*Lila's P.O.V*
It's been two weeks since my birthday, and I was expecting my period. It's been regular so I wasn't expecting anything out of the ordinary. But when it wasn't coming for a couple days, I was getting scared.
"Justin?" I called from the bathroom.
"Yeah?" He yelled back.
"Can you come in here please?" I said, as I was still sitting on the toilet.
Justin walked in and immediately covered his eyes.
"Baby, you're on the toilet," he said, as he started chuckling.
"Oh shut up, it's nothing you haven't seen before," I laughed. He uncovered them and leaned against the door.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"I haven't gotten my period..." I mumbled, as I looked at my underwear to see if I missed any red spot.
"Is... Does that mean..." Justin's voice trailed off.
"I don't know... We need to get a test," I said, as I wiped, got up, pulled my shorts up and flushed the toilet.
"Baby, this would be so great!" He said, as he came up to me.
"I don't know, Justin," I said as I looked down.
"What?" His face immediately fell and he leaned against the wall. "Aren't you happy?"
"I'm scared," I admitted.
"I know... Me too, but it's gonna be okay, we have to have faith," he said, as he pulled me in.
"I just don't want it to happen again," I said.
"Baby, we know you've been under a lot of stress the last time. I feel like that's why it happened, that's not gonna happen this time," he said, smiling at me and pecking my forehead.
"You were just so broken, Justin. You got into so many bad habits, and I don't want you to get into that ever again," I said as a tear managed to slip out.
"No, Lila. It's not gonna happen again, of course I'm still broken, I think I'm always going to be, but you're okay, i'm okay, everything's going to be okay," he comforted me.
"Let's go get that test," I said.
**A Couple of Hours later**
"Is it ready yet?" Justin eagerly asked as he was pacing around the room.
"Baby, give it 20 more seconds," I said. I was so scared to look at the test. A part of me was hoping we were pregnant. We were getting married in a couple of months, everything was just as planned. But a part of me was hoping we weren't, so nothing bad could go wrong again.
We waited a couple of seconds longer and I went into the bathroom by myself.
"Hurry up, babe, I wanna know!" He said. I shook my head and closed the door.
I took a deep breath and picked it up.
Oh god...
I walked out of the bathroom, I was still shocked, I gave myself no time to react.
"What is it? What is it? What is it?" Justin jumped up and down. I handed him the test.
"What the fuck does this mean?" He said, as he turned it upside down, and tried looking for instructions.
"Justin... It's positive. I'm pregnant," I mumbled.
"FUCK YES!" Justin yelled, throwing the test up and having it fall on the ground.
"Justin! I peed on that! Pick it up!" I demanded. He quickly picked it up and gently set it on the counter as if it was treasury and it might break if he made any sudden movements.
"We're pregnant, baby!" He said as he picked me up and spun me around.
"I'm pregnant, Justin, I'm carrying it for 9 months," I laughed as I shook my head.
"Babe, you have to call Gigi, and Kendall, and Cara, you have to call your mom, oh my God, I have to call my mom, my dad, Zayn, Ryan, I have so many people to tell!" He exclaimed.
"Go baby, I'll call Gigi," I chuckled.
This is going to be an adventure...

I'm Glad You're With Me (JB INSTAGRAM STORY)
FanfictionIt all started with a follow on instagram, a like, a comment and a DM..