Chapter 2: The Leaky Cauldron

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The next few days of their vacation in Paris were nothing but extraordinary. To Meg, it was mostly a blur. She was grateful that the Grangers didn't freak out about her past. However, deep down, she knew they wouldn't freak out too much because she and Hermione had been best friends for as long as she could remember.

Once their vacation had come to an end, Meg and Hermione both headed for The Leaky Cauldron in London. They had already purchased the supplies they needed for their third year at Hogwarts before their vacation. As soon as the two girls were settled in the wizard hotel, both of their parents headed back to the muggle world to continue with their regular lives. After a few lonely days at The Leaky Cauldron, Meg and Hermione finally got to see their two best friends. Ron had returned from his vacation to Egypt to visit his oldest brother, Bill, and Harry came from the Dursleys. As Meg and Hermione came downstairs from their hotel room, they ran into the Weasleys. Mrs. Weasley was the first to greet the two girls. "Meg, Hermione, so good to see you dears." She hugged the two girls. "How was Paris?" Meg answered first, "It was wonderful. How was Egypt?" Mrs. Weasley began to describe their trip to the two girls. "It was wonderful, dear!" She told the two girls about what they did in Egypt. After Mrs. Weasley finished her story about their vacation, Ron and Ginny then greeted Hermione and Meg. "Meg, Hermione," Ginny began. "How was Paris?" Hermione answered this time, "It was wonderful! We saw a bunch of amazing sites, and learned about different things! It was very informative and interesting!" Ginny replied, "That's great! I'm sure mum has told you everything about Egypt." Meg jumped in, "That's an understatement." It was Ron's turn to greet Hermione and Meg. "Hey, guys!" Meg replied to her friend, "Hey, Ron!" Without another word, Hermione's new cat, Crookshanks, came down the stairs chasing Ron's pet rat, Scabbers. As soon as Ron saw the two animals, he began to freak out. Both Hermione and Ron grabbed their pets. Ron was the first to make an assumption. "You had to keep that stupid cat didn't you!" Hermione retaliated, "At least I know how to take care of my pets." The two friends continued to argue about the matter until Harry came down the stairs to the room where the three friends were. Ron was the first to notice him. "Harry!" Meg and Hermione turned around. Harry greeted his three friends. Meg was the first. She hugged Harry bone-crushingly. Harry began to ask his friends about their summers. "How was y'all's summer?" Hermione and Meg told him about their experience in Paris, and Ron told him about his trip to Egypt.

As the three friends were getting ready to go to Platform 9 3/4, Arthur Weasley pulled Harry aside and told him about Sirius Black, an escapee from Azkaban. The four friends said their goodbyes and boarded the Hogwarts Express.

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