Chapter 26: A New Year

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That next morning, the group headed to Platform 9 3/4 in King's Cross Station. Upon arriving to the train, both Harry and Meg stopped dead cold in their tracks. What they saw before them was unspeakable. Both Harry and Meg were still staring off into space when Draco came from behind and tapped Meg's shoulder. Meg jumped, of course, but was still relieved to see her lover. She embraced him, and returned the hug. To Harry's dismay, he joined Hermione and Ron in their compartment still in a fit of confusion on what he saw. He knew Meg saw the same thing he did, but he didn't want to bring it up just in case. Meanwhile, Draco took Meg to a different compartment for just the two of them and began to catch up. Draco began, "I hate to ask, but what were you and Potter staring at a few seconds ago?" Meg didn't know how to answer him. She herself wasn't sure about what she saw. "I'm not sure. For a moment I saw..." Her voice trailed off once she realized who she saw. Draco knew EXACTLY who she was talking about. "Voldemort." Once he said the name, Meg nodded her head and began to shake more. Draco didn't take it any further and embraced her. He then began to talk about what he thought was going on. "You saw him again, over the summer, didn't you?" Meg nodded again and began to tear up in fear. She knew he would know...somehow. During the whole journey to Hogwarts, Draco held Meg close to him and just held her. Meg didn't mind this, of course, now that they were officially dating, they could do whatever and not feel ashamed.

During the summer, Draco, Meg, Hermione, and Ron were all made prefects for their houses. Meg didn't really know what to think. She knew she had amazing grades, but she didn't think she was prefect worthy. Once everyone arrived at Hogwarts, rode the carriages to the castle, and got settled and sorted, Dumbledore began his famous speech. "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I'm sure you are all ready to immerse yourselves in this lovely feast, but first, a few reminders. First off, I'd like to welcome our temporary Care of Magical Creatures teacher, Professor Grumbly Plank. She will be substituting for Professor Hagrid as he is on temporary leave. We'd also like to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge. I'm sure you will all join me in wishing the professor good luck..." Before Dumbledore could finish his speech, Umbridge stood up and cleared her throat as to speak. As she moved to the front of the Great Hall, Meg noticed that she was a very stout woman who had the face of a toad, very bright pink dress, and a VERY high ego. These assumptions proved right as soon as Umbridge opened her wide, ugly mouth. "Thank you, Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see your bright, shiny faces smiling up at me. I'm sure we will be very good friends." Meg thought to herself as well as the Weasley twins in the most sarcastic way possible, "That's likely." Umbridge continued, "The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school, progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what can be preserved, perfect what can be perfected, and prune practices that ought to be prohibited." The room clapped, but it was out of awkwardness and somewhat fear.

Once the feast ended, Meg had caught up to Draco and began to talk to him about what they just witnessed. "Do I want to know who and why that bitch is here?" Draco laughed at her question, "She's here because Fudge is fearful of what is to come this year." Meg was still confused. "Why her of all people?" "She's the only one Fudge wants to trust in these times. According to father, Fudge thinks Dumbledore is going to use you and Harry to come after his job." Meg was quick to respond, "That's insane! No one in their right mind would..." "EXACTLY the point! Fudge isn't in his right mind. He's been twisted and warped by fear every day." Meg knew the Ministry was corrupted, but she didn't think it would be this bad. Draco and Meg ended the conversation where it was and said their goodbyes and went to their dorms. Meg ended up catching up with Luna at the entrance to the Ravenclaw dorm. She greeted Luna and then proceeded with the password. The painting asked her, "Which cake first, the Phoenix, the flame, or the ashes?" Meg was quick to answer, "The flames, but technically it doesn't have a start or end. It's a continuous cycle." The painting let the two girls into the dorm, but once they were in, everyone gave Meg a glare of disappointment. Meg glances around the room and they were all holding a copy of the Daily Prophet that said, "Megara McCown and Harry Potter, are they plotting something?" Meg greeted a couple of her friends. "Cho, James, good holiday?" Cho answered first, "Fine. Better than James' I believe." James then stood up and protested, "Mum almost didn't let me come back this year." Meg was ultra confused, "Why not?" He answered her quickly, "Let me see, uhh...because of you! The Daily Prophet has been saying a lot of things about you, Meg, and about Harry and Dumbledore as well." "And your mum believes them?" "Well, no one was there the night Cedric died, and..." "Well, then you should read the Prophet like your stupid mother, it'll tell you everything you need to know!" "Don't you dare talk about my mother like that!" "I WILL UNDERGO ANYONE WHO CALLS ME OR HARRY A LIAR!" Luna then jumped in attempting to stop the mess, "What's going on?" James responded quickly and agitated, "SHE'S MAD IS WHAT'S GOING ON! You really believe all the rubbish that's come out about You-Know-Who?" Luna responded firmly, "Yeah, I do! Anyone else got a problem with Meg?" Silence fell across the room. Everyone was in utter shock. With the last words spoken, Meg and Luna both headed upstairs, however, Meg was still agitated. Luna broke the silence between them, "You alright?" "I'm fine." "James was just barking back there. He doesn't know anything..." "I SAID I'M FINE, LUNA!" Luna was taken back at Meg's attitude. She left in silence and Meg sat on her bed and took off the extra garments of her uniform. However, once she sat down, she got the same feeling she had at the Weasley's, except worse. This time, the force watching her decided to communicate with her. "Christine," it whispered. Meg shook again as she did before. She still didn't know what this mysterious force was, but she had no intent on talking about it with anyone. Anyone except one person.

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