In Distress

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Rory's POV

Time has flown by it is now March twenty ninth. I can go into labor at anytime now. I'm the last to have their babies. The other ladies had there's recently and they are so adorable.

Today we were having a girls days with the babies and kids. We told the men to have a Guys day. They are sticking close by due to the fact that I can give birth at anytime. "Let's get this party started." My mom exclaims excitedly and we all laugh.

"I have ordered tons of food." Grandpa Emily said.

"I got the desserts." Amelia says.

"I have movies." Nathalie exclaims.

"Sarah give me my little nephew." I say and she hands me him.

All the girls had one of each and they are so happy. "Hi little man." I say cooing at him.

Within minutes he falls asleep. "How do you get him out so fast?" Sarah asked and I shrugged.

"She does it to all the babies." Steph says laughing.

"She has a calming effect on her." Rosemary says.

"True she calmed me down a lot." Paris says and we all laugh.

Within a hour I start to get uncomfortable. "Can someone grab the baby please." I say as I wince in pain. 

"You ok hun?" My mom asked concerned.

"I'm fine. I just can't get comfortable and it's getting annoying." I say frustrated.

"You sure your ok? You look a little pale." Amelia asked with worry.

I start to stand up but sit down immediately as the room starts to spin. "I don't feel rig....." I start to say and pass out into darkness.

Lorelai POV

"Rory." I exclaim rushing to her side.

"Someone call 911." Sarah exclaims as she holds Rory's hand in tears.

"I'll call Finn." Amelia says frantically.

Paris calls 911. We wait patiently for the paramedics to come and finally they arrive. "Her blood pressure dropped dramatically." The paramedic said.

They put her in a gurney and headed to the hospital. "Is that blood?" Rosemary asked scared.

We look where she pointed and we all paled afraid for Rory. We all got in the cars speeding to the hospital.

Finn's POV

We were spending the day at my parents house. My father has a game room so we were playing pool darts drinking (not much) and smoking cigars when my cell rang.


"Mum what's wrong?".........

"Oh my god. We're on our way bye." I say and hang up the phone. I look at the others with tears in my eyes.

"What's wrong?" My father asked.

"Rory was pale and suddenly she blacked out. She's unresponsive." I start but was cut off.

"What?" They yelled scared.

"The paramedics took her to the hospital but....." I start but I shed tears.

"Finn man what's wrong with my sister?" Tristan asked choked up.

"When they were gone Rosemary noticed blood where Rory was sitting." I say my voice thick with unshed tears.

"Oh my god." Marcus says with fear.

"Let's go now." Chris says frantically and we head to the cars.

I'm so out of it I'm so scared for my wife. We arrive at the hospital shortly and I run to the front desk. "My wife Rory Morgan was brought in she's pregnant." I say frantically.

She looks at her screen and looks up at me. "She's in labor and delivery. Room 301." She says and I bolt towards her room.

I swing the door open and sigh in relief as I see she's awake. "Rory." I say.

"Finny." She says smiling.

I make my way to her and pull her into my arms. "Finn put these on Rory needs emergency surgery. One of the babies is in distress." The doctor tells me I nod and change my clothes.

Finnegan's POV

We were waiting to hear news about Rory we were all so worried for her. It's been a few hours since we got here when we saw Finn. "How is she?" I ask worriedly as soon as he reaches us.

He has tears in his eyes. "Rory and the babies are great. One of the babies was in distress so they had to do a emergency surgery." He says smiling.

"Can we see them?" My mum asked.

"Yes. They put us in a extra large room cause she knows we have a big family." He says and we follow Finn to Rory's room.

Rory's POV

I was laying in bed with all the babies. They gave me a bigger bed so Finn can lay with me also a bigger room so the entire family can fit in here. Soon my thoughts were interrupted with the door opening I looked up and smiled.

Finn made his way to me and grabbed one of the babies and laid next to me. "Do you have names?" Mitchum asked.

"Yes we do." Finn says smirking.

"As you all know we look at everyone here as family. For the boy it's Andrew Janlan. For our little girls it's  Lorelei Amelia and Elizabeth Nathalie." I say smiling. They are shocked.

"Really?"Janlan asked shocked.

"Yes were family and our kids will have a piece of each of you." Finn say as he hands Andrew to Janlan.

He grabs Lorelei and hands him to my mom and Elizabeth to Nathalie.

"We're honored that you named your babies after us but where does Elizabeth come from?" My Dad asked.

"I remember when I was younger going to the park and I would always see this couple and we would always talk. We got really close. Do you want to know who that couple was?" I asked with a smirk.

"Who?" everyone asked curiously.

"It was Elias and his wife Elizabeth. I found something the other day. Come here Eli." I say and he comes towards me and I hand him the picture.

"I remember this day. It was a great day." He says as he sheds a few tears and hands the picture to everyone.

We spent several hours talking eating and telling stories life couldn't get any better. Soon I will be announced as a double heiress.

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