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Rory's POV

The year's have passed and now here we are moving our kids into Yale. Shane and Finley are in their last year at Yale. Shane wants to be a seal just like us and after his namesake.

Finley wants to follow his father's footsteps and be in the hotel business. I am so proud of all my kids and also my nieces and nephews. We are all still close as ever. We still live around each other.

"Love." Finn calls out to me and pulls me close.

We're still madly in love with each other and can't keep our hands off each other. "Yes my love." I say kissing him softly.

"You ready to drop the kids off?" He asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I say.

We make it to Yale quickly and we're walking with the kids and I stop suddenly. "Mom what's wrong?" Elizabeth asked concerned.

"You know this is the spot I told your father that I was leaving school. That Tristan and I enlisted and we leave soon." I say smiling at the memory.

"It broke my heart and called your grandparents. They said tell her how you feel and we will do everything we can to keep you close to her. What she's doing is amazing." Finn says pulling me in close.

"Wow. Your love story is amazing." Shane says grinning widely.

"He's always been by my side supporting me here." I say smiling fondly at Finn.

Tristan pulls me into his arms and hugs me. "The day we enlisted we made a day out of it. Food shopping fun and knocking that recruiter on his butt." Tristan says laughing.

"What do you mean?" my son Andrew asked perplexed.

"He thought I couldn't do it. I beat Shane on the course. Then he realized who I was and knew I could do it. Never judge a book by its cover." I say with a smirk.

"Yes never under estimate aunt Rory or her team." Nick says with a laugh. Nick is James son and Finn and my godson.

"Never. I did and never will again." Colin says laughing.

"I think everyone underestimated Rory in college." Rosemary says smirking.

"Once you get to know her you never want to be on her bad side." Juliet says smiling.

We arranged for the kids to be together and in the same dorm area. They were very happy that they would be close. Shane and Finley have their own off campus apartment. Our kids asked if next year if we could buy them a house so they can all live together.

"Grandma." I hear Lorelei shriek. We looked and saw all of our parents here.

Our grandparents passed some years back but they lived a happy and a life full of love. "Mom come on let's go." Andrew said excitedly and grabbed my hand dragging me behind him.

We all laughed. "Remember I may be retired but I can still take you down." I said with a smirk and everyone laughed harder.

The movers were there when we got there and had already moved everything in. "I'm going to miss you mom." Andrew says pulling me into a tight hug.

"Remember honey I'm only a phone call away." I say and wipe the shed tear from his eye.

We hugged and said goodbye to the kids and we all went to our house to hang out. When we got home everyone got drinks. "A lot has happened over the years." Tristan says pulling Sarah closer.

"Yeah and it started with Rory and Tristan's dream." Mark says with a smile.

"None of us would be where we are now if it wasn't for them." James says happily.

"How so?" Colin asked.

"If it wasn't for Rory and her unit now also mine I wouldn't be here right now. I have a wonderful life wife and great kids." James says happily.

"Also we wouldn't be with any of you. If they didn't do that the only couples would be Finn and Rory also Colin and Steph." Austin says smiling.

"Imagine it all started when I was a dick to you. Thank god I changed." Logan says with a smile.

"You were a conceited ass." I say smirking at him.

"I know but because of my stupidity it led you to where you were meant to be." Logan says happily.

"It was and is destined for us to be together. We would've found our way together one way another." Finn says happily.

They lived a long life and fulfilled what Shane had wished for them. I smile widely. "What's with the smile Mare?" Tristan asked curiously.

"To the media room. I have a surprise for all." I say smirking.

No one knew what was the surprise only I knew. I thought it was a sweet gesture and it warmed my heart. We all sat down and I pressed play and Shane came on the screen.

"Shane." Tristan whispers.

'I guess you guys didn't expect this' Shane says laughing.

'I made this and had Rory never tell a soul until the day the last of your kids went to college. I want you all to know I'm so proud of you. I know you fulfilled my wish and lived life to the fullest. I also know how you are Rory. We both meant a lot to each other and I want to say thank you for naming your son after me. What you don't know is I made this dvd years before I passed. It was a just in case scenario. Now I have a surprise for Rory and Tristan.' He says and moves out of the way and uncle John comes on the screen.

"Uncle John." I say with tears.

'Hi my babies. I bet you didn't expect this one did you? I want you to know that I loved you both very much. You filled my life with so much love and gave me a wonderful niece and nephew. You have grown now. Married and with kids. I'm so proud of you guys. Just know I'm always watching out for you guys. I love you and if I'm gone you know I'll miss you.' He says and Shane comes back on.

'The Same thing goes for me. I'm watching over all of you. Thank you for being my family. Rory thank you for opening up your heart and let me in. It meant so much to me. You my angel saved me many times just by being you. Your special always remember that. Finn you better be taking care of our girl or I'll haunt you. I bet your wondering how I knew your together? You all met in high school and I knew that you were meant to be.' He says with a smirk and we all laugh.

'I love you all. Continue living your life to the fullest. Soon your kids will be married with kids. I must go now but remember you each had a part of my heart. I love you all even the ones I haven't met.' Shane says and the screen goes black.

Tristan and I are full out crying with all the ladies. The rest of the guys are teary eyed. Shane gave us both something that night he was able to have uncle John say goodbye to us along with him.

This is only the beginning. Our life will continue to thrive have happiness and love. Our life really started the night we enlisted.

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