Chapter 23: The Third Task

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As soon as everyone got back to the castle grounds, everyone was still congratulating Harry on his triumph in the second task. A few seconds into walking back to the castle, Mr. Crouch came up to Harry and walked him away from the group to talk to him. Before he could get too far away, Hermione yelled to Harry, "Meet you at Hagrid's when you're done, Harry!" Meg had planned to go with her friends, of course, but Draco wasn't having it. He pulled her aside and began to converse with her intently. "Why don't you come back with me? We could have some more of that fun we had two nights ago," he said as he winked at her. Meg laughed and said, "I need to spend some time with my friends, but I'll see you later. Plus, I may or may not sit with you for the third task." As she said her last sentence, she winked at him and began to wrap her arms around his waist. Draco looked down at her with the most sexiest smirk he's ever given her and said, "Alright. Have fun," and tilted his head down and kissed her. Of course she returned the kiss passionately, but once done, he headed back to his dorm and she went to catch up with Ron and Hermione. 

Several minutes later, Harry eventually caught up with Meg, Ron, Hermione, and Hagrid as they were walking back to the castle. Hagrid began the conversation, "I remember when I first met you all. Biggest bunch of misfits I'd ever seen." Ron responded, "We're still a bunch of misfits." Hagrid continued, "That may be true, but Harry is the youngest Triwizard Champion in history." After Hagrid said his last sentence, he, Ron, and Hermione were all singing the Hogwarts Hymn, and Harry and Meg were walking further away and came across Mr. Crouch's body. Neither of them knew how to react to the scene, but they kept moving. 

A few days later, the third task to the Triwizard Tournament had finally come. The Fantastic Four, in particular, were very excited about this because that means that this whole thing would be over. However, they would soon see that that was not the case. Once everyone had gotten in their seats in the Quidditch Pitch, they all began to cheer for the four champions. Meg sat with Draco, and Ron and Hermione sat with the other Gryffindors to cheer on Harry. One by one the four champions stepped into the pitch and the crowd cheered louder as each champion walked in. A few moments later, Dumbledore got in front of the crowd to get their attention. Once he had it, he began his famous speech. "Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze; only he knows its exact position. Now as Mr. Diggory and Mr. Potter.." As soon as he said the two names, everyone stood up and screamed. Dumbledore continued, "tied for first place, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum and Ms. Delacour. The first to touch the cup will be the winner." After he finished his speech, he gathered the four champions in a circle to give them a heads up. Meanwhile, Meg was getting closer and closer to Draco due to her anxiety. Draco took this as an opportunity to wrap his right arm around her and reassure her that Harry would survive this task. Once Dumbledore finished with the champions, the canon shot off and Harry and Cedric entered the maze, and then were followed by Viktor and Fleur. After all four entered the maze, the crowd died down and Meg clung close to Draco for the juration of the task. 

After a few hours had passed, Fleur suddenly appeared out of the maze. For once this time, Meg didn't get up to help her; soon after her, came Viktor. Meg was beginning to get suspicious, however, little did she know what was about to take place in the maze. Not long after Fleur and Viktor returned from the maze, Meg got this weird feeling inside her and all of a sudden, she could see Harry and Cedric. She didn't know what had happened, but she was moving closer to Harry. She tried to speak to them, but she couldn't for some reason. Suddenly, she saw Harry clench his head and fall to the ground, she didn't know how to react, but Cedric was ahead of her. He pointed his wand at the mysterious figure, who turned out to be Wormtail from last year, in the building behind them and asked what they wanted. Out of nowhere, a small, disgusting voice said, "Kill the spare." Without another word, Wormtail said the killing curse and Cedric flew backwards and was dead on the spot. Both Harry and Meg screamed, but Harry couldn't hear Meg, but Draco and the others could. Wormtail immediately came towards Harry and hung him on the grave that was sitting behind him. Meg looked close at the grave and the names that were on it were, Thomas Riddle, Merope Riddle, and Tom Riddle. The years were hard to see, but Meg got the gist. Meg tried to release Harry from the grave, but it was no use; she couldn't touch him. She was just an observer that no one could see. Out of nowhere, Wormtail began this ceremony. He threw what looked to Meg like a deformed fetus of a person into a cauldron that was lit with fire. He began to speak in a very conspicuous tone. "The bone of the father unwillingly given..." He dropped the bone into the cauldron and continued. "The flesh of the servant willingly sacrificed..." With that he cut off his right hand and dropped it in the cauldron. Meg was so disgusted by this process that she was very close to throwing up. Wormtail added the final ingredient to the weirdest concoction that anyone could ever make. He walked to Harry, who was screaming the entire time, and tore his sleeve and said, "The blood of the enemy forcibly taken." He took a sample of Harry's blood and dripped it into the cauldron while saying the final words of the ceremony. "The dark lord shall rise again." At this point, both Harry and Meg were screaming bloody murder and the deformed fetus began to transform. Before long, the fetus had turned into the spitting image of Lord Voldemort. Meg couldn't believe her eyes, here was the man that took everything she loved away from her eight years prior. Unfortunately, she couldn't do anything about it, but if she could, she would've ended the war before it ever began. 

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