Chapter 25: Another Story

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It was a few months into the summer and Meg was still not over Cedric's death. She hadn't felt the need to tell her parents what she had experienced the previous year because she didn't want them to freak out. She had also kept up with her promise to Draco and wrote to him almost every week. He had been somewhat helpful, but his news on what the Daily Prophet was saying about her, Harry, and Dumbledore troubled her tremendously. She had kept up with writing to Harry, even though he lived three blocks from her. He wasn't very helpful either, but she knew he was going through the same grief process she was going through, but he was trying to keep up with the news. She told him the same information that Draco told her, but he didn't believe it considering the source.

One day, Meg decided to take a walk to the nearby park to get her mind straight. However, she didn't know what was about to hit her once she got to the park. Once she reached the park, she sat on a swing and stared off into space. Little did she know who she would be running into at the same park; it was none other than Dudley Dursley and his entourage of skanks. Meg took notice and greeted him. She may have hated him based off the information Harry has told her in the past, she still wanted to be civil. "Hey, Big D. Beat up another ten-year-old?" Dudley didn't recognize her at first, but still spoke to her. "This one deserved it." As he moved closer, Meg retaliated his remark. "Five against one? Very brave." Dudley didn't take kind to this remark, "You're one to talk. Aren't you one of Potter's stupid friends?" Meg didn't answer the question; she gave him the glare of disgust instead. Dudley continued, "You are one of his friends. He talks about you a lot and his stupid, dead boyfriend, Cedric." Meg was becoming angrier by the second, but Dudley was enjoying the torment he was giving her. However, Meg got fed up with the mocking and pulled out her wand and pointed it under his chin. Dudley's friends laughed, but Dudley didn't. He knew what she could do with that wand. Before Meg could make a move, Hermione broke up the scene and urged Meg to come with her. As they were walking away, Dudley still had the look of terror in his eyes, and Meg put her wand in her pocket and talked to Hermione. "I wasn't going to do anything too serious to him. Just show him his place." Hermione rolled her eyes and kept walking. Meg then addressed the elephant in the room. "What are we doing?" Hermione wanted to tell her everything, but she had taken an oath with Dumbledore to not spill all the tea to Meg. "I want to tell you everything that is about to happen, but I can't. I can only show you." Meg was still confused, but trusted her best friend. Once the two girls arrived back at Hermione's house, they walked in the door only to find a group of older wizards standing around eating food. Meg's confusion was at an all time high at this point. "Professor Moody, Professor Lupin, what are you all doing here?" Moody was the first to respond, "Taking you with us, of course." Meg didn't think she could get anymore confused than she already was, but that wasn't the case. Meg turned to Hermione to give her a look of confusion and fear. Hermione took this as a sign to explain a bit more. "They aren't going to hurt you, Meg. They're only taking you somewhere for a certain reason." Meg then responded sarcastically and somewhat fearfully, "You don't think I know that??" Hermione snickered at her friend and reassured her that it was ok. The group of wizards escorted both Hermione and Meg outside to fly them to a place. Meg then spoke again, "Can someone please explain to me what the hell is going on?" A tall girl with purple hair answered her, "Don't worry, Megara, we'll explain everything when we get back to headquarters." Meg didn't really like her response, but dealt with it anyway. Before anyone could explain further, Moody took the chance to prevent any further discussion. "Not here, Nymphadora!" The girl responded, "Don't call me Nymphadora!" Meg didn't really know what was going on, but se got on the same broom as Professor Lupin, and Hermione got on a broom with the girl named Nymphadora.

As soon as the group arrived at their destination, Meg's confusion died down a little bit, but was still not completely gone. What she saw before her was an apartment complex, but no ordinary apartment complex. This apartment complex moved after Moody said a code of some sort. Once the apartment they were looking for had appeared, he ushered Meg and Hermione inside. After they had arrived inside the apartment, Meg was greeted by Mrs. Weasley. "Oh Meg, so good to see you! Good to see you as well, Hermione." She then looked at Hermione, "Ron and Ginny are upstairs if you'd like to join them." Meg took this moment to act and said, "No, she's coming with me to wherever I'm going." Mrs. Weasley didn't argue with Meg; she had a feeling Meg would respond this way to what was happening. So, Mrs. Weasley led the two girls and the rest of the wizard party into what looked like the kitchen to Meg. As soon as Mrs. Weasley walked to the side of the door and Meg walked through the door, she immediately saw Professor Snape, Professor Dumbledore, Mr. Weasley, and Sirius Black sitting at a table looking at her as she walked through the door. At this point, Meg knew EXACTLY what was about to happen. She took this opportunity to run, but was stopped. Moody and Lupin both had to drag her to a seat at the table. The other men stood up out of respect, but Snape gave Sirius a glace of "I told you so." He knew Meg very well and had predicted this reaction to come out of her. Meg reluctantly sat down and so did the others. Hermione sat next to her to make sure she didn't get up, and both Moody and Lupin were guarding the door to really make sure she didn't run.

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