Chapter 15: The Hogwarts Surprise

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The next morning, the four friends and the rest of the Weasley children headed to King's Cross Station. The Hogwarts Express was getting ready to leave when the kids came aboard. As the group went to their compartments on the train, the four friends passed Draco's compartment that contained his Slytherin, Pureblooded friends.  Draco was bragging about how his parents wanted to send him to Durmstrang Institute, a wizarding school in Northern Europe that teaches the dark arts. As the four friends passed the compartment, Draco looked up from his friends and made eye contact with Meg. Harry didn't like this, so he grabbed Meg and went to an empty compartment. Once the four friends went into the compartment, they began to discuss what they heard Draco talking about. Harry began the conversation, "So there are other wizarding schools other than Hogwarts?" Hermione answered him, "Of course, Harry! Beauxbatons is in France, and the Durmstrang Institute is in Northern Europe." Harry heeded Hermione's words, but his main focus was Meg. He knew Draco loved her, but he hoped Meg didn't feel the same way. However, deep down Harry knew that Meg loved Draco with all her heart. He couldn't understand why she felt that way about him considering what he has done to their group of friends in the past. After a few minutes, the lady came with the trolley of sweets. Harry and Ron got up almost immediately. Once the two boys were finished ordering what they wanted, Hermione read the front page of the Daily Prophet to her friends. "This is horrible! How could the Ministry not know who conjured the mark? Isn't there any security, or anything?" Ron answered her second question rather quickly, "Oh loads. That's why everyone is so crazy. It happened right under their noses." This didn't help Hermione very much, so she moved her next question to Harry. "It's hurting again isn't it, your scar." Harry didn't know how to answer this. His scar hadn't pained him since the World Cup, but he didn't know how to tell this to Hermione without her freaking out. Hermione broke the awkward silence, "You know who would want to know about this, Harry." Harry knew who she was talking about, but he didn't think he should send a letter while they were on the way to Hogwarts.

 After a few minutes of awkward silence, the four friends overheard Draco talking about an event that was supposed to take place at Hogwarts that year. They couldn't quite understand him through the compartment walls, but they could make out 'The Triwizard Tournament', whatever that was. Harry, Meg, and Hermione looked directly at Ron to explain. However, their expectations were set way too high. Since Ron's father worked at the Ministry of Magic, they thought he would talk about it with his family. Sadly, that was not the case. Ron spoke up, "I don't know what their talking about. My dad never said anything about The Triwizard Tournament." Harry, Meg, and Hermione looked at each other in confusion. they figured Mr. Weasley would mention that considering the Ministry would be buzzing about it. A few seconds later, Draco Malfoy and his colleagues came to their compartment. Draco had a huge smirk on his face as usual, and Crabbe and Goyle looked as menacing as ever. Draco looked at Meg first with pleading eyes. He  wanted her to be his, but he didn't know if she would respond the same way, so he glared at Harry to ease the tension a little bit. Draco had also figured out that Harry feels the same way to Meg as he does. Draco began the conversation, "So, have you four heard about what's going to happen at Hogwarts this year?" Harry immediately responded, "Not until we overheard your conversation about it a few seconds ago." Draco increased his glare; Harry did the same thing. Draco carried the conversation further, "I assume Weasley explained what that is to you three, then." He gestured to Harry, Meg, and Hermione. The four friends remained silent and looked at each other. Draco began to mock Ron, "So, I guess your father was too low on the important scale to know about the tournament happening this year at Hogwarts, Weasley." Ron began to get angry, so he immediately stood up and launched himself at Draco. Hermione took action and restrained Ron, Draco backed up in fear. Without another word, Draco left the four friends' compartment and returned to his own. Hermione sat Ron down and began to help him calm down, while Harry questioned Meg about her secret feelings for Draco. "Honestly, what do you see in that guy that makes you so attracted to him, and please don't say looks." Meg didn't quite know how to answer this question. She wanted to tell Harry the truth, but at the same time, not hurt his feelings. Meg motioned Hermione to make sure the compartment door was closed tightly so no one could hear their conversation. "Draco was a lot better when we were growing up compared to how he is now. The main reason he's acting this way is because of how he was raised as a child after I disappeared. Lucius has been teaching him that blood prejudice is the right path to follow. We all know that's not true, but that's what he was taught. When we were growing up, he really was a sweetheart. He cared about me, he was my first friend, you could say we were childhood sweethearts, he called me 'Little Lottie'." Hermione smiled at her best friend, Harry was confused, and Ron wasn't paying that much attention. Harry apologized to Meg and sank into his seat.

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