Being friends again

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Rory's POV

Finn and I woke up a few hours later. We went an grabbed Finley and Shane. We sat on the bed while I fed them I laid my back on Finn's chest and cuddled while the babies ate.

"This is the life." Finn says and I can hear the happiness in his voice.

"One day we'll be adding to our family." I say with a smile.

"Really?" He asked hopeful.

"Yes Finn. I want more babies with you. How many do you want?" I asked him.

"Four or five." He says.

"That can be done. A lot of practicing." I say looking at him and wink. He leaned down and kissed me.

The babies finished eating and we burped them. "I'm happy with my two boys." He says wrapping an arm around me.

"As am I. Shane would have been a great uncle to them." I say smiling at them as we placed them in their bassinets.

"Yeah he would have but he's watching over them. Over all of us." He says.

We head to the bathroom and shower. When done we got dressed and got ready for dinner tonight. After we were finished we dressed the boys. Finn repacked the diaper bag as I grabbed breast milk and put it in a cooler to keep cold for them. I gave it to Finn and he put it in the diaper bag. Usually I would just breast feed them but I don't know if the place we were going to has an area I can do that. After we meet everyone in the living room.

"Ready?" We asked them.

"Yes." They all say.

We now have three SUVs and we all headed into them. We make it to the restaurant within twenty minutes and we gave the name Morgan and we're seated right away. They brought over the car seat chairs so we can place the babies on them.

We arrived before Logan and we ordered our drinks. I was looking at Finley and he was watching me I gave him his pacifier and he greedily accepted. I know he's not hungry he ate an hour ago.

"How's my little man down there Ror?" Tristan asked.

"He's good. He just wanted his pacifier and mommy's hand." I say smiling.

"You guys excited for Australia?" Finn asked.

"I am. I can't wait to see the House your parents got us." I say.

"We're excited." Colin says smiling.

"Don't forget we'll join you the last few weeks." Ben said.

"We can never forget our family." Finn says smiling at him.

Moments later Logan came. "Hi guys." He says and walks to Finley and Shane.

"Hi little guys you being good for mommy and daddy?" He coos at them.

"The great Logan Huntzberger cooing at a baby? I can't believe it." Colin snickers.

"Colin I wouldn't be talking." I say smirking at him and everyone laughed.

Logan takes a seat and smiles at us. "How are you Logan?" Robert asked curiously.

"I'm good. I have a great job. I have a better relationship with my grandfather and Dad. Also the job I have I go overseas and interview soldiers. I can't believe that's what you guys do." Logan says shaking his head.

"What about your mom?" Colin asked.

"I don't talk to her anymore. Ever since she put her hands on Rory." Logan says in disgust.

"No wonder Shira tried to stop you and put her hands on you." Finn says shaking his head.

"How did going there change you?" Tristan asked curiously.

"You guys sacrifice your life to keep us safe. What you do is amazing. When did my mom put her hands on you?" He asked angry towards the end.

"Today when we went to brunch she was with some man. She grabbed my arm as I was holding the baby. She wouldn't let go. Finn told her to let go and she still wouldn't and just glared at me. Then my Grandpa Strobe came by told her to let me go. I left then he came back a few minutes later." I say.

"Her grandfather told Shira that if she touches her again she'll get a restraining order." Colin says.

"She blames Rory for her divorce. Also not having a relationship with her kids." Finn says.

"I can't believe her she's delusional." Logan says in disbelief.

"Your mother is certainly a piece of work." I say seriously.

"A gold digging whore. Who only cares about herself." Logan says with disdain lacing his voice.

"When will you guys be deployed again?" Logan adds.

"We have a few months before we check back in. After that who knows. We got a year off due to injuries and me being pregnant. Then we lost a team member and got a new one." I say.

"Who's the new member?" Logan asked curiously.

"It's my brother. Right James?" Robert asked.

"Yeah it's true. I'm a member of the team now." James says smiling at me.

Dinner went by great and Logan has definitely changed. It seems his new job has given new prospective on life. He said he wouldn't be taking over HPG for a few years. He said he wanted the freedom to write on his own not as Mitchum Huntzberger son. He loves his job and he seems a lot happier. He's truly happy for Finn and I. I'm glad he finally accepted us and we can work towards being friends again.

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