Chapter 9: A Trip to Hogsmeade, Again

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A few weeks after the crazy Quidditch match, it was time to go to Hogsmeade again. Meg, Hermione, and Ron were looking forward to this trip. Harry on the other hand, did not. Every time a trip to Hogsmeade came up, Harry was always left behind at the castle. Alone. But not this time. Harry was determined to go with his friends to the magical village. Once the group of third years left for Hogsmeade, Harry grabbed his Invisibility Cloak and headed after the group. Before he could leave the courtyard, he was stopped by Fred and George. Harry began to protest, "Guys, let me go!" Fred and George retaliated, "Clever, Harry! But not clever enough. Besides, we have a better way." Harry kept protesting, "C'mon, guys! I'm trying to get to Hogsmeade!" "We know! Don't worry, we'll get you there. If you pipe down." Fred and George carried Harry to a back part of the courtyard where no one could see them. Once they removed Harry's cloak, Harry began to question things, "What are you doing?" Fred and George handed him a piece of parchment without a word. Harry retaliated, "What's this rubbish?" Fred and George replied, "What's this rubbish he says. That there is the secret to our success. It's a wrench given to you, believe me. But we decided your needs are greater than ours." Fred motioned to George, "George, if you will." George raised his wand and pointed to the piece of parchment and said, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." The parchment revealed a map of sorts. Harry read it, "Messers Mooney, Wormtail, Paddfoot, and Prongs gladly present the Mauraders Map?" George replied, "We owe them so much." Harry opened the map. "Wait a minute, this is Hogwarts!" Harry looked at the map closer. "And, no. Is that?" Fred replied, "Dumbledore pacing in his study. He's been doing that a lot recently." Harry questioned, "So this map shows.." Fred and George interrupted him, "Everyone. Where they are. What they're doing. Every minute. Of every day." "Brilliant! Where'd you get it?" Fred replied, "Nicked it from Filch's office of course. First year." George explained, "Now listen. There are seven secret passageways out of the castle. We recommend this one. The one-eyed witch passage. It leads directly into Honeydukes' cellar. Also, Harry, when you're done, don't forget to give the map a tap and say, "Mischief Managed" otherwise anyone can read it." With the Mauraders' Map in hand, Harry began to head to Hogsmeade using the secret passageways Fred and George told him about.

Meanwhile, Meg, Ron, and Hermione headed to Hogsmeade with the rest of the third years. Once the group arrived at the village, the trio began to decide what they wanted to do. Before they could discuss anything, someone came up behind Meg and began to stroke her hair. It was Draco. She greeted her friend, "Hey, Draco!" Draco smiled at her. He greeted her back, "Hey, Meg! What are you up to?" Meg replied, "We're trying to figure out what to do while we're here." Draco looked at her. This was his time to ask her to spend time with him. "Would you like to come hang out with me, instead?" Meg was awestruck. She looked back at Ron and Hermione. They were awestruck as well. She looked back at Draco and said, "Sure." Draco was shocked. He didn't think Meg would say yes to hanging out with him. He replied to her, "Great! C'mon then!" Meg followed Draco. Ron and Hermione were still shocked at what just happened. However, they knew Meg wouldn't let Draco do anything horrible to her. So, the two friends headed towards the Shrieking Shack. Hermione wanted to show Ron one of the better sites in Hogsmeade.

Meanwhile, Draco and Meg made their way through the village itself. Thankfully, Pansy wasn't there to ruin the fun. Meg figured she'd learned her lesson. Draco began to ask Meg some deep questions, "Be honest, Meg. Would you ever date me?" Meg looked at him. Of course she would. However, she wasn't ready for a relationship yet. Especially with Draco Malfoy. She replied, "Yes, but not yet. I don't think I'm ready to have a boyfriend yet." Draco didn't like her answer. He wanted her to say, "Yes I want to date you!" but, Draco had to respect her feelings. After all, he did succeed at getting her to be friends with him. They continued to walk through the village. Meg began to rub her hands together. She was becoming colder as the trio went on. Draco took notice of this and took her hands and held them in his warm hands. Meg looked up at him and thanked him. Draco smiled at her. He loved Meg with all of his heart. He wanted her to be his. Then, an idea struck in Draco's head. He suggested, "Could I show you one of the greatest sites there is to see in Hogsmeade?" Meg looked at him and said, "Of course. All though, I'm looking at one of the greatest sites right now." Draco blushed. The two friends headed towards the Shrieking Shack. During the previous trip to Hogsmeade, Draco had overheard Meg talk about how much she wanted to visit the Shrieking Shack. So, he decided to take her there.

