It Ends Now

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Rory's POV

"Mare what's wrong?" Tristan asked concerned.

Tristan James and Ben are up front and the rest is in the back. "Shiras here and a shit ton of hostiles." I say.

"Fuck." James exclaims.

"This bitch has taken it to far. Our kids are in there. Guys I have my phone I'm going to locate where our babies are Austin and James when I locate them get them out. Tristan call the others tell them to stay out front at end of driveway." I say.

"Copy that." James Tristan and Austin says.

Moments later I've located them. "Guys they are in the study their in their car seats the sitters are there no hostiles in the room but two outside the door get them out quietly." I say.

"Understood." They say.

Ten minutes later they let me know they have gotten the kids and sitters. "Guys take them to the end of the driveway the family is waiting to get them out go now. Well take care of them til you come back." I say.

"Roger that." They say.

"Move out." I order them.

We slowly enter the house. They know not to shoot unless we have to. We all have zip ties to take them prisoner. We enter the house and we take a few out. "Guys I hear Shira." I say outside the room.

We entered the room and immediately she shot at me. "Fuck. Guys it's armor piercing bullets be careful." I say and shot Shira and she went down.

Mark cuffed her and the rest in the room. We cleared the room and I was immediately in a hand to hand with Alex the man that escaped. We fought for a few minutes til I took him down.

"House is cleared." Tristan says.

"Guys call an ambulance now." I exclaim as I hold my wound.

Austin came by me and held a towel to my wound. "It's alright baby girl. You'll be ok." He says softly.

All I could do was nod.

Finn's POV

We waited out front as James and Austin came towards us with the sitters and we took them to safety. We drove back to my parents house with all the kids. We arrived quickly and everyone was outside waiting for us.

Everyone grabbed a baby and we went inside. "What's going on?" My father asked worriedly.

"Rory and the unit are dealing with hostiles at the house." I say pissed off.

"What?" The captain yelled.

"Austin and James told us that the house has hostiles Alex the man that escaped and Shira." I say.

"What the hell." My mum yelled angrily.

Before anyone could say anything else the captains phone went off he left and came back moments later. "We have people getting the hostiles now they've been apprehended  but we need to go to the hospital now Rory and Ben have been injured. They used armor piercing bullets." He says.

"Well stay with the kids." Strobe said and the other grandparents nodded.

We rushed to the cars and headed to the hospital. When we entered the hospital we were told that a doctor would be with us soon. I saw Tristan and the others. "What happened?" I asked.

"Shira shot Rory. Ben got shot as well their both in emergency surgery. We only got flesh wounds we needed stitches but that's it." Tristan says his eyes glossy.

"What?" Logan yelled.

Before anyone could say anything we heard "code blue in OR 1 and code blue in OR 2. Code blue in OR 1 and code blue in OR 2." They announced and we immediately paled.

"Oh god Rory and Ben." Mark said sadly with tears.

Within minutes a doctor rushed to us. "I know you heard the code blue for both OR's. They are both stable. They lost a lot of blood and their heart stopped beating. They are doing all they can. We will let you know when the surgery is over." He said and we nodded our heads and waited for us to see them.

The hours has passed and the grandparents came with all the kids. "Is mommy alright?" Shane asked as soon as he saw me.

"What about uncle Ben?" Finley asked sadly.

"They will be just fine. Don't worry. Nothing can stop them." Tristan says with a smirk.

I see the Captain whisper something in Tristan's ear he looked at him with anger in his eyes. "I want them watched and handcuffed to the bed." Tristan says angrily.

"Already done." He said.

"What's going on?" My father asked.

"Shira and Alex are here for their injuries." He says.

"What injuries do they have?" Elias asked with a smirk.

"Rory shot Shira." Austin says.

"As for Alex he went hand to hand with Rory." Mark said smirking.

"He didn't." Strobe exclaimed.

"Oh he did. Mare broke his wrist and two ribs and his face will have some nice bruises." Tristan says smirking.

We finally are told that we can see Rory and Ben. We get escorted to their room.

What will they see when they see them? Will they recover? Why did Shira do this? Soon all will be unraveled.

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