*Lila's P.O.V*
"Hey girl, it's 12:00 AM, what's going on, is everything okay?" Gigi's voice was groggy when she opened the door as I was standing on her front porch, baby on one hip, purse in the other, and a small suitcase.
I was contemplating whether or not to tell her everything right now, right here on the doorstep, but I figured she was tired, and probably didn't have the energy to listen to my problems and listen to the fact that my husband was being dramatic, simply because it was 12:00 AM and all she wanted to do was sleep right now.
"Is it okay if I stay here for a little while? I promise I'm not moving in, I-I just... I-"
"You don't have to explain, babe, it's okay. You're welcome to stay whenever you'd like," she says, her voice relaxing me in ways that I thought weren't possible right at this moment. I gave her a small smile and walked into her house, setting my suitcase near the door and making sure I didn't drop my baby while I was at it.
"Let me take Jenna, you need some rest, you seem tense," she says as she slowly picks up Jenna in her arms and gives her a small peck on her forehead.
"I was the one who came here and woke you up, I know how much Zayn hates losing sleep, I'm so sorry," I say as I rub my temples and sigh. I began to feel a tug at my throat and I knew I was about to start crying. I felt as though there was this huge weight on my shoulders and I didn't know how to let it go.
"Lila, it's okay! Don't worry, Zayn didn't even wake up, he's fine, he's sleeping. The guest room is all yours, make yourself at home, if you want to sleep with Jenna, that's okay, if you want Jenna to sleep with Zayn and I, that's also okay, she's welcome in our bed for cuddles any day!" Gigi smiled, rocking Jenna, and cooing her in the process.
I smiled at the sight of my best friend and my daughter, they were so cute. Gigi with babies is unexplainable. I know she deserves one, she'd be a great mom.
"You can take her, Gigi, I just want to be alone right now, I know Jenna's in good hands with you and Zayn," I smiled slightly and caressed Jenna's head, in which I earned a smile from her.
"I understand, go get yourself settled, don't worry about the suitcase. Tell me what happened in the morning, okay?"
I nodded my head and sighed, watching as Gigi walked up the stairs and into her bedroom, shutting the door behind her. I sighed and placed my hands on my hips.
What to do now...
*The Next Morning*
I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing on the dresser of Gigi's guest room, and I almost wanted to throw it across the room and never hear of it again, but I thought maybe it would be Justin apologizing for what he said to me last night since that is the least he could do.
But when I grabbed my phone and it was suddenly in front of my face, the contact name wasn't Justin. It was Neels.
Neels Visser: hey lila i hope u had fun yesterday! i missed hanging out w/ u
The more I looked at the message, the more guilt flooded through me. In that moment, I knew that maybe Justin wasn't all that wrong. Maybe he actually has a point. Which he did, since I knew how much Justin didn't like Neels, I shouldn't even be talking to him.
Lila Biebs: hey.. things happened last night i don't rlly wanna explain rn
I thought Neels would understand I just wanted to be left alone, but just like I expected, he texted back, almost immediately.
Neels Visser: r u ok? wya rn?
I groaned and sighed.
Lila Biebs: at Gigi's... listen, don't take this the wrong way but we gotta just chill on hanging out n talking... i'm sorry i'll explain soon enough ok?
I heard a knock at the door, and the smell of eggs and bacon immediately shot through my nose, making me smile.
"Breakfast is ready, my love," I heard Gigi's muffled voice from the other side of the door. I quickly got up and opened the door to reveal Gigi with a tray, and Jenna on her hip.
"Good morning," I say, as I let her in. She shut the door with her hip and set breakfast down on the bed and lay Jenna on the bed as well.
We both sat down and looked at each other for a brief moment before she cleared her throat as a sign for me to start talking about what had happened.
The same guilty feeling came across my stomach, making me think twice about telling her. But she was my best friend, she should know everything.
"I-I... I got into a fight with Justin last night," I sighed, looking down and playing with my fingers.
"Ah ah, instead of fidgeting with your hands, fidget with the fork and eat your breakfast. Get those nutrients," she smiles. "But what was the fight about?"
I chuckled and picked up the fork and placing a piece of bacon into my mouth.
"I went out with Neels for dinner, and I guess Paparazzi got pictures of Neels kissing my cheek, but I swear it was only once and it was friendly, but he had his arm around me and everything so I guess it looked otherwise..." I tried getting my explanation out as fast as I could. The more I explained and the more I thought about it and the more I would talk about it, the more I realized how wrong I was.
"So he thinks you're cheating on him," she shrugged.
"Basically," I said, a dull expression on Gigi's face.
"I'm not going to say that he's wrong for thinking that Lila, only because it's obvious Neels wants you," she says, as she also takes a bite out of a bacon strip.
"He doesn't want me, we're best friends, Gi,"
"Okay, in your perspective. But in his, it's probably different. If you weren't with Justin, he'd make a move," she says. I was going to say something but I immediately shut up. I knew that I was wrong and I was getting all kinds of proof.
"So Justin pulled up what I said when he told me he was going to reconcile with Hailey. About me not speaking to someone he doesn't feel comfortable with me speaking to out of respect for him, the man I love," I say, as I shove a piece of egg into my mouth.
Gigi nods and gives me a 'damn, you shouldn't of said that' kind of look.
"Yeah, you did say that. He brought up a good point," she chuckled nervously.
"I know! Who would've thought he'd be right?" I laughed and shook my head. My phone vibrated next to me, and Justin had texted me telling me to pick up Jenna's diapers.
"Why would you do that if you're not moving out? God, it was one fight and yeah you were wrong, but it's not like you're actually cheating on him," she shook her head as she spoke.
"He's coming to pick up Jenna," I say, rapidly texting because I was starting to get angry.
"Slow down there, Lila, when he comes, you need to talk to him, ma-"
"I don't want to talk to him. Gigi, please, when he comes, you give Jenna to him. please," I beg.
"Lila, you are 22 years old, you are not in high school anymore. I am not going to be your messenger!" Gigi scolded, making me flinch.
"Gigi, please!" I beg once more, making her scoff.
"Just this once,"

I'm Glad You're With Me (JB INSTAGRAM STORY)
FanfictionIt all started with a follow on instagram, a like, a comment and a DM..