Chapter 29: The Room of Requirement

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The next few days were pretty interesting-Umbridge had kept a careful watch over the Fantastic Four and their collogues. As he was walking down the hall, Neville stumbled across a room that no one in the group had ever seen before. Once it had opened itself up to him, he immediately ran to get Meg, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and both the Weasley twins. As soon as all of them were in the room together, they began to take in the beautifulness of the room itself. Hermione was first, "You did it, Neville! You found the Room of Requirement!" "The what?" Ron questioned. Hermione continued, "It's also known as the Common Go Room. The Room of Requirement only appears when a person has real need of it, and it is always equipped for the seeker's needs." Ron then asked the question all of them were thinking, "So, let's say you really needed the toilet.." "Charming, Ronald, but yes, that is the general idea." Harry then said, "It's brilliant! It's as if Hogwarts is wanting us to fight back!"

That afternoon, everyone who had signed their name on the piece of parchment a couple days prior had gathered in the room for their first lesson. Harry and Meg had them all get in pairs so they both could demonstrate the disarming charm on a dummy. Neville was first to go. Once he said the charm, his wand flew backwards into the wall behind them. Harry took noticed and demonstrated the proper technique for that particular spell. Their next lesson pertained to disarming an opponent. Meg and Harry were standing on opposite sides of the room about 20 feet apart with the students standing on both sides of them watching. Harry began, "Stunning is one of the best spells you can have under your belt, so c'mon then, Meg! Hit me with your best shot!" Meg stared at Harry as he prepared himself for the attack. She hesitated for a few seconds. She wasn't completely sure how badly this would effect him considering she hadn't performed this charm in a while. Without wasting another minute, she pointed her wand at Harry and said the incantation: Stupefy, and without another word, Harry was flown backwards in a "stunned" state. Meg gasped and began to laugh to herself slightly. "Sorry, Harry, I don't know my own strength!" Harry, while laughing, stood up and called Ron and Hermione to try the spell. Everyone was getting on either side of the two opponents cheering them on. Ron taunted Hermione, of course. "Don't worry! I'll go easy on you." Hermione played along, "Thanks, Ronald." After a few seconds of silence, waiting, and bets, Hermione stunned Ron with the new spell. While walking to Fred and George Ron began to defend himself, and all the girls were laughing and surrounding Hermione in support of her. No one was surprised to see Hermione out master Ron. "I let her do that. It's good manners, isn't it? It was completely intentional." Once the lesson was finished for the day, everyone tried to leave the Room of Requirement unseen by anyone, especially Filch. However, that next morning, Umbridge made a decree that all student organizations that were not disbanded and the students that were involved in suspicious illicit activities were to submit to questioning. This didn't shock anyone in Dumbledore's Army, however, but it was still nerve-racking to see what she would do to the group as a whole.

After a while of interrogation, and going through the entire group, Umbridge called on both Meg and Harry at the same time to see if they would say anything about the organization. "Rumor has it, that you two started this group just to go behind my back and teach students defensive spells. Well, let me assure you, if these rumors are true, the consequences for these actions will be very severe." Without hesitation, Meg stood up, got right in front of Umbridge's face and said, "Try us. We'll see who will triumph in the end. Hit us with your best shot." Umbridge replied, "Oh I will make sure, Ms. McCown, that you will suffer greatly this year. You can count on that!" Meg didn't feel threatened by this in the slightest way possible. Harry sat in the background watching with interest. He knew Meg wouldn't put up with Umbridge's nonsense, but he was still fascinated on how she would handle her as a whole. That night, Harry and Meg called an extra meeting out of spite and taught more spells. Harry mentioned the spell, Levicorpus, which allowed a wizard to levitate an object and/or human with ease. He also taught Neville more how to perform the disarming charm he had been struggling with for so long. After a while, and leaving the students to practice on their own with observation, Harry made one of the most inspirational speeches he's made in a while. "Working hard is important, but there's something that matters even more, believing in yourself!" Meg continued the speech, "Think of it this way, every great wizard in history has started out as nothing more than what we are now, students. If they can do it, why not us!" With the speech taken in, the students' excitement and ambition was raised higher than before. To finish the lesson out with a bang, Neville successfully performed the disarming charm.

To close everything out, Harry addressed the students and congratulated them. "That's it for this lesson. Now, we won't be able to meet over the coming holidays, but try to practice as much as you can on your own and well done, everyone! Great work!" With those last words, Everyone broke off the circle and began to leave the Room of Requirement. As they were all leaving, Meg wandered to the mirror that hosted Cedric's picture, lesson plans, and the original Order of the Phoenix group picture. Once everyone left, Harry meandered his way over to talk to her. "Are you alright? I heard Umbridge gave you a rough time the other day." "Yeah, I'm ok. Either way, it's worth it. You really shouldn't have done it. All of this." "I know, but I have to admit, I wouldn't have done it if you hadn't been willing to do it with me." Meg laughed at his statement. "You really are a good teacher, Harry. They all love you." "Without you, I wouldn't be as great as I seem. You make me into this guy that is charismatic and funny and just amazing and bold." Meg smiled. She could tell he was about to say his feelings for her, but instead mistletoe was growing above both of them. "Mistletoe?" "It's probably full of Nargles though." "What the bloody hell are Nargles?" "No idea." Both of them laughed at the craziness of the ambiance. Harry leaned closer to Meg and she leaned closer to him. Harry wrapped his arms around her waist and closed the gap between them. Meg didn't stop him, however, she wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.

After a few minutes of passion, Harry bid his goodbye to Meg and left the Room of Requirement, however, Meg remained and began to sing to herself.

(Song: Midnight in Me from Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree)

It used to be so simple
It was a world I understood.
I didn't know what I didn't know and life seemed pretty good.
But now the darkness rises from somewhere deep inside of me.
His power overtakes me.
Can I keep this midnight from getting free?
If I can can stay with the light, I know I'll be free!
And I can start to behold, I can start to be me!
But instead I'm struggling with all that I see.
And these friends mustn't see the midnight in me!
The midnight in me!
They mustn't see the midnight in me...

After having the greatest kiss of his life, Harry headed back to the Gryffindor common room to tell Ron and Hermione what had happened. Ron asked first, "Well, how was it?" Harry responded, "Pretty good. I mean, she was sort of shaking as we did it." "That bad at it, are you?" Hermione jumped in, "I'm sure Harry's kissing was more than satisfactory. Meg spends half her time freaking out these days." Ron responded rathe quickly, "You'd think a bit of snogging would cheer her up." Hermione retaliated, "You don't understand how she must be feeling. Obviously, she's worried about keeping DA  a secret from Umbridge, conflicted about her feelings with both Draco and Harry, therefore guilty for kissing Harry behind Draco's back, she's confused about her usefulness in the Order, even though she has gotten no contact from any of the existing members, including Dumbledore, and she's worried about everything else in her life." After Hermione finished explaining the situation, both Harry and Ron's mouths were open rather wide in shock. Ron broke the silence, "If one person can feel all that, they'd explode." Hermione retaliated again, "Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon, doesn't mean we all have, you insensitive wart!" With that last comment all three of them laughed hysterically. However, as he went to bed that night, Harry couldn't stop thinking about the trauma Meg has gone through in the past several months. Winter break was around two weeks away, and he had no idea what was to come within those two weeks.

A/N: the purpose of the video is to show what Meg's other form is. She's slightly based on Nightmare Twilight from mlp

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