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"I understand Captain, I'll let my men know. Thank you." I say and make my way to the guys. I head towards James's room as I enter and all eyes turn to me.

"I need to speak to my unit outside now." I command. I walk out the doors and have them follow me to a private room.

"Mare what's going on?" Tristan asks concerned.

"Our deployment has been moved up." I say.

"What?" Nate asks shocked.

"Get your affairs in order." I say.

"When?" Mark asks.

"Two weeks." I reply.

"Why so soon?" Ben questions.

"A seal team was taken out and we're their replacements." I say and they nod.

"Now go get what you need to get done, I need to tell Finn and the others. Tomorrow Tristan we'll tell our families." I say and he nods. I walk back to James's room and everyone is looking at me curiously.

"Where are the others at?" Colin asks.

"Getting their affairs in order." I say and James nods knowing what that means.

"What does that mean?" Robert asks confused. I hold Finn around the waist and give him a soft kiss as I stroke his cheek.

"Baby were being deployed." I say softly.

"When?" He asks with welling eyes.

"Two weeks." I say with a tear.

"Why so soon?" Robert asks.

"A team was injured, so were taking their place but we'll be home sooner." I say to him.

"How long will you be gone for?" Finn asks.

"Three to six months." I say.

"Rory be careful, I know the team your replacing. Watch your back and those in your unit." James says to me.

"I always do. Now I have to go to base to take care of some things I'll be back tonight. I love you baby." I say giving Finn a kiss and make my way to the base.

Finn's POV

"Don't worry man, she'll be alright." James says reassuring me.

"What happened to the last team?" Robert asks James seriously.

"I can't answer that." James replies adamantly.

"Why not?" Colin asks angrily.

"We are not allowed to discuss details. End of story let it go." James answers annoyed.

"I'm not worried, they'll be safe." I say and to be honest I wasn't worried.

Later that night when we got home I ordered Chinese for when Tristan and Rory made it back. Tomorrow we were having dinner with the family. Twenty minutes after we arrived home Rory and Tristan came home. They were both in their uniforms and went straight to their rooms to shower and change, I followed Rory.

"Hey baby." I say cautiously.

"Hey baby, I have something for you." She says as she pulls something out of her case.

"What is it?" I ask curiously.

"This is the paperwork if anything happens to me, you are my next of kin." She says seriously.

Rory's POV

"I know nothing will happen to you, just come home alright." He says passionately and we kiss and get lost in the moment. After we make love, we take a shower and head out to eat food. As we're sitting and eating I decide to tell Tristan as the rest of the unit knows already.

"Shane's back in the unit." I say looking down.

"What?" Tristan questions shocked.

"Yes Shane is joining us on this deployment." I say.

"Why?" Colin asks.

"I don't know." I say but the truth is I do know but I am not allowed to talk about it. Only the unit will know when the time comes. We finish eating because tomorrow Tristan and I have a busy day as we need to get things we need for deployment. That night I knew the guys went to bed with a heavy heart but they knew we would come back home safe. Finn and I went to our room and laid together and just talked, we just enjoyed our time together. We fell asleep in each others arms hoping for the best. The next morning I woke up early and went for a two mile run. When I came back I jumped in the shower and got ready for the day. I went into the kitchen and got some coffee as I was drinking Finn came in.

"Morning love." Finn says giving me a kiss.

"Morning baby." I say kissing him back.

"You and Tristan ready to get the stuff you need?" He asks me softly.

"I am. Tristan!" I call for him and he comes in.

"You ready mate?" Finn asks.

"Yeah lets go." He says, we spend the day getting the items we needed. We had lunch and picked up some more shirts and all the other supplies that we needed. By the time we got home we had to get ready for dinner. We got ready quickly and made it to the restaurant with our families, Shane and the unit. We reserved the entire restaurant so we could have privacy, it was a family holdings.

"How's my girl?" Mom asks.

"I'm good." I say as I look at my unit and Shane and we head to the front of the room.

"We have an announcement we'd like to make." Tristan yells to quiet everyone down.

"I'd like everyone to know that our deployment has been moved up." I say and I can see everyone shocked and worried.

"When?" Steph asks, I look toward Shane and nod.

"For the time being I am being reassigned to Rory's unit, she will be my commanding officer. It's strange how the tables have turned." Shane says and everyone laughs.

"We leave in less than two weeks." Austin says answering Steph's question, we could hear several gasp. Soon dinner arrived and we started to eat.

"Where are you going?" Grandpa Strobe asks.

"Iraq." I say calmly.

"Do you have your affairs in order?" Marcus questions concerned.

"Yes." We all reply together.

"What do you mean affairs?" Grandma Emily queries concerned.

"Wills." Shane says.

"Power of attorney." Tristan adds.

"Next of kin." I say.

"Letters." Austin says.

"Oh my god." Amelia says shocked.

"We'll be safe I promise." I say trying to ease them. That night we all went home late, we just wanted to spend time with family. Before the night ended Shane pulled me aside.

"I want you to know if anything happens to me, your my next of kin." Shane says seriously.

"What? Why?" I asks shocked.

"Your the only family that I have and if something happens to you and I it'll go to Finn." He says pulling me in for a hug.

"We'll keep each other safe, no worries." I say and we said our goodbyes. I was still in shock that Shane had listed me for his next of kin. He is family to me as well and he trained me in martial arts and then to be a seal.

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