They're safe

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Robert's POV

I make it to the nurses station out of breath.

"I'm looking for my brother James Grimaldi?" I ask the nurse. She checks her screen.

"Yes sir he's in room 200. Down the hall to the left." The nurse says pointing the right way. I run down the hall and make my way to the room and I rush in.

"James" I say out of breath.

"Robert." He says back and hugs me.

"Are you ok?" I ask concerned.

"I'm fine nothing major a few scrapes and I'm dehydrated. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for that female soldier." He says in awe.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"She saved me. One of the hostiles shot at me and would've killed me, but she took the bullet to the chest." He says.

"I'll be back" I say panicking. I rush out and run to the waiting room with others and see Finn, Colin and the others.

"Mate what's wrong?" Finn says concerned.

" Rory was shot!" I say in panic looking at her team.

"What?" Colin and Finn exclaim in horror.

"Yeah, James said she took the bullet to the chest and that it was meant for him." I say with sadness.

"Dude calm down, yes she was shot but her vest took it." Austin says reassuring us.

" Oh thank god." Finn says relieved.

Rory's POV

I was given a clean bill of health bruised ribs and stitches to the side of the head. I make my way to the waiting room and run into Tristan.

"Hey Mare, how are you?" Tris asked.

"Clean bill of health only stitches and a few bruised ribs from the bullet to the vest. What about you?" I say.

"Same clean bill of health and stitches." Tris says wrapping his arms around my shoulder.

"We need to head to base after this to debrief." I say to him. He simply nods and we make our way to the waiting area. They immediately see us and Finn jumps up and twirls me around holding me tight.

"Babe I'm happy to see you too, but you got to let go my ribs hurt." I say breathlessly. He lets me down and kisses my forehead.

"Oh Rory." Robert says with sadness.

"Robert we're fine. You guys visit your brother, we need to go to base to debrief. We'll meet back at our house for tons of Chinese food." I say.

"Yes" They all say. I go to Finn and kiss him deeply.

"Love you baby. I'll call you on my way home. Make sure you order a lot of food there's a lot of us." I say laughing.

"I will, love you to baby." Finn says kissing me once more as we make it to the car.

Finn's  POV

Whew thank god they are alright.

"Let's go see James." I say putting my arm around Robert's shoulder. We make our way to the room and and visit James.

"Finally your back. You ran out before I could say that her vest took the bullet." James said laughing.

"Sorry." Robert said sheepishly.

"You probably gave them heart attacks, you knucklehead." James said pointing to Colin and I.

"That he did luckily our mate Austin clarified it for us." I say grinning.

"So Rory saved you man?" Colin asked.

"Yeah she did, she's such a badass and one hell of a woman." James says in awe.

"She's taken bro." Robert says laughing.

"Really? Who may I ask is the lovely lady taken by?" James asked curiously with a eyebrow raised.

"That would be me mate, she's my wife." I say happily.

"Your married to her? Why the hell didn't I know?" James asked shocked.

"They married in May almost three years ago in a small ceremony." Colin says. We talk for a while about how my wife came to be a Seal and how she got her team. We caught up on the things we missed. I offered for him to stay at our house for when his family came. He happily accepted. As we were talking Rory called and we all made our way home. The moment we got home we ordered tons of food and when they came home food arrived five minutes later. I set up the table and lay out all the food and we all sit down.

"How's James?" Rory asked Robert.

"He's good, he kind of yelled at me." Robert says sheepishly.

"What? Why?" Tristan asks curiously.

"He told me Rory got shot and I ran out of the room." Robert said embarrassed.

"Yeah Colin and Finn yelled 'what' and I had to tell them you took it in the vest." Austin says laughing.

"He also asked about your loveliness." Colin says winking at Rory.

"Me? What about me?" She asked curious.

"We informed him you were taken and he was disappointed, but pleased that Finn was your husband." Robert says laughing.

"How are you guys feeling?" I asked concerned.

"Tired." The guys say.

"Sore and tired." Rory says.

"Why are you sore Ror?" Colin asks worried.

"Bullet to the vest leaves one hell of a nasty bruise. I have bruised ribs also." She tells him. Their mouth drops open in shock.

"Don't forget we get a few days to recuperate then we find out when we get deployed." Nate says.

"I know." She says.

"Deployed?" Robert and Colin ask in unison confusion written on their faces.

"They'll be deployed for what six months?" I ask them.

"Sounds about right. We could come home sooner it all depends." Mark says. We finished eating and Rory went to the bedroom to shower. I stayed behind to clean up once I was finished I made my way to the bedroom. The moment I opened the door Rory was changing and her towel was off. She was standing there naked. I stood frozen looking at her naked body.

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