Chapter 28: The High Inquisitor and Dumbledore's Army

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The next morning, Harry wrote a letter to Meg that said:

Dear Meg,

I hope you're alright. It's getting colder here, as you've probably noticed, winter is definitely on the way. Despite being back at Hogwarts, I feel more alone than ever. I know you, of all people, would understand. Please meet me at the top of the Astronomy Tower before breakfast. I need to tell you somethings that I'm a bit afraid to tell others. Please meet me there.


Within an hour, Hedwig had delivered the letter to Meg in her common room. Once she read it, she rushed to the Astronomy Tower to meet Harry. Initially, she wasn't sure what he was afraid of talking about with other people. It would make sense if the topic was about either Umbridge and/or Voldemort. She eventually arrived at the Astronomy Tower; Harry was gazing at the sunrise at the balcony. Meg announced herself and Harry greeted her. "You came! I hoped you would." Meg was taken back, "Of course. What are friends for!? What's up?" Harry hesitated, then he got up the courage to show Meg his left hand. Meg grasped his hand and her jaw immediately dropped. She knew Umbridge was cruel, but she didn't think she was just plain inhumane. Meg walked a few steps away from Harry, her jaw still open, and Harry began to break the long silence. "I know. I don't understand either." Meg was quick to respond, "We have to do something about this. Who have you told?" "Just Ron and Hermione. Both of them wanted me to tell Dumbledore, but I refused." Meg turned her head away from Harry. She had a feeling Ron and Hermione wanted Harry to go to Dumbledore about this whole thing, but she didn't think Dumbledore had wanted to speak to Harry. "Speaking of Dumbledore, have you heard anything from him in that past few weeks?" Meg asked the question she had wanted to ask him as soon as this had popped up. Harry answered her, "No, I had figured he would've spoken to you at least twice." Meg shook her head at him. Harry continued, "What does this mean?" Meg didn't know how to answer him. "I'm not completely sure, but if Umbridge is going to keep this terrorism up the whole year, she is going to hear a lot from me." Harry wondered, "What's the plan?" "We are going to give her hell!" Harry smiled at Meg and walked her down to the Great Hall. Once they got down there and spotted Ron and Hermine, they went towards the table. As they were walking towards the table, they overheard Hermione and Ron's conversation. "Do you ever stop eating?" Hermione had criticized. Ron replied with the obvious answer, "What? I'm hungry!" The two saw Harry and Meg approach their table. Harry broke the awkward silence, "Could we join you?" Hermione nodded. However, before any of them could enjoy their meal, an in depth conversation was being held outside the entrance to the Great Hall. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Meg, along with a few others, ventured outside to see what was going on. To their shock, Professor McGonagall and Umbridge were having a debate. Umbridge was heard first, "What exactly are you insinuating?" McGonagall responded, "I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students, you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices." Umbridge retaliated, "So silly of me, but it sounds like you are questioning my authority in my own classroom, Minerva." "Not at all, Dolores, merely your mediaeval methods!" Umbridge took the argument a step further, "I'm sorry, dear, but to question my practices is to question the Ministry and by extension, the Minister himself. I am a tolerant woman, but the one thing I will not stand for, is disloyalty." McGonagall knew the debate was over when she said, "Disloyalty." Umbridge continued, "Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared. Cornelius will want to take immediate action." Meanwhile watching this debate, Meg and her friends were thinking of ways to sabotage this whole matter. Meg, of course, came up with the most ideas. 

Within a few hours of the debate, Mr. Filch had hung up a proclamation outside the Great Hall that said, in summary, that Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic: Dolores Umbridge had become the official High Inquisitor of Hogwarts. There had also come a camera crew and several writers for the Daily Prophet to get the scoop on this matter. Meg watched from afar, and Draco began to talk to her, "You're thinking something." Meg responded, "She hasn't heard the last of me yet." 

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