Chapter 5: Hippogriffs and Humiliations

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After Potions, their next class was Divination. As the four friends headed to their next class, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Meg began to discuss the events of their coming year at Hogwarts. Harry started first, "I can't wait for the first Quidditch match of the year. Gryffindor versus Slytherin!" Meg chimed in, "Yeah! The one Quidditch match of the year that I actually look forward to." It was Hermione's turn to mention something. "This is year we get to go to Hogsmeade!" Everyone got excited for that. Meg couldn't wait for that day to come. She had read so much about Hogsmeade. The place she wanted to see most was the Shrieking Shack. She had read so much about it. As the friends got closer to Divination, Hermione remembered something, "I actually have Ancient Runes next. I'll meet you guys later for Care of Magical Creatures." Harry, Ron, and Meg said their goodbyes to Hermione and headed to Divination. When they entered the door to the classroom, the trio smelled the aromas of the room. There were strong smells of incense all throughout the room. The three of them headed for an empty table towards the middle of the row. Everyone else headed to tables all around the trio. Malfoy and his gang headed to the table right behind Harry, Ron, and Meg. All three of them were annoyed by this. Especially Meg.

Once the bell rang for class to start, the professor came to greet her class. She began by introducing herself. "Hello, everyone. I am Professor Trelawney, and together we shall cast ourselves into the future." She began to make her way around the classroom and talk to other students. Then, out of nowhere someone appeared right beside Meg. It was Hermione. "What a load of rubbish," she stated about Trelawney's teachings. Ron was shocked to see her. "Where did you come from?" Hermione answered him, "Me? I've been here this whole time." Meg laughed at her two friends. Professor Trelawney continued, "You need to broaden your minds. You need to look beyond the mortal world. This term we will be studying the art of reading tea leaves. So take the cup from the person opposite you." She turned to Neville this time, "My dear boy, is your grandmother well?" Neville answered her nervously, "I think so." She asked for Neville's cup. "Oh dear. Pity." Neville grabbed his cup from Dean and freaked out. She then came to where Harry, Ron, Meg, and Hermione were sitting. She looked at Ron, "Oh. Dear boy, are you in the beyond? I think you are." Ron was nervous and felt awkward. So, he said, "Sure." Trelawney continued, "Read the cup." Ron began to describe Harry's cup. "Harry's got what looks like to be a wonky cross, that's trials and suffering. And that there could be the sun, and that's happiness. So, you're gonna suffer, but you're gonna be happy about it." Professor then took the cup from Ron and looked at it. After she took the cup, she jumped. Everyone began to worry. She looked at Harry, "My dear, you have, the Grim." Harry looked confused. One of the students began describing what the Grim was. "Taking form of a giant spectral dog, it's one of the darkest omens of our world. An omen, of death." Professor Trelawney dismisses everyone to their next class.

As the four friends headed to Hagrid's place for Care of Magical Creatures, they began to discuss what just happened. Ron started, "You don't think that Grim thing has to do with Sirius Black do you?" Hermione answered him, "Oh honestly, Ron. Divination is a wooly discipline. Now, Ancient Runes. That's a fascinating subject." Ron interrupted her, "Ancient Runes? Exactly, how many classes are you taking this term?" Hermione retaliated, "A fair few." Ron got suspicious, "Hang on. That's not possible. Ancient Runes is at the same time as Divination. You'd have to be in two classes at once." Hermione laughed, "Honestly, Ron, how can anyone be in two classes at once?" She began to make fun of Professor Trelawney, "Broaden your minds. Use your inner eye to see the future."

They had arrived at Hagrid's place for class. Once they got there, he began class. "That's it come on. Little closer. Less talkin' if you don't mind. Now, I've got a treat for you today. A great lesson. Follow me." Everyone followed Hagrid into the Forbidden Forest to a fenced area. He told his class, "Alright you lot. Form a small group over there, and open your books to page 49." Of course Malfoy had to be the smart ass that he is and ask, "Exactly how do we do that?" Hagrid retaliated, "Just stroke the spine, of course." Meg and her friends past Malfoy. She mocked him, "God, get with program, Draco! Gah!" She winked at him. He smirked at her. He knew he loved her for her humor. Not long down the line was Neville struggling with the book. He opened it without stoking it and it freaked out on him. Malfoy had to get in on this. "Don't be such a wimp, Longbottom."

The small group gathered where Hagrid said to. Meg, Hermione, Harry, and Ron all set there books together on a rock. Hermione observed the books, "I think they're funny." Malfoy jumped in, "Oh yea, terribly funny. Really witty. God, this place has gone to the dogs. Wait til my father hears that Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes." Crabbe laughed at this remark, but Harry stood up for his friend. "Shut up, Malfoy!" Draco smirked. He gave Crabbe his book bag and walked towards Harry. He pointed to the blue, empty sky and shouted, "Dementor! Dementor!" Everyone turned and looked. Malfoy and his skanks began to laugh and mock Harry. Meg didn't take this lightly. She deliberately walked towards Harry and pulled him away from Malfoy. She looked back and glared at Draco. What she hated most about him was the fact that he can be an ass when he didn't need to be.