As they arrived at the fence that overlooked the Shrieking Shack, Draco and Meg ran into Ron and Hermione. Hermione was talking to Ron. "It's supposedly the most haunted building in Britain. Did I mention that?" Ron replied to her, "Yes. Twice." Hermione asked him, "Do you want to move closer, to the Shrieking Shack?" Ron stuttered, "Oh, uh, actually, I'm fine right here." Before either of them could say their next thought, Draco came walking up behind the two love birds and said, "Well, well. Look who's here! You two shopping for your new dream home? Looks a bit grand for you doesn't it, Weaslbee? Doesn't your family sleep in one room?" Ron retaliated, "Shut your mouth, Malfoy!" Draco continued, "Oh not very friendly." He turned to Crabbe and Goyle, "Boys, I think it's time to show Weaslbee how to respect his superiors." Hermione jumped in, "I hope you don't mean yourself!" Draco didn't like that comment. "How dare you talk to me! You filthy little Muddblood!" Before Meg could stand up for her best friend, a snowball hit Draco in the face. Meg moved closer to Hermione and Ron. Draco asked, "Who's there?" Another snowball flew at his face. Sooner or later, a whole lot of snowballs flew at him, Crabbe, and Goyle. Then, mysterious things started to happen. Goyle's scarf began to twirl him around. Crabbe suddenly tripped over nothing. Then, Draco was being dragged by his feet by nothing. Hermione and Ron were laughing like crazy. Meg looked at Hermione, "This is funny to you?" Hermione replied while laughing, "Yes." Meg smiled. She had to admit it was kind of funny. The mysterious force finally let Draco go. He immediately got up and ran. Ron shouted at him, "Whats up, Malfoy? Lost your skies?" Draco ran back to the main part of the village. Meg didn't follow him. She stayed with Ron and Hermione. After Draco escaped, Harry revealed himself to his three friends. Ron said to him, "Bloody hell, Harry! That was not funny!!" But the three friends continued to laugh. The four friends walked back to the main area of the village. On the way, Harry asked Meg about what he saw in the Hospital Wing after the Quidditch match. "What the bloody hell were you and Malfoy doing in the Hospital Wing after the match?" Meg's eyes widened. She didn't think Harry would notice her and Draco cuddling in the Hospital Wing. She replied, "You saw that?" Harry nodded. Meg tried to explain herself. "He was just making sure I was okay. After all, I took care of him when his arm got dislocated. Besides, I don't mind if he wants to get closer to me. Also, for your information Harry, I don't appreciate you not giving him a chance!" Her three friends were surprised at her statement.

Once they had gotten to the main area of the village, they found themselves in front of The Three Broomsticks. Hermione was the first to speak up, "Look, There's Madame Rosmerta! Ron fancies her." The four friends laughed. Then, they saw the Minister of Magic himself, Cornelius Fudge and Professor McGonagall. The four friends watched the three adults head into the pub. Without another word, Harry put on his cloak and followed the three adults. Meg, Hermione, and Ron followed him, but they were denied access to the pub. One of the small heads that stood by the door and said to the three friends, "No underage wizards allowed in today! Shut the damn door!" Hermione observed, "So rude!" Ron added, "Thick heads." The trio watched through the window in the door. Meg, Ron, and Hermione, moved to a bench outside the pub.

A few minutes later, Harry came bursting out the door in his cloak and ran out of the village. Hermione, Meg, and Ron followed him. The four friends arrived in the same place they were before. Harry sat on a rock crying. He was still wearing his cloak. Meg slowly walked towards him. She knelt down beside him. Once she had pulled the cloak off of Harry, she asked him, "Harry, what happened?" He looked at her, "He was their friend, and he betrayed them. HE WAS THEIR FRIEND! I hope he finds me! Because when he does, I'm gonna be ready! When he does, I'm gonna kill him." Harry continued to sob. Meg embraced her friend.

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