Chapter 31: The Beginning of the End

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After Christmas break ended and everyone returned to Hogwarts, Meg and Draco's plan of attack was about to begin. Draco set out for Umbridge's office to join the Inquisitorial Squad, however, unbeknownst to him, it wouldn't go the way he nor Meg had planned for it. Umbridge greeted Draco at the door of her office, "Ah, Draco, I had been wondering when you would come to my office. What do I owe the pleasure?" Draco didn't like the words he was about to say, but he wanted the plan to work. "Actually, Professor, I'd like to join the Inquisitorial Squad." Umbridge was taken back. "Really?! Then I take it you have broken up with that pathetic excuse of a witch and girlfriend of yours?" Draco's blood pressure rose, but he didn't show it. "Yes." Umbridge was even more shocked. "Even after a year of loving her with all your heart and soul, you still leave her?" Draco knew exactly what she was doing-she was trying to get him to spill the plan out word for word, but he kept his cool. "Let's just say, she's very high maintenance." Umbridge laughed, for she had seen what Draco was talking about. "Well, in that case, let me bestow you the badge of the Inquisitorial Squad." She went to her desk and grabbed a badge that looked very similar to the Prefect badges, but it was more distinguished. She clipped it to his Slytherin robe, however, as soon as it was on his robe, he felt a wave of evil pass through his veins and all throughout his body. His eyes became focused on one direction and his face had only one emotion. Umbridge then started giving him commands. "Over the next few days, you are to hook up with Pansy Parkinson in the back corner of the library where Megara McCown is able to find you. Once she finds you with her, she will be so distraught that she will flee the school, and Harry Potter will leave with her, and my legacy will endure." Upon hearing this, Draco nodded and left for his dormitory.

The next few days were rather interesting. Meg and Draco's original plan was to ignore each other as if they were broken up, but they would meet in secret to further plan out the future of their plans. However, the opposite was occurring. Draco was definitely ignoring Meg, but he was doing it in the worst way possible. One night, Meg, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were in the library studying for their next test, when Hermione asked Meg, "Hey, where's the book you found three years ago that had all sorts of info about dark magic, that may help for the next meeting." Meg knew what she was talking about and headed to the back corner of the library close to the restricted section. As she approached the shelves, she grabbed the book, but was hearing moaning and talking. "Oh, Draco, you're so naughty." Meg was appalled; she followed the voices and discovered Pansy on top of Draco's lap making out with him. She almost screamed, but she kept her cool. "Draco, what the hell are you doing?!" Draco stood up and let Pansy fall into the chair and walked towards Meg cornering her into one of the book shelves. Backed into one of the shelves, Meg got a good look at Draco's eyes. They normally looked loving and soft when he looked at her, however, this time, they were menacing and dangerous. This was Meg's first clue that something was wrong. Pansy also didn't look normal, her smirks were more menacing and evil than before. Pansy urged Draco to do stuff to Meg. "C'mon, Draco, let's hex her!" Draco smirked, "Not yet, we'll just make sure she won't speak about this encounter to anyone." Meg wasn't much shorter than Draco, he was 5'11 and she was 5'7, so she wasn't very intimidated by him usually, but this time, she was boarder line terrified. He held his wand to her stomach as to hex her, but he just said to her threateningly, "Speak about this to anyone, and I'll hex you so hard, you wouldn't dare look at me in the future." Meg nodded and her eyes began to tear up. He let her go, and as she walked back to her friends she began to cry. This wasn't the Draco she knew and fell in love with. Something was going on, but she didn't know what. Once she was out of sight, Pansy said to Draco, "Tears already? At least save some for when the real stuff comes." Draco laughed at her comment and headed out the back entrance to his dorm. Meg wanted to tell Harry, Ron, and Hermione what she had just witnessed, but she knew if she did, both Harry and Ron would murder Draco in a heartbeat. That night, she wrote to Hermione a note about what happened, but she told her not to act just yet.

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