Chapter 22: The Second Task

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The next morning, Meg had awakened to a completely different environment. She was not in her own dorm, she wasn't wearing clothes, and she couldn't remember what had happened the night before. As she sat up, she noticed some minor bruises on her body in the most random places. Once she had a grip of her environment, she realized she was in the arms of a guy. She looked up to see who the mysterious person was and then it hit her like a bus. She had slept with Draco the previous night. Draco, however, had not woken up yet, so Meg didn't move a whole lot. When Draco had finally woken up, they acknowledged each other. "Good morning," Draco spoke first. Meg then replied, "Good morning!" She immediately sat up out of his arms and said, "We stayed out all night." Once the two had come to grips with that information, they started laughing. After a few seconds of silence, the two lovers discussed the previous night. Draco was the first to speak, "So, how was that for you?" Meg didn't know how to put it into words. She had an amazing time and the love making was glorious! What she didn't quite like was the lack of telling him these things in real life. She tried her best, "Amazing. I had forgotten how gentle and passionate you can be." Draco didn't know how to respond to this without being creepy and weird. He, of course, felt the same way about last night, but he didn't want it to come across as strange. Meg got out of the bed to head to the shower, and as she was walking to the bathroom, Draco looked at her intently and he said to himself. "Damn." However, Meg had heard his comment and turned around only to say, "Shut up!" She grinned and he walked over to kiss her and touch her the same as he did the previous night. 

After about an hour of cleaning herself up from the previous night, Meg walked out of the dorm into the Slytherin common room to get some coffee, and standing in the middle of the room was Pansy Parkinson with the worst glare a person to give to anyone. Meg saw her, but she just kept moving as if she wasn't there. Pansy didn't approve of this at all, so she followed Meg around the common room until Meg finally told her off. "What the bloody hell do you want, bitch?" Pansy was appalled, but she went on anyway. "I know what you and Draco did last night after the Yule Ball." Meg wasn't surprised by this information, but it still bugged her that Pansy couldn't leave her and Draco alone in their relationship. Meg then proceeded to go off on Pansy more so than before. "Why the fuck do you care??? Who the fuck gave you the right to follow me and Draco around in order to make our lives a living hell??? For the love of everything, LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE!!!" After her tangent, Meg was breathing heavily and  her face was as red as a cherry, and Pansy was in utter shock at what she had just witnessed. Pansy didn't respond to Meg and walked back to her dorm almost in tears. Meg wasn't moved by this at all, so she headed to the Great Hall to meet her friends.

Once she got to the Great Hall, she saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione sitting at the Gryffindor table eating breakfast. As soon as she got to their table, the trio gave her a look of confusion and disgust. The first thing that came to her head was "Crap, they know what I did with Draco last night. Most likely the whole school knows that Draco and I did it last night." She sat at the table beside Harry and tried to not focus on their expressions. Hermione was the first to speak. "So, how was the end of the Yule Ball?" Meg didn't really know how to answer. If she told them the truth of what really happened, they would either freak out or immediately judge her. After a few seconds of silence, Meg answered. "It was good." Hermione wasn't buying Meg's information, so she began to question further. "Professor Flitwick came by the table earlier asking where you ended up last night, considering you weren't in your dorm nor common room. Where were you last night, Meg?" At this point, Meg had the intuition to tell her friends the truth, but she knew for a fact that neither one of her friends would approve of her actions that night. After a few seconds of silence, Meg finally spoke up. "Okay...neither of you are allowed to freak out, judge, or get mad at me for what I am about to tell you. Agreed?" The trio agreed, but was very reticent about it. Meg continued, "I spent the night at Draco's dorm last night and let's be real, it was probably the most fun I've had in a long time." The trio immediately knew what she was talking about when she said 'fun', however, none of them approved, especially Harry. Still, they were supportive of her decisions and her choices, no matter what they were. Meg was somewhat relieved to see them not freak out, but she did add one more condition to their agreement. "One more thing, you all are not allowed to spread this info to anyone! I don't want the whole school to start rumors and call me a slut or a whore or anything of the sort! Got it?" All three agreed to her last term, but in the back of Harry's head, he thought otherwise. "Of course she would sleep with him! Why else would she be with him ALL NIGHT??? He more than likely hexed her last night with a love potion just to get her in bed, that bloody bastard!" That day alone had brought the weirdest classes they've had in a while, but that's another story. 

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