New teammate

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Rory's POV

James stands up from the couch. "I would be honored to be on your team." James says hugging me tightly.

"I'm happy your going to be with a bad ass team." Robert says hugging his brother.

"Congrats James." Finn says.

"Make sure you all come home safe." Colin says. We all nod.

"Let's start with the bedroom." I say and we make our way upstairs.

The guys put together the boxes and I took all the clothes out of the closet and laid them on the bed. I took them off the hangers and began to fold them. I kept some of his T-shirt's for myself. I told the guys if they wanted anything they could have it.

As I walk in the closet again I notice a box and slowly open it and gasp. I carried the box out. "Guys Shane got us something." I say tearfully.

"What do you mean?" Tristan asked coming into the closet.

I showed the guys the contents and there was gifts for all of us in this room and the elders. "Let's put this in a pile to bring home we should open it all together." I say and they nod in agreement.

I took the rest of the clothes out. Each of us had a box of stuff that we were taking home and we put the boxes against the wall with our names on the box. I read Shane's Will and I know what he wants. To donate anything I want and to give the guys certain things and to who.

After the clothes were out of the closet we moved to the drawers. The boxes that were full was put in one of the spare rooms  for now and stacked them up. I opened one drawer and found a cigar box and I opened it and a few tears escaped my eyes.

"What's that Love?" Finn asked curious.

"It's stuff that I gave Shane through the years. Can you put this in my box baby?" I asked him and he nodded and kissed me on the the cheek.

I began to empty all the drawers and found another cigar box. "Tristan this one is yours."I say tearfully.

It was a box of stuff Tristan gave him. He knew Tristan as long as I did and was a uncle to him as well. Tristan put it in his box.

"Ror you should sit down for a little bit we'll get you a snack and drink." Finn says concerned.

I crawled onto Shane's bed and Finn got me a snack and drink.

A few hours later we finished Shane's bedroom. We were going to come back with the rest of the family to finish the rest of the house.

We all headed back to the house with our boxes loaded into the back of my SUV. Finn drove so I could rest.

That night we had a quick dinner and went to bed.

We haven't been back to the house in two months.

Two weeks after I was released from the hospital we had a small ceremony for Shane. He wanted to be cremated and his ashes freed by the ocean. The reason why was he said is that he will always be around us.

It is now September and I am now twenty weeks pregnant. I have a appointment later today and everyone is headed to Shane's house. Right now I'm sitting in the kitchen eating a quick breakfast before my appointment.

As I'm eating I suddenly feel the baby move. "Oh my god." I say shocked and in awe.

"Baby what's wrong?" Finn asked concerned rushing to my side.

"Feel this." I say grabbing his hand and I put it on my stomach. I can see his face lit up when he felt the baby move.

"That's amazing love." He said in awe and leans down and kisses me.

"What's going on?" Tristan asked when all the guys came into the room.

"Finn felt the baby move." I say happily.

"Wow really?" Tristan asked in awe.

"Yeah here guys come feel." I say to them. Each one took turns to feel the baby move. They were all amazed and happy they could feel the baby.

"We'll meet you at the house after your appointment. Everyone will be there. It's ten thirty now so we'll order a ton of Chinese." Tristan says kissing my forehead.

"Mmmm Chinese I've been craving it." I say laughing.

"Hopefully the baby isn't shy and we will find out the sex. If we do well bring dessert." Finn says smiling.

We made it to our appointment quickly. It was the same as always weight urine test ultrasound etc. the only difference is now we know the sex of our baby.

It was now noon and we were on the way to the bakery that Finn called the moment we were in the car. They said it'll be ready in thirty minutes or less. We made it to the bakery and Finn ran inside to get the cake.

Moments later Finn came back and handed me the cake. "I'm so excited I know what I'm naming the baby." I said smirking at him.

"Really what is it?" He asked curiously.

"After the cake is cut and the gender is revealed I'll tell everyone." I say smiling at him.

"Alright love. I love you." He says leaning in to kiss me and then he pulls out of the parking spot.

"I love you to baby." I say affectionally.

We made it to the house quickly and Finn grabbed the cake and we all went into the living room to meet the others. Damn I could smell the Chinese and the baby was going nuts for it.

I grab Finn's hand as we enter the living room and place it on my belly. "The baby's excited." He says grinning.

"The baby's excited it smells the Chinese it's been craving." I say laughing.

We take a seat and I grab a container immediately and moan in satisfaction.

"So any news in the baby's gender?" Mom asked impatiently.

"Yes we will reveal gender and name after we eat." I say smiling widely.

"We got a cake to announce the gender." Finn says smiling.

We eat our food and talked about my appointment and how it went.

"Upstairs Shane has gifts for us all and tonight I thought we could all open it together." I say and they all nod in agreement.

After we were done eating I could tell everyone was getting antsy wanting to know the sex of the baby.

"Tristan and Austin can you get the paper plates and plastic ware and a knife to cut the cake." I asked them.

"Hurry your asses." Nathalie yells and we laugh.

"Yes mom." Tristan says snickering.

They rush to the kitchen to get the items cause they wanted to know soon as well. They came back quickly they hand Finn and I a knife and we begin to cut the cake.

What will it be? A girl? A boy? Will there be more than one baby?

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