This Is Heaven

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Rory's POV

I woke up around seven am to feed the babies. I head to the nursery and see them move around. As I'm changing Finley Steph walks in and grabs Shane to change him for me. I feed them as Steph and I talk.

"I can't believe they are already a little over two weeks." Steph gushed.

She grabbed Shane and burped him for me as I burped Finley. "I know. Seems like yesterday I was surprising you all with the second baby." I said with a laugh.

"That was one hell of a shock." Steph says.

When we finished burping them we headed downstairs to cook breakfast for everyone. We grabbed their rockers and put them in it and it started rocking them as they slowly fell back asleep.

"Steph you want to cut up the fruit?" I asked her.

We were going to do a light breakfast since we were meeting everyone at eleven thirty for brunch. I figured homemade muffins and fruit for breakfast.

"Yeah sure. What are you making?" She asked as she was getting the items out of the fridge.

"I figure something light for breakfast. Muffins and fruit. We do have brunch today." I say with a smile.

I made blueberry and chocolate chip muffins. Everything was done by eight and now they were cooling. We made the big pot of coffee and had orange juice set out.

Right as we set everything out everyone came in. "Morning guys." I say to them.

"Morning." They all say.

Steph pours everyone coffee and I pour orange juice. "What is that smell?" Colin asked hungrily.

"Muffins." I say.

I placed the muffins on the table as Steph put the fruit down. Colin and Finn moved the babies next to the table in their seats.

"What time is brunch today?" Tristan asked.

"Eleven thirty." I say and take a bite of my muffin.

"These are really good." Colin says.

"Wait til you try some more of her food." Austin says with a smirk.

"How's Shane's house treating you?" Finn asked.

"It's good. We finally got the second crib and other things for Finley." Steph says.

"I still can't believe he hid all that time." Nate says shaking his head.

"That's what we thought." I say.

Before anyone else can say anything the babies woke up. I picked up Finley and held him. "Hey little man. Mommy's going to give you and your brother a bath after I eat." I say to him and he puts his fist in his mouth.

"I'll take that as a ok mommy." I say with a laugh.

I finish my muffin and just savor the feeling of my son snuggling up to me and smile. "Looks like someone's jealous." Tristan says pointing to Shane who's starting to get fussy.

Finn hands him to me and both baby's snuggle up on me. "Already mamas boys." Colin says snickering.

"Any girls that dates them will be in trouble." Mark says laughing.

"When they have girls it's going to be double trouble." Nate says snickering.

"I think Finn might buy a gun." Tristan says.

"Don't need to mate." Finn says with a smirk.

"Why is that?" Colin asked cautiously.

"Rory's got several." Finn says.

"You do?" Tristan asked shocked.

"Don't act shocked. We all have guns at the house." I say.

"I know but I didn't know you had several." Tristan says.

"They were Shane's guns. He left them to me." I say.

"Ahhh ok. He had a quite the collection." Austin says.

"Come on my little men. Lets bath you." I say carrying the babies upstairs and Finn follows me.

I go into the en suite bathroom and fill up their tub with warm water. I grab all the stuff I need and put it by the tub. I go back to my room and Finn hands me a naked Finley. "Here you go babe." He says and then picks up a still dressed Shane.

"You ready for your bath?" I ask.

I sit in my massive tub and have the baby bath between my legs and wash Finley. "Your enjoying that aren't you." I coo at him and he smiles.

After he's done I grab a towel and wrap it around Finley. I get out of the tub and empty the baby tub. I repeat this process with Shane as Finn dresses Finley.

When both are bathed and dressed we have the others watch them so we can get ready. "Who wants the munchkins?" I ask.

"I want one." Colin says excitedly and I hand him Shane. Tristan takes Finley.

Finn and I head upstairs and shower. After we shower we head into our room to get dressed. Finn pulls me close and kisses me passionately. "What was that for?" I asked with a smile.

"Just for being you." He says softly. I lean up and kiss him again.

"Wait til tonight." He growls in my ear.

"We can't I need the all clear." I say.

"Oh love there are other things I can do to you." He whispers seductively in my ear. I slowly put on my panties and I can hear him whimper.

We finish getting dressed and head downstairs. We walk into the living room and see Colin with the baby on his chest. I pull out my phone and take a picture. I smile at what I see. My friends who are family with my children sleeping on their chest. I couldn't be happier on how my life has turned out.

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