Special Report

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We make it out to the SUV's and head to the base. Shane lets me go home first to change out of my dress, as I'm finishing putting my uniform on I leave Finn a note and the gift I had for him on the bed and I make my way back to the SUV.

"You leave it for him Ror?" Tris asked.

"Yeah I left it on the bed for him to see it." I say sadly.

"What did you leave?" Shane asks curiously.

"A note and a gift to him." I say smiling.

"Don't worry we'll be back in no time." Shane says reassuring me. I simply nod my head.

"When we get back you all will take a week off and you'll go on your honeymoon. I already worked it out with the higher ups." Shane says.

"Thank you Shane." I say happily as we make our way back to base to grab our gear and head to the air strip.

Finn's POV

I stand there watching my wife leave. I'm so proud of her for all that she's accomplished.

"Don't worry son she'll be back soon." My Dad says to me to reassure me and patting me on the back.

"I know Dad, she won't break her promise. Neither of them will." I say as a smile graces my face.

"I'm proud of you Finn for standing by the love of your life while she saves others." Amelia says passionately with tears running down her cheeks.

"It's her dream mum what kind of man would I be if I didn't let her follow it." I say and she pulls me into a hug. I say my goodbyes to everyone and make my way home. As I walk in the bedroom I can see her wedding dress hanging on the closet door. I run my hand over the fabric and a smile spreads across my face. I picture her wearing it and walking up the aisle to me. Out the corner of my eye something catches my attention. I look over at the bed and see a wrapped gift and a note. I open the note up.

My husband Finny

I love you with all my heart. I'll be back soon, so don't you worry. I won't break my promise to you. You mean the world to me and I'm sorry I had to leave on our wedding day. We knew this day would come but we didn't expect it so soon. I'm glad that we are married I can't picture myself with anyone else. Think of me as I'm away I know I will think of you. I love you baby forever and always.

Mrs Rory Morgan

I set the note down as a few tears escape my eyes. I wipe them away as I unwrap the gift my lovely bride has left for me. She left me a beautiful watch and I flip it over and saw that it was engraved.

To Finny my heart my love my everything love Rory Morgan.

I smile at it and put it on immediately. I get ready for bed and go under the covers and dream of my bride. I fall asleep peacefully waiting for her to come home to me.

A week has passed since she left. Colin and Robert are coming over for lunch today and to hang out. I have the TV playing in the background. I hear the doorbell go off and I go to answer the door.

"Hey mates." I greet them but before they can greet me back our attention turns to the TV.

"Today's news a navy seal team was under fire during a rescue mission. We have no news on how the hostages or the seals are. We have no information on casualties or injured. All we know is that they were fired upon heavily." The news caster says.

Then a video of the gunfire shows on the screen and an explosion, I immediately sit down and worry. My phone goes off and I look at the caller ID and it's my dad.

"Hey Dad" I say still in shock of what I just saw.

"Finn I just saw the news and the video, have you heard from Rory or Tristan?" Finnegan Sr asks concerned. He looked at both Rory and Tristan as his kids and was worried that harm has come to them.

"No dad I haven't heard anything yet." I say worried for my wife and now my brother.

"Please keep me updated I worry also." Finnegan SR says as his voice cracked.

"I will Dad" I say and hang up.

"Do you think that was Rory's unit?" Colin asked worried.

"It could be but I just don't know." I say my voice laced with uncertainty.

"Lets have lunch and not think of this until we know for sure." Robert says. We nod our heads and head to the kitchen and start to eat our lunch. We're all lost in our thoughts about what we saw and heard. Worried for Rory and her team, I silently pray to god to bring them back home safe and sound.

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