Honor A Great Man

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Rory's POV

Two weeks later.

Tonight was the night of the event I was in the bedroom putting the final touches on when Finn walked in. "You look absolutely breathtaking." He says making his way to me.

"Thank you. You look handsome as well." I say softly and kiss him with all the love I have for him.

"Let's go get our precious little angels. Paris and Steph dressed them." Finn says and we link arms and walk downstairs.

Everyone was waiting at the bottom of the stairs for us. "Look at my little men." I say grabbing Finley.

Finn and I put the baby's in the car seats and headed out with everyone else. We arrived within twenty minutes and walked in to the main room.

"Follow me and we will put the car seats away." Grandpa Strobe said.

We walked to a room that was a den and took the babies out of their seats. We followed Grandpa Strobe out of the room to the main room.

The moment we walked in the woman crowded us. "Oh my god." My mom says smiling.

"So adorable." Grandma Francine says.

"Very handsome." Nathalie coos.

"What good looking little boys." Amelia says smiling widely.

"Well it's a big night they had to look their best." I say smiling.

Shane and Finley were wearing suits just like Finn. Their ties and vests matched my dress which was dark blue. They had bibs on that looked just like the suits.

"Let me hold my grand baby." Amelia says.

"Which one you want mum?" Finn smirks at his Mom.

"Don't ask that. I want any. Now give him up." She pouts at us and I hand Finley to her.

"Which one am I holding?" She asked.

"Look and you will see." I say with a smirk.

"Oh. I keep forgetting. Hi Finley." She says with a little giggle.

"Remember Finley looks more like Finn and Shane looks more like me." I say smiling as Finnegan takes Shane from Finn.

"Hi my little man." Finnegan coos at Shane.

We talked for a few more minutes and grabbed Finley and Shane back and started making rounds. We ran into Mitchum and Elias first.

"Rory Finn how are you?" Mitchum asked.

"We're good busy." Finn says.

"They are so precious. Can I hold one?" Elias asked and I handed him Shane.

"Which one do I have?" Elias asked.

"You have Shane he looks more like me." I say and Mitchum puts his arms out for Finley.

"Mitchum you have Finley my little mini me." Finn says laughing.

"He does look like you." Mitchum says softly and coos at the baby.

It was funny seeing Mitchum and Elias melt at the babies. "Their so adorable. I'm happy for you guys." Mitchum says handing me Finley.

"How's life going Mitchum? Is the divorce final?" I asked him.

"Yes it is. I've never been happier. I have a better relationship with Honor and Logan now." He says truly and sincerely happy.

"I'm so happy for you." I say smiling.

We talked for a few minutes and left to go feed the babies. I sat on the couch and started to feed them. Right as I finished there was a knock on the door. I fixed myself and Finn grabbed Shane and answered the door. Soon Finn walks back with Logan following him. I'm shocked we haven't heard or seen Logan in a while.

"Logan." I say.

"Rory I would like to speak to you and Finn." He asked hopeful.

"Sure." I say as Finn and I burp the babies.

"I wanted to apologize to the both of you for all that I've done. I hope one day we can be friends again." He says sincerely.

"Logan I've missed your friendship. We both have. We can work towards being friends again." Finn says and I nod.

"Now who do we have here?" Logan asked as he coos at the babies.

"I have Finn's mini me Finley Johnathon." I say smiling down at my baby.

"I have Rory's mini me. Shane Finnegan." Finn says smiling widely.

"I heard about Shane I'm so sorry Rory." Logan says sincerely.

"Thank you." I say with unshed tears.

"May I?" He asked gently and I handed him Finley. He held him rocking him and cooing at him.

"He's very handsome. He'll be smart like his mom. I'm happy for you guys." He says as he hands me the baby.

"I have something for you guys." Logan says handing me a package. I open it up and gasp.

"Finn look." I say with a few tears.

It was a picture of Finn and I at a LDB event and you could see huge smiles on our faces as we danced.

"I also have something for the babies. I had toy boxes made for each one. Now that I know their names I can have it put on and have it sent to you." He says with a smile.

"We won't be home for at least a month. Why don't we go to dinner?" I say and he agrees.

We all walk out toward the main room and soon Grandpa Strobe made it to the stage. "I would like my granddaughter and company to come up on stage." He says smiling my way.

We make our way to the stage and crowd around the elders. "Tonight this event will honor a very special man who had lost his life. My granddaughter saved him but he lost his life due to his injuries. This event will happen yearly. All donations will go to those who have served and are still in the military and their families. Now would you like to say a few words Rory?" He asked me his eyes glossy and I nod.

I have Shane in my arms and walk to the mic. "When Tristan and I were younger we lost a uncle who served our country. He is one of the reasons why we do what we do. Shane Mills is a man I have known since I was ten. He taught me to fight and many other things. We were on his team when we graduated. There came a point where he was injured and him and captain Evans choose me as his replacement. He is near and dear to all our hearts."I pause getting choked up.

In the background was pictures of all of us along with many others who has served. "When I found out he lost his life I also found out I was three months pregnant. My children will know of them and their memory will live on through us all. Thank you to all who have and will donate. Your kindness to those in uniform past present and future will know of your kindness." I say as a few tears shed. I make my way to Finn and he wipes my tears away and kisses me softly.

The crowd applauded and we left the stage. "Mare I need some Shane time." Tristan asked his eyes glossy. I handed him Shane as Austin went to Finn for Finley.

Finn pulled me close and kisses my forehead. It was an emotional night for us all. We loved Shane and he will forever be in our hearts. The event ended great it raised a lot of money and I couldn't be prouder.

We were meeting everyone tomorrow for brunch and the younger generation was going to have dinner with Logan.

We headed home when the event ended. We feed and changed the babies and got ready for bed. We fell asleep instantly with smiles on our faces.

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