Chapter 35: Loved Ones and Leaving

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As soon as the group returned to Hogwarts, Meg saw Draco sitting in the courtyard with his head down. As of that afternoon, Lucius Malfoy and several other death eaters were arrested and sent to Azkaban to await trial for their crimes. Hermione looked at Meg and said, "Go get him." Meg did as she was told and walked towards Draco. Once she approached him, she immediately started to kiss him. With tears streaming down his face, he embraced her and deepened the kiss. Once they broke off, he started to ask her questions. "What happened to you? Where did you go?" "The Department of Mysteries, and I was held against my will to convince Harry to give up the prophecy that talked about us." "Let me guess, my father was involved somehow." "He's the one that held me against my will to threaten Harry." Draco's eyes began to tear up even more. "I just can't believe he's gone. Now, there's going to be a price not only on your head, but mine as well by Voldemort." Meg embraced him tightly. "There is nothing we can't get through together." Draco broke the hug to show her the destroyed Inquisitorial Squad badge. "You destroyed it?" "Actually, Blaise destroyed it. He explained everything to me and Pansy about what had happened." He began to cry more. "I'm sorry, Meg. I didn't think it would've come to that. I believed whole heartedly that the plan would work, but it just blew up in our faces." Meg shushed him and embraced him again. "It's okay. None of this was your fault. Neither of us expected her to take it that far, but everything is okay now. We're back together, that's all that matters." They both began to cry a little harder than before and embraced each other tightly. Then, Meg suggested something crazy. "What if you came and stayed with me and my parents for a few weeks to get your mind off of everything that has happened." Draco nodded and hugged her again. "I have to go pack. I'll meet you at the train." 

Once she got back to her dormitory and started to pack, Luna began to speak to her. "The feast s about to start." "Thanks, Luna, but I'm not very hungry." "Yeah, I'm not hungry either." "You go on, have some pudding. I'll catch up." After Luna left, Fawkes came in and dropped a summons from Dumbledore. Once she got outside his office, she met up with Harry. They greeted each other, and thanked each other. "Thanks for saving me back there." "I couldn't watch you die. I couldn't live with that guilt forever. Besides, I'm sure there will be more chances for us to save each others lives in the future." They both laughed and headed up into Dumbledore's office. He sat them down and began the conversation. "I know how you both feel." Harry protested, "No you don't. It's my fault." "No, the fault is mine. I knew it was a matter of time before Voldemort made the connection between you two and him. I thought by distancing myself, as I had done all year, he'd be less tempted, and you two would be more protected." Harry and Meg exchanged looks and Harry continued. "The prophecy said one cannot live while the other two survive. Meaning, one of us is going to die in the end." Dumbledore responded, "Yes." Harry continued, "Why didn't you tell us?" "For the same reason you tried to save Sirius. The same reason your friends saved you. After all these years, after all you've suffered, I didn't want to cause you two more pain. I care too much about you two." Dumbledore dismissed Harry and Meg to go down to the feast. Neither one of them could process the information they just heard. "I can't sit back and watch you suffer the same way I will suffer, Meg. It's not fair," Harry protested. Meg responded, "Harry, do you remember what I said to you at the end of the summer?" Harry shook his head. Meg continued, "I have a feeling that Voldemort will put a bigger target on me these next few years due to the events of this year. I don't know what that will entail, but what I do know is that I will let you know what is happening as much as I can. I'm afraid this year will be the last year for a long time that we will have a civilized conversation." Harry didn't like this news. He embraced Meg tightly and whispered to her, "I love you 3,000." Meg's eyes began to tear up, "I love you too." "Be safe. I'll always think about you." "Just remember, Harry, I'll always be with you." 

Once the feast was over, everyone headed towards the train to go back to Platform 9 3/4. Draco had saved a compartment for Meg and him to be in for the journey. As the train began to take off, Pansy came to their compartment to talk. "Meg, I just want to apologize for the way I have treated you, not only this year, but in years past. I guess I let my jealousy get the better of me, and I'm sorry. I have to admit to you, the morning after Draco and I had sex, we were both disgusted with ourselves. Me more so than him. I hope we can blossom somewhat of a friendship in the near future." Meg smiled at Pansy. "Pansy, all is forgiven. Don't worry." She stood up to hug Pansy, and Pansy made her way out of their compartment. Draco and Meg remained in each other's arms the whole journey. Once the train arrived at King's Cross, Narcissa Malfoy greeted both Meg and Draco. "Mrs. Malfoy, would it be okay if Draco came home with me over the summer holidays for a few weeks, just to get his mind off of things?" Narcissa nodded her head and hugged both of them. "I will write to you when to come back to the manor for the trial for your father." Narcissa hugged Meg again and said, "Thank you, Christine." Meg smiled and led Draco towards the exit. Hermione caught up with them and asked Meg, "He's staying with you for a few weeks?" "Yeah, just to get his mind off of the trauma that was this year." Hermione nodded and met up with her parents. Meg and Draco rode with Hermione's parents back to the house, since Meg and Hermione lived next door to each other. This summer would soon prove to be the most eventful summer they would have yet. 

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