Move out

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I turn on the light and start to get dressed. 

"Love what's going on?"He asked groggily from sleep and I turn to look at him 

"I don't know, Robert called he's really upset. I told him to come over and we'll talk." I say. 

"I'll get dressed and make some coffee." He says worried about his friend. I nod and get dressed and I make my way to the kitchen when there's a knock at the door. I hurry to the door and swing it open. 

"Robert what's going on?" I ask him worriedly. He moves to the kitchen and grabs the coffee Finn hands him and sits down. 

"It's my brother." Robert said with unshed tears and his voice cracking. 

"What about him mate?" Finn asks concerned. 

"My family was just notified that him and his team is MIA and we just have to wait and they will contact us." Robert says his voice cracking with unshed tears and I look at Finn and nod. 

"James Grimaldi right?" I ask Robert seriously. 

"Yeah. Why?" Robert asked confused. I grab my phone and dial and leave the room the last thing they hear is, "Captain Evans it's Commander Morgan." I say to him. 

"Commander Morgan what can I do for you?" The Captain asks. 

"I need information on a man named James Grimaldi and his unit." I say. The Captain tells me what is going on and what will happen. 

"We'll be on base within the hour sir." I say to him. 

"Good I want my best team on this. Good luck Commander Morgan." The Captain says and we hang up. I make my way to Tristan's room and wake him up. 

"Tristan move it we have to go." I say urgently. 

"Ror what's wrong?" He asked concerned. 

"It's Roberts brother he's missing. We're going on a rescue mission." I say firmly and leave him to get dressed. I make my way to my room and call the other guys and change into my uniform and grab my gear and I make my way to the kitchen. 

"Love what's going on?" Finn asked concerned. 

" I can't discuss the details right now, but we're headed out and I don't know when I'll be back. Robert don't say a word to anyone not even your family ok?" I say to him. 

"I promise I won't." He says sincerely. Tristan and I head to the SUV and head to base.

Finn's POV

"Ok what just happened?" Robert says utterly confused. 

"Love just went to get your brother." I say smirking at him. 

"Seriously?" He says dumbstruck that she would drop everything to save his brother. 

"Seriously mate, she's good at her job, she'll bring him back." I say to Robert to reassure him. 

"You have one hell of a woman, you know that?" He asks me. 

"I sure do." I say smiling happily. 

"She won't get hurt will she?" He asked concerned. 

"Mate she's had a few scrapes but she always comes home safe don't worry ok?" I tell him to keep him calm. We know it's late but we call Colin over and when he gets here we just tell him how Roberts brother is MIA.

Rory's POV

We're all geared up and have been debriefed on the situation. We're ten minutes out from the drop off point. 

"Guys get your gear and get ready." I order them. We all grab our stuff and get ready to go, within minutes we are departing the aircraft and headed towards the captured soldiers. There's ten in all and we make our way around the building and each have our spots. We split in two groups one at the front and one at the rear. 

"Tristan let's do this." I say and we burst through the doors. We clear the first and second floor of hostiles. We make it to the third floor and hear more voices. 

"Guys watch your back." I tell them. The moment we stormed in a firefight broke out. 

"Tristan, Austin locate the hostages." I order them. The rest of the guys and I handle the hostiles and take them down. Before we can reach Austin and Tristan more hostiles enter. 

"Nate watch out" I say as he ducks and I take the hostile out. I get knocked down and hit my head, I get back up and we take them all down. 

"Where are you located Tristan? Have you found the hostages?" I ask him.

"Back room negative of hostages." He says and we make our way to them and regroup. 

"Commander your head." Austin says. 

"I'm fine let's find them, there's only one floor left." I say and we make our way up. Before we enter I see it's trapped. 

"Guys stop its trapped, Austin. You and I are going to make a roof top entrance. We have to get the rest of you up there after we enter. Ok?" I say and they nod. Austin and I make our way back downstairs and go to the roof access. I shimmy down and Austin is right behind me. We're both on the ledge and I look to see if it's trapped and it's not. 

"Austin you'll enter this window, I'll give you the go ahead when I say." I order him. 

"Yes ma'am" he says and I move to the other windows and see if it's trapped on the other side and it's not. 

"Austin now" I order him and we both jump through the windows. I go to the trap door and disarm it so the others can make it up. 

"Rory watch out." Austin exclaims

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