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Rory's POV

It has been three years since my little bundle of joys were born. A lot has happened in that time. Our friendship with Logan has grown stronger and once again he is now apart of our family. Same with Honor, Josh, Mitchum, and Elias.

We've run into Logan a few times during our deployments and he's met with Captain Evans. The kids have grown and are now three. My little Shane reminds me so much of Shane. He's outgoing tough and sweet as can be. The loss of Shane has been hard but we know he's watching over us.

I woke this morning to the sound of my son's feet running to our room. They opened the door and jumped on the bed with Finn and I. "Mama." Shane says.

"Yes baby?" I ask smiling at him.

"I love you." He says softly.

"As I love you also." I say.

"What about me mama?" Finely asked with his father's smirk. I tell you he's definitely is Finn's mini me.

"Of course I love you to baby boy." I say and kiss his cheek and ruffle his hair.

"Don't mess with the hair." He pouts.

"Finn like I said before he is your mini me." I say laughing and Finn joins me.

"Yes He is. Come on little guys. Let's make breakfast our entire family is coming." Finn says.

Over the years the men have married and I couldn't be happier. Colin and Steph. Tristan and Sarah. Mark and Juliet. Nate and Rosemary. James and Paris. Ben and Elizabeth. Austin and Angela. The funny thing is I went to school with most of the girls. We made our way downstairs and started prepping breakfast. As I'm helping my phone goes off.

Finn's POV

The four of us were prepping breakfast when Rory's cell went off.


"Captain Evans how are you?" .........

"We're good. Alright I can be there in about an hour."

"Alright see you soon bye." She says and hangs up the phone as she looks at me.

"Is everything alright love?" I asked concerned.

"I don't know. The Captain says he needs to see me urgently." She says.

She heads upstairs and gets dressed. The boys and I finished breakfast right as the doorbell went off. Shane and Finley bolted to the door and I'm chasing after them.

They swing the door open and our entire family is there. "Hi boys." Tristan says picking up Shane as my mom picked up Finley.

"Where's Rory?" My Dad asked.

Before I could answer Rory walked into the room dressed in her uniform. "Ror what's going on?" Austin asked.

"I don't know. Captain Evans said he needed to see me urgently." She says.

Her unit nodded their heads and she headed out. We all sat at the table and talked. "Elias how's retirement?" I asked him.

"It's good. I get more time to spend with my family and that includes everyone here and Rory since she's not here." He says with a chuckle.

"When are you going to give me more grand babies." Lorelai asked bluntly.

"Rory and I talked you will get more but I'm not saying when." I say with a chuckle.

We talked about everything. We have weekly family breakfast and dinners. We have since moved to a new base and Captain Evens as well. Even the families moved close to us. We all still do society things but don't live in Hartford.

Rory's POV

I can't believe what I've been told. We have a mission now and we leave in a few days. I have to inform my unit. Captain Evans told me that they are getting more intel on the situation. I pull into my driveway and sigh. I calm down before I head inside.

I walk straight to everyone. "My unit in my office now." I order them and we all make our way to the office.

Finn's POV

"I wonder what's going on?" Strobe asked.

"I don't know. It could be something that Captain Evans told her." I say.

"I hope it's nothing bad." Mitchum says.

We all sat and pondered what it could be. Waiting for Rory and the others to come out. What could Captain Evens told Rory? What mission are they going on?

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