Chapter 16: A New Professor

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Today marked the first day of classes and the four friends were buzzing with excitement to see what classes were going to bring this year. Their first class of the day was Herbology with Professor Sprout. This wasn't their favorite class, but it was better than some of the classes they've had in the past three years. The lesson today was 'How to Collect Bubotuber Pus'; Meg, Harry, Ron, and Hermione weren't too excited about this lesson. It was more disgusting and disturbing than intelligence. Next class was Divination for Meg, Harry, and Ron, but for Hermione, she had Muggle Studies. After last year, she vouched to herself never take Divination ever again. Meg wanted to drop the subject as well, but she needed the credit, and better to get it over with now, then have to begrudge it till her seventh year. The lesson for Divination was just Professor Trelawney predicting ridiculous things for an hour straight. Meg, Harry, and Ron didn't pay much attention during that class. Draco was also in their class, and the whole time Professor Trelawney was talking, he just stared at Meg with longing eyes. Meg saw him out of the corner of her eye, but she didn't mind him at all. When she looked back at him across the room, he immediately looked the other direction out of embarrassment. Meg giggled at Draco. She knew she'd always loved him, and she knew that he felt the same way. However, she didn't know how to tell him how she really felt. Harry noticed the two lovebirds looking at each other, he was immediately annoyed and disgusted. He wanted Meg to be his, but he also didn't want her to feel pressured to choose between him and Draco. Instead of dwelling on the horrible subject for too much longer, he moved his gaze to the window behind Professor Trelawney. The four friends' last class before lunch was Care of Magical Creatures with Hagrid. This was by far and away the four friends' favorite class out of all of the classes at Hogwarts. The lesson Hagrid had planned for his students was learning about a creature called a Blast-Ended Skrewt. It's a hybrid cross of a Scorpion and a Lobster. Caring for one of these was nine to impossible to do properly. Draco also had this class with the four friends, and he decided to begin flirting with Meg again. As he walked passed her and her other three friends, he grazed his fingers through her light brown hair that reached the middle of her back. Meg turned her head to see Draco standing to her left. He stood proud and had a smile across his face. It was a genuine smile, not one of his not so friendly smirks.

Once Care of Magical Creatures ended, everyone headed to the Great Hall for lunch. Meg sat with her three Gryffindor friends at the Gryffindor friends. Once everyone was seated and began eating, Draco Malfoy came over to where the four friends were sitting and showed them an article written by the evil Retta Skeeter. The article consisted of Mr. Weasley helping the infamous Mad-Eye-Moody with a situation involving a muggle policeman. Instead of being courteous about Ron and his family matters, Draco immediately began to insult Ron and his whole family. "Look, Weasley, your dad is in the paper!" He then began to read the article. When Draco was finished, he showed Ron the picture that was published along with the article. "There's even a picture of both of your parents standing outside your house, if you can call it a house. Your mother could lose a little weight, don't you think?" Harry and Meg both stood up against Draco while Hermione was trying to comfort Ron. However, before Meg could say or do anything, Harry pushed her back to the table and stood up against Draco himself. Before either boy did anything, Draco looked at Meg with the 'I'm sorry' look. Meg shook her head, and Draco took that as a sign to walk away. By the time Draco made it back to the Slytherin Table, Harry sat back down and apologized to Meg for pushing her back against the table. Meg was quick to forgive him, but she was still shaking from the forceful push. Harry then said the same statement he's been saying since day one of this year. "Again, what do you see in that bastard?" Meg chose not to answer him this time. She knew Harry knew the answer to that question, so she decided to let him answer it for himself. Ron changed the subject to divert the awkward situation. "Malfoy will pay for this treachery later on this year." Meg didn't protest to his statement which surprised the trio.

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