Chapter 7: A Strange Day

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The next weekend, all of the third year students were to take their first trip to Hogsmeade. Every student who has a signed permission slip is allowed to go to the village. Hermione, Meg, and Ron all had their forms signed. Harry, however, did not. The Dursley's has refused to sign it after Harry had blown up Marge. Harry had run up to Professor McGonagall and she knew exactly what he was wanting. "Only students who have a signed permission slip are allowed on this trip. I'm sorry, Potter, but those are the rules." Harry didn't like this. "See, Professor, I was hoping that you would sign it." McGonagall rejected him again, "Potter, as I am neither of those things, it would be inappropriate. Sorry, Potter, but that's my final word." Harry was very disappointed. Hermione, Ron, and Meg said their goodbyes to Harry and headed to Hogsmeade with the rest of the group.

Once they got to Hogsmeade, Ron urged his two friends to go with him to Zonko's Joke Shop. Meg and Hermione reluctantly agreed. When the trip walked into the store, Meg was in awe. She had never seen so many products for pranking in one place. Ron laughed at his friend. "I knew you would be impressed," He told Meg. Meg looked at him. She knew he was joking. That was one of the things she liked about him. After Zonko's, Hermione and Meg urged Ron to go to Flourish and Blott's Bookstore. That was their favorite store. Ron didn't care much for books as much as his two friends did. Once the trip walked in the bookstore, Meg began to fangirl. She LOVED Flourish and Blott's. When she and Hermione went into the store for the first time, she told her that she had wanted to buy every book in that store. Once they left Flourish and Blott's, the trio headed towards The Three Broomsticks. As they were walking towards the restaurant, the trio ran into no one but Draco Malfoy and his gang. Meg was annoyed by this, but she had to admit she and Draco had become friends. Once the two groups got closer to each other, Draco walked straight to Meg and begun to run his fingers through her hair. Meg didn't mind this of course. This had become a daily thing between her and Malfoy. She looked up at Draco with his blue-silver eyes. She loved to look at his eyes. She then realized she had been staring at him for longer than 30 seconds and looked at his right arm. "How's your arm," she asked him. He answered her, "It's getting better. I am glad you banned me from playing Quidditch for a few weeks though. Some days it hurts, other days it feelings completely fine." She wanted to check it out right then, but she knew she couldn't until Madame Pomfrey released him to begin Parodical. She responded, "I'm sorry. I'll look closer at it once Madame Pomfrey believes it'll be ok for you to begin Quidditch again." Draco smiled. It wasn't his typical smirk he always did. It was a perfect, happy smile. Pansy took notice of this and stood between them. "I'll have you know, Muddblood, Draco is mine! And the only time you will ever touch him, is when he is on the Quidditch pitch!" Meg didn't like this at all. She wanted to hurt Pansy, but this was girl world and the fighting had to be subtle. Meg looked at Pansy straight in the eye and said, "How are you going to enforce this policy, bitch? You have barely any classes with Draco, and the only time you socialize with him is at meals. So, I'd suggest you stay off my turf and not mess with me, my friends, or Draco!" Draco smirked at Meg. He loved it when she was assertive with other people. Pansy didn't like this. She went back to her place behind Draco and just poured to herself. Draco bid Meg goodbye by rubbing his fingers through her hair one last time. His gang followed behind him. As Pansy passed Meg she glared at her. Meg smirked. She didn't care what that bitch thought of her. Hermione and Ron were shocked at their friend. They knew she could be assertive, but at the same time, it was still awesome to watch.

Once the trio got back to Hogwarts from Hogsmeade with the rest of the group, they headed towards the Gryffindor common room. Once they got there, they noticed that the Fat Lady who guarded the entrance, had disappeared. Everyone began to worry. Her picture had been torn. Once Dumbledore had found the Fat Lady, he ordered all of the students to go to the Great Hall. Everyone slept there that night. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Meg slept next to each other. Of course Draco wanted Meg to sleep next to him, but he respected her decisions. That night, everyone had begun to worry that Sirius Black had broken into the castle looking for Harry. Dumbledore kept assuring the students and staff that everything was okay. Sooner or later, all of the students had fallen asleep.

Then next morning was an interesting one. All of the teachers had become extremely paranoid, and the students didn't help with this at all. During Divination, Professor Trelawney kept prophesying about death and the Grim. The four friends didn't really pay attention to this chaos. However, none of their classes compared to Defense Against the Dark Arts. As soon as the students walked into the class, they noticed some peculiar things. The desks were in rows, there was a projector and a screen, and no one was in the room. The class headed to their seats. Ron sat with another Gryffindor, Meg ended up sitting with Draco, and Harry sat alone. Hermione hadn't shown up yet. The class had begun to talk when all of a sudden, in comes Professor Snape. He closed the shudders, pulled down the projector screen, and ordered the class, "Turn to page 394." Everyone did as they were told. They were all confused though. Harry was the brave one that asked Snape what everyone was thinking, "Excuse me, sir. Where's Professor Lupin?" Snape responded, "That's not really your concern is it Potter? It seems that your professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time. Turn to page 394!" Once Ron had turned to that page, he was surprised at what he saw. "Werewolves?" Hermione jumper in, "But sir, we've just begun learning about Redcaps and Hiccupunks. We're not meant to start nocturnal beasts for weeks." Snape ignored her. He begun the lesson, "Now, which one of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a Werewolf?" Both Hermione and Meg raised their hands but Snape ignored them of course. "No one? How disappointing." Hermione spoke up, "Please, sir. An Animagus is a person who elects to turn into an animal. A Werewolf has no choice. With each full moon, when he transforms, he no longer remembers who he is. He'd kill his best friend if he crossed his path. Furthermore, the Werewolf only responds to the call if it's own kind." After she finished her statement, Draco decided to howl out of nowhere. Meg just rolled her eyes at him. Snape didn't like this, "Thank you, Mr. Malfoy. That is the second time you have spoken out of turn, Ms. Granger. Are you incapable of restraining yourself or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all? Five points from Gryffindor." Meg detested this, "Professor, if I may, what Hermione is saying is in fact correct. An Animagus can choose whether or not it wants to take its animal form. A Werewolf doesn't have that option. Within each transformation, the Werewolf forgets who he is. He'd kill his best friend shall he cross his path. From then on, the Werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind." Snape was annoyed by this. Meg continued, "Its bad enough that you discriminate the houses at this school. It's even worse when you discriminate the students that are in those houses. You may be head of Slytherin house, Professor, but that doesn't give you the rite to shoot down the students that are not in Slytherin. Especially, Gryffindor." Snape knew Meg was right. He walked straight to her desk. "You may have a point, McCown. However, I will not tolerate you correcting me on my actions." Meg stood her ground. "I am perfectly okay with that, Professor, but I hope you will take into account on what I said." Snape continued, "Five points back to Gryffindor." As Meg sat back down, Hermione mouthed, "Thank you" to her and Draco blew a drawing he created to Harry. Snape continued with the lecture, "As an antidote to your ignorance, and on my desk by Monday morning, two rows of parchment on the Werewolf, with particular emphasis on recognizing it." Harry protested, "Sir, it's Quidditch tomorrow!" Snape retaliated, "Then I'd take extra care, Mr. Potter. Loss of limb, will not excuse you. Page 394." As Snape continued the lecture, Harry opened the drawing Draco sent him. It was a picture of Harry on his broom playing Quidditch. But then, lightning strikes him and electrocutes him. Harry glared at Draco. He hoped Draco wouldn't sabotage the match tomorrow against Hufflepuff. Harry knew Meg wouldn't let Draco get away with anything like that.

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