked concerned.

"We're doing better." Nate answered honestly.

"We are all living together now. It makes it easier." Ben says smiling.

"Steph how are you and Colin doing?" I asked her.

"Good. We're going to be moving close to you guys." Steph says with a smirk.

"What?" We all say shocked.

"Your family and we want to be close." Colin says smiling widely.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me." I say and swat his arm.

"You guys find a place yet?" Finn asked curiously.

"No were still looking." Steph says sighing.

I look at Finn and the guys and they nod. They knew exactly what I was thinking. "You guys can stay at Shane's house. I own it." I say to them.

"Rory are you sure?" Colin asked unsure.

"You guys are family. We still have furniture and kitchen items still there. The boxes will be out in a few weeks." I say with a smile.

"Rory and you guys your the best." Steph says hugging me and the guys.

"We're setting up a nursery in the house." Colin states firmly.

"Why is that?" I asked with a eyebrow raised.

"Well when your deployed or on missions and for when Finn and you visit the baby needs a place to stay." Colin says.

"We'll set it up in Shane's bedroom." Steph says adamantly.

"Awww you guys are so sweet." I say as my eyes well up with tears.

"Rory he meant so much to all of us. Your son will be spoiled between all of us." Colin says smirking.

We all started to mingle with the other guest. We ran into the Dugrey's again and we gave them hugs.

"Hi princess how are you doing?" My Dad Marcus asked me.

"I'm great your grandson is constantly moving." I say with a laugh.

"He just loves to move doesn't he." My Mom Nathalie said with a laugh. We talked for a few minutes and we went to find his parents.

We make our way to them and greet them. "Mum Dad we got something to tell you." Finn says grinning.

"What is it?" Mum asked curious.

"In a few weeks the guys and I have a two months off. The Captain said we need to get away and heal. We're all going to Australia." I say with a smirk.

"Really?" My Dad Finnegan asked shocked.

"Yes and we want all the families to join us." Finn says happily.

"That's a lovely idea son." Mum says smiling.

"I thought that we needed it. We're all close to Shane and he meant a lot to all of us. I think this vacation will help." I say to them with a smile.

We tell all the parents and grandparents our plan and how we want them to come with us. They all agreed that it would help us all to heal over the loss of Shane. We were with the younger generation when us girls had to use the restroom.

Before we could enter someone grabbed me roughly and slammed me against the wall.

Who grabbed her? Who would do that to a pregnant woman?

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