Chapter 3: The Unexpected Happening

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As the four friends boarded the Hogwarts Express, Ron was questioning Harry about what his father told him on the platform. While the four friends were trying to find an empty compartment on the train, they ran into none other than Draco Malfoy and his gang. His eyes went straight to Meg. "Well, well. Look what we have here. The vulnerable Ravenclaw and her brave Gryffindor followers." Meg retaliated almost immediately, "Sod off, Malfoy and let us through!" Draco smirked, "Why don't you come sit with me. We can talk about whatever you want." Meg looked back at her friends. Was Draco Malfoy actually offering her to sit with him in a train compartment? She knew this wasn't happening. He was going to trick her into doing something she knew she didn't want to do. Just like last year in the Astronomy Tower. Meg turned back to Draco; he stoked her cheek. Meg answers him, "Fine, Malfoy. I'll join you in your compartment." The trio's jaws dropped. Draco smirked, "Alright." Meg followed him to his compartment. Harry, Ron, and Hermione couldn't believe what just happened. They didn't think their best friend would be so gullible. Especially when it came to Malfoy. "I can't believe Meg accepted Malloy's invitation," Hermione stated. "He's gotta be up to something." Harry responded, "I agree. She's not this stupid."

Once Meg, Draco, and his entourage entered their compartment, Crabbe and Goyle sat on the opposite side of Draco and Meg. Draco wrapped his arm around Meg and began to talk to her. "So, Meg, are you staying Slytherin Quidditch trainer?" Meg looked at him. She was surprised on two things. One, Draco has never said her first name, and second, he actually cared about her staying the trainer for the Slytherin Quidditch team?? She responded, "Seriously? That's why you asked me to join you in your compartment? Just so you could ask me if I was remaining the trainer for Slytherin Quidditch?" Draco laughed. "Are you going to answer the question or not, McCown?" Meg smirked, "I might as well. Knowing you, and what you did to me last year, it's probably best if I just stay where I am." Draco was pleased with her answer. He knew one of the reasons he loved Meg was because of her humor. "My next question is, why don't you like me?" Meg didn't know how to respond to this. Deep down, she knew she liked Draco, but she didn't know how her friends would respond to her feelings for him. She had remembered the good times she had with him when they were kids, but she didn't know if he would treat her the same way now they were at school together, and the fact that he's Harry's arch nemesis. She answered him, "I never said I didn't like you. Sometimes you can be kind of an ass to me and my friends." Draco didn't really like that answer. He knew it was the truth, but he didn't like the way she said it. He replied to her, "Fair enough. However, could we possibly be on a first-name basis from now on?" The one request I she would actually agree to with Draco Malfoy was this one. "Sure." Draco smiled and hugged her.

A few hours into the trip, unusual things began to happen. The train began to slow down and the light started to flicker. "Why are we stopping? We can't be there yet," Meg pointed out. After she finished her statement, the lights shut off completely. Crabbe broke the silence, "Something's moving out there." The train came to a sudden halt. Draco stood up and said to Meg, "Switch places with me." Meg was now shifting by the window, and Draco was by the door. He wanted to protect the girl he loves. Without another word, a dark shadowy figure appeared by the door to the compartment where Meg and Draco were. It opened the door and came into the compartment. As soon as it saw Meg, it opened its mouth and began to suck her soul out of her body. Draco began to freak out. The love of his life was about to be murdered by a dementor. He stood between Meg and the daunting creature, he pointed his wand and said, "Expecto Patronum!" A flash came out of the end of his wand and the dementor was gone. Meg passed out, the train started again and the lights came back on.

Once Meg had come out of her coma, she opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was Draco's face above her, and Crabbe and Goyle beside her. She started to question everything, "What happened to me?" Draco ran his hand through the top of her head to calm her down. "You passed out," Goyle told her. He handed her a piece of chocolate and said, "Here. This'll help." Meg took the chocolate and asked, "What was that thing?" Draco answered her, "It was a dementor. A guard from Azkaban was looking for Sirius Black on the train." Meg was confused she didn't have any idea who Sirius Black was. As the train continued to Hogwarts, Draco cradled Meg in his arms. He wanted her to feel safe. Meg didn't mind Draco embracing her in his arms. For the first time in her life, for a long time at least, she felt safe in Draco Malfoy's arms. Several feelings were going through her head. Did she really start to have feelings for Draco Malfoy?

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