What The?!?!

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Finn's POV

I walk towards the waiting room to all of our family. As soon as they see me they all jump up asking a million questions.

"Listen first is all of our parents than grandparents then the rest of you." I say and the parents follow me to Rory's room.

We walk in and a curtain is in the way to hide them. I stop before we see them.

"You guys ready?" I asked with a smirk.

"Yes." They all exclaim excitedly.

I slowly open the curtain and hear them gasp. "They do know you have two babies right?" Lorelei asked and we laughed.

"Mum you ok?" I asked mum.

"Please tell me I'm not dreaming." She says tearfully.

"No mum your not. I had twins." Rory tells her.

We make our way to Rory and the babies. "Their precious." Dad says.

"What are their names?" Chris asked.

"The one that looks more like me is Finley Johnathon and the one that looks more like Rory is Shane Finnegan." I say proudly.

We hand the babies to the moms. "Oh my god it's a little Finn." My mum says in awe. Rory and I laugh.

"That's what Rory said." I said to her.

"How come you didn't tell us?" Chris asked.

"We didn't find out until yesterday. We thought we would surprise you guys." I say.

"Can you get Marcus Nathalie and Janlan for me." Rory asked them when they left.

Rory's POV

Finn waited by the door and the next group came in and Finn opened the curtain.

"Oh my god." My mom Nathalie exclaims.

"Twins." Grandpa Janlan says smiling.

"Yes the surprise boy is named Finley Johnathon." I say smiling at them.

"You named him after my brother?" My Dad Marcus asked tearfully.

"Yes we wanted to honor two great men." Finn says smiling.

"You are such an amazing daughter." My Dad Marcus says giving me a hug.

"Here hold your grandson." I say handing my dad Marcus the baby.

"Who am I holding?" My mom Nathalie asked.  

"Shane." Finn says.

"Amazing." Grandpa Janlan says smiling.

They visited the babies for a little bit and next was the grandparents. Even though it was late none of them wanted to leave until they saw the new baby.

Finn was in the same position and waited for the next set as soon as he opened it grandma Emily shrieked.

"Please tell me I'm not going insane?" Grandpa Richard said in shock.

"Am I seeing things?" Grandpa Strobe asked rubbing his eyes.

"No we had twins." Finn says proudly.

"Oh my god." Grandma Francine says with joy.

"Who's who?" Grandpa Richard asked with tears.

"I have Shane Finnegan." I say.

"I have Finley Johnathon." Finn says smiling.

They spent time with the babies and held them. They left and got everyone else.

Finn sat next to me holding Finley. "Baby thank you so much." Finn says tearfully.

"Why are you thanking me for baby?" I asked confused.

"For giving me your love and these two precious babies." He said and I wiped his tears away.

A few minutes later there's a knock on the door. "Come in." We say together.

They walk in and stop dead in their tracks except for Tristan he sat beside me. "You ok guys?" Tristan asked with a smirk.

"Ok this might be a stupid question but they do know that you have two babies in here right?" Steph asked cautiously.

"Yes they know." Finn says smirking.

"Why isn't Tristan surprised?" Austin asked curiously.

"We told him so he could help get the other crib in place." I say smiling.

"How long have you known?" Robert asked.

"Since her last appointment." Finn says.

"Wow so only a few days." Colin says shocked.

"Now do you guys want to meet your nephews?" I asked them.

"Yes." They all say together.

"Ror who do you have?" Nate asked.

"The one I'm holding is Shane Finnegan. He also looks more like me." I say smiling looking at baby Shane.

"I'm holding Finley Johnathon. As Rory says he's my mini me." Finn says with a little laugh.

"Can I hold Shane?" Tristan asked.

I handed Tristan the baby and he began to coo at Shane.

"Is this the big bad navy seal melting at a baby?" Mark teased Tristan.

"Wait til you hold the baby you'll do it to." I say with a smirk. Finn handed Finley to Mark.

"Hi baby I'm your uncle Mark. Your so precious. I love you so much." He coos at the baby and we laughed.

"Now who's cooing to the baby." Tristan teased Mark back.

"Your right. He's so precious". Mark says with a smile and a tear escaped.

"I want the baby next." Colin exclaimed excitedly. I laugh

"Never thought I'd see the day Colin excited to hold a baby." I say and everyone laughs.

"What can I say I've changed. You helped me grow to be a better man." Colin says sincerely.

Tristan hands Colin the baby and he melts immediately.

After a few minutes Colin looks at me "Ummm Ror, Shane is trying to feed on me." Colin says with a small laugh and we laughed with him.

"You got two choices you can stay here while I breastfeed or go out and wait until I'm done." I say.

They all stayed and watched in awe. "They are so adorable." Steph says smiling at them.

After I stopped feeding them Nate and Austin asked if they could burp them. I handed the babies over to them and watched my brothers burp them.

A smile played on my lips. They are my family and we'll always be there for each other. I'm happy to have a family and unit like them.

I wish uncle John and Shane could've met them but they are watching over us. I shed a few tears at that thought.

"You ok Mare?" Tristan asked concerned.

"I'm fine just thinking I wish uncle John and Shane was here to meet them. I know that they will be watching over us." I say smiling and Tristan puts his arm around me and I lay my head on his chest.

"Yes they are." He says softly and I start to doze of with the thought of two brave men that will never be forgotten watching over us.

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