*Justin's P.O.V*
I walked into my house finally with the door being unlocked, and I called out for Lila. But to have Gigi run down the stairs shushing me, making me furrow my brows.
"Where's Lila?" I asked, taking off my jacket and setting it down on the couch.
"She's out with Neels, you know, having a good time and all," she says, casually shrugging her shoulders. The fact that she was out with Neels made me raise my eyebrows.
"She's out with Neels?" I repeated. She nodded and smiled at me. I stayed looking at her with a straight face, and scoffed. "And you're just... you just thought it was a good idea?" I finished, bringing my lips into my mouth and shrugging sarcastically.
"She deserves to have some fun, Justin. You were being an asshole, just admit it," she says, heading towards the stairs again.
"I was being an asshole? It's a fucking scene in a movie! Why are you guys being so fucking dramatic about it?!" My voice was crossing the line and I knew it was, but Gigi only looked back and put a finger over her mouth.
"Your daughter is trying to sleep, Justin. You're being ridiculous, if you need to be intimate with someone, you should've asked Lila," she fought back, going back up the stairs.
"I didn't ask her for a reason," I snapped. She turned back around and tilted her head.
"You didn't want your wife to be a star in your movie about your life? Wow, you-"
"That's not what I meant, Gigi. If I had Lila be the one I'm hooking up with at the start of the movie, that would make no sense for what I have planned near the end, where I meet the love of my life, which is Lila. People are going to think that I married the first girl I slept with after Selena," I explained.
"Okay, so the girl you chose to hook up with you... Is that going to be the actual girl you hooked up with?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.
"No... You just don't understand," I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "None of you understand."
Gigi shrugged casually and walked up the stairs. I quickly ran behind her and grabbed a hold of her wrist.
"Why is she even out with Neels? What's so good about him anyway?" I asked.
"He's a nice person, Justin, he cares about her a lot," she responded, going into Lila and I's bedroom, and picking up Jenna, since I assumed it was time to feed her.
"I care about her, I'm her husband," I stated the obvious which made her roll her eyes.
"You're not acting too nice right now, are you?" she tilted her head, rocking Jenna in the process. I haven't held Jenna in what seems like a little, and I already missed her cuteness.
"Let me hold her," I said, waving my arm towards me, signalling Gigi to give her to me.
"You've done enough, Justin, I think you need to apologize to Lila before I can give you Jenna,"
That comment made anger shoot through me and I groaned.
"Gigi, seriously? This is my daughter you're holding, give her to me," my face turning red from all the frustration.
"Not when you're angry like that," she let out a fake chuckle, and sat down on the bed.

I'm Glad You're With Me (JB INSTAGRAM STORY)
FanficIt all started with a follow on instagram, a like, a comment and a DM..