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Tristan's POV

We were an hour out and I just got off the phone with Finn. I make my way to Austin.

"How's the arm?" I ask him.

"Hurts but it could've been worse if not for Rory she saw the trap and she knew something was off." Austin says in awe.

"I think that's why they put her in charge, she sees things we don't." I say smiling.

"I'm going to check the others." I say and he nods. We all got a bullet to the shoulder or leg. Shane lost his life and Rory is still unconscious. We're all covered in blood but Rory has the most blood on her. Not only was she covered in her own blood but Shane's as well.

Finn's POV

The guys and I were in the waiting room waiting for them to come. I contacted the family and told them what happened and they wouldn't be here for a few hours.

"What is taking so long?" Robert asks frustrated.

"They'll be here soon, stay calm." I say evenly. Even though on the inside I am anything but calm. I am dying to know what's going on with my wife and the others.

Moments later I see all the guys being wheeled in, in wheel chairs with blood on them. Then I see my beautiful wife on a gurney covered in blood. I felt tears escape down my cheeks and I ran to her and they pushed me back.

"That's my wife, let me through damn it!!." I yell angrily.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize." The doctor replies.

"Yo Finn come with me, Mare needs some test done and when she goes to her room I promise we'll all go and see her." Tristan tells me. Robert and Collin follow me as I follow Tristan and the others. They are all in the same room and were taking their shirts off.

"We're going to get some X-rays done to make sure there's no permanent damage." The doctor says. Austin went first to get X-rays done.

"Mate what happened?" I ask.

"We were on a mission and from the very start Rory knew something was wrong." Tristan says shaking his head.

Before he could ask another question the doctor walks in and whispers in Tristan's ear and he nods. The doctor leaves the room and Tristan grabs his phone and calls someone.

"Sir she's awake.".......

"Yes sir I will make sure no one tells her."..........

"See you soon sir." Tristan says and hangs up the phone.

"Is everything ok?" I ask concerned.

"Yeah Rory's awake and I had to notify the Captain. None of you can tell her about Shane." Tristan orders them.

"Why?" Robert asks.

"Shane made Rory his next of kin." I say coming to the realization that the Captain wanted to tell her himself.

"How did you know?" Tristan asks perplexed.

"She told me, the night you guys told the family." I say and he nods.

"I need to call James, he'll want to be here." Robert says and leaves the room.

Rory's POV

I wake up and my head is pounding.

"Ma'am you've been out for several hours, you have a concussion. We've also done some blood work." The doctor starts.

"What's wrong?" I ask scared.

"Ma'am your pregnant." He tells me.

"What? I haven't had sex in two and a half months." I say shocked.

"We want to do an ultra sound to check on the baby." He informs me and I nod. He wheels in a machine and inserts a probe. He turns a dial and I hear a whoosh whoosh whoosh.

"Is that the heartbeat?" I ask in awe. He turns the screen so I can see it.

"Yes ma'am it is, you are currently three months pregnant and your baby is perfectly healthy. Your due date is February 3rd. I will print some pictures for you, also your husband and the rest of your unit is here." He says and I nod.

A few hours later I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in." I say.

"Commander Morgan." He says.

"Hello Captain Evans." I say.

"You and your unit will be staying stateside for a year, most of them need surgery and rehab." He says.

"That's good, I have to tell you something." I say nervously.

"What is it my dear girl?" He asks concerned.

"I just found out I'm three months pregnant." I say.

"Congratulations, now I must tell you something else." He says sadly.

"What is it?" I ask concerned.

"Shane didn't make it, his body is being shipped. As you are his next of kin he left everything to you." He tells me.

"I know he told me before we left, I was the only family he had. I've known him since I was younger and he trained me before I joined the military, he was like an uncle to me." I say with tears.

"I know sweetheart, I was there when you guys trained I became close to you as well. If you need anything just call me. I'm always here." He says affectionally giving me a hug.

"Can you have my husband come in and twenty minutes later have the guys come in?" I ask him and he nods and makes his way to the door.

I put the pictures back in the drawer and start to cry. I can't believe that Shane is gone, we were family and now I must say goodbye and give him a proper burial. I wipe my tears away and rub my belly, there's a knock on the door.

"Come in" I say.

We are going to apologise in advanced some personal things have come up and updates will be even more sporadic due to unforeseen circumstances.

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