Hagrid finally began the lesson. He showed the group a beautiful creature. Everyone was amazed. Hagrid introduced the creature, "Isn't he beautiful? Say hello to Buckbeak!" Ron asked, "Hagrid, what exactly is that?" Hagrid describes Buckbeak, "That, Ron, is called a Hippogriff. They are very proud creatures. Very easily offended. You do not want to insult a Hippogriff. It just may be the last thing you'll ever do." Everyone's eyes widened. Hagrid continued, "Now, Who'd like to come and say hello?" Everyone stepped back. Everyone except Harry. Hagrid took notice of this, "Well done, Harry. Well done!" Harry looked back at his friends. Ron urged him to go to Hagrid. Hagrid began giving Harry instructions, "Now, you've got to let him make the first move. It's only polite. Step up, give him a nice bow. Then, you wait and see if he bows back. If he does, you can go and touch him. If not, well we'll get to that later." Harry began to get very nervous. He walked up to Buckbeak and bowed. Buckbeak didn't go for it at first. Everyone gasped. Hermione grabbed Ron's hand, and Meg grabbed Draco's. Meg and Draco looked at each other. Draco smirked. Meg was embarrassed, so she let go. Buckbeak then bowed to Harry. So, Harry walked closer to Buckbeak and touched him. Everyone applauded. Then, Hagrid took things a step further. He grabbed Harry and put him on Buckbeak's back and Buckbeak took off. Everyone ran to watch. A few seconds later, Harry was flying over the Black Lake. He enjoyed it. Everyone applauded. Except for Draco of course. He looked at Meg. She was excited for her best friend. Draco thought, if she was impressed with Harry flying Buckbeak, maybe she would be impressed with him. As soon as Buckbeak came back to Hagrid, Draco got up and went for his turn with the Hippogriff. He walked up to Buckbeak just like Harry. He went through the motions, and Buckbeak let Draco touch him. But then, Draco made a huge mistake. He said to Buckbeak, "You're not dangerous at all, are you? You great, ugly brute." With that comment, Buckbeak jumped at stroke Draco. Everyone either ran in fear, or stayed to watch the horrific scene. Draco tried to protect himself but it didn't work. Buckbeak hit Draco to the ground. Hagrid intervened and stood between Draco and Buckbeak. He threw a treat so Buckbeak would chase it and bent down to Draco. Draco was screaming, "Ah! It's killed me! It's killed me!" Hagrid said, "Calm down! It's just a scratch!" Meg walked to the two of them and shouted, "Hagrid! He has to be taken to the hospital!" Hagrid agreed, "I'm the teacher I'll do it." He picked up Malfoy and walked him to the hospital. He dismissed everyone to their next class. Everyone began to start rumors. Meg owned up to this. It was her turn to stand up for her friend. "Alright everyone, calm down! I think we can all agree that this was Malfoy's fault. Not Hagrid's, not Buckbeak's, but Malfoy's. So, I don't want any crappy rumors going around about this alright?  I'm looking at you, Parkinson! The injury was just a scrape and a dislocation of his elbow. He'll be fine in a few weeks. Now, get to lunch." Everyone did as she said. Meg then headed up to the Hospital Wing to check on Draco. He may hav been rude to her and her friends, but deep down, she still cared about him. Plus, she was going to have to be the one to help him recover for Quidditch.

Once she arrived at the Hospital Wing, she went straight to Madame Pomfrey and asked, "How is he?" Madame Pomfrey spoke calmly, "He'll live. Thankfully, it was just a gash and a dislocated elbow." Meg was relieved. Madame Pomfrey continued, "He'll be out from Quidditch for three weeks in order for his arm to completely heal." She noticed Meg looking at Draco with a worried expression. She told her, "I'll leave you two alone." Meg walked to Draco's bed and began to stoke his hair. He grinned at her. It wasn't a smirk. It was that friendly grin. Her heart began to flutter. She asked him, "How are you feeling?" He answered her, "Eh. I could be better. My arm hurts but, I'm okay." Meg smiled at him. She really did care about Draco. Even though he is an ass. She's seen who he really is. A true sweetheart. She stayed with him till Madame Pomfrey let him out of the Hospital Wing. They walked down to lunch together. She held his good hand. At his touch, she felt different. She knew that she felt safe, but at the same time, her whole body couldn't contain the excitement. Once they entered the Great Hall, they split up to go to different tables. Meg sat with her friends, and Draco sat with his.

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