Chapter 12: Time Travel

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As the group was making their way out of the Whomping Willow, Sirius apologized to Ron, "Sorry about the bite. I bet that twinges a bit." Ron wasn't having it. "A bit? A bit? You almost tore my leg off!!" Sirius responded, "I was aiming for the rat. It's alright living as a dog. The tail I can live with, but the fleas, they murder." As soon as they got outside, Meg, Sirius, and Harry helped Ron sit down close to the tree trunk. Meg sat next to Ron and looked at the bite while Harry and Sirius looked at the castle and talked. Hermione and Remus came out of the entrance trying to contain Petigrew. Hermione sat down next to her two friends. Hermione looked at Ron's injured leg and said, "That looks really painful." Ron replied, "So painful. They'll chop it off." Hermione reassured him, "Madame Pomfrey will fix it in a heartbeat." Ron didn't believe her, "It's too late, it has to be chopped off." Meg wasn't buying it, "No, Ron, it won't be chopped off. You wanna know why? Because Madame Pomfrey can fix anything! If she can help Harry regrow bones, she can fix your leg!" Ron looked at her with a shocked look. Hermione giggled. A Petigrew became restless. He ran up to Ron and begged, "Ron, good friend, I was a good pet. You wouldn't give me to the Dementors would you?" Ron looked at him with disgust. Petigrew then turned to Hermione and said, "Clever girl, don't let him give me to the Dementors, please!" Hermione then leaned towards Meg for a bit of backup. Meg knew exactly what her best friend was doing, she wrapped her arms around Hermione to get her away from the deranged man. Remus led Petigrew away from the trio.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Hermione yells, "HARRY!" She pointed to the sky. The dark clouds began to disperse and reveal a full moon. Remus began to shake. Sirius took action. He ran to his friend and tried to talk some sense into him, but it was to no avail. The four friends gathered together to keep safety. Harry noticed Petigrew trying to escape, so he grabbed his wand and disarmed the man. However, Petigrew transformed back into a rat and ran away form the scene. Harry wanted to after him but Meg grabbed his jacket and pulled him back to the group. The four friends watched Remus's transformation and it wasn't pretty. Sirius was struggling to contain his friend. Once the transformation was complete, Remus flung Sirius away and sat on the ground and whimpered. Hermione began to walk towards the Werewolf. She called to him, "Professor. Professor Lupin." Instead of a human response, Remus howled. Hermione ran back to the group. Remus howled again and began to walk towards the four friends. Suddenly, Snape appeared out of the tree and began to scold the group. When he took notice of the Werewolf, he turned around and guarded the group like they were his children. Remus swiped at the group and they fell to the ground. Remus saw this chance to pounce, when Sirius, in dog form, jumped and tackled him. Remus fell and the group got up again. Sirius put himself between his friend and the group. While he was trying to protect them, Sirius was flung by Remus away from the group, but that didn't stop him. He pounced at the Werewolf again. Sirius lured Remus away from the group but he had nowhere to go. Harry began to chase after his godfather. Snape didn't approve of this. He tried to reach for harry but it was to no avail. Harry pursued the two animals. 

While Harry was chasing the two men, Hermione, Meg, and Snape carried Ron to the Hospital Wing in Hogwarts. Once they got there, Madame Pomfrey got to work on Ron's leg almost immediately. Meg and Hermione sat on the end of Ron's bed waiting for Harry to return. They waited for almost an hour until Snape came in with Harry in his arms. Meg and Hermione ran towards the bed Harry was laying on. He was passed out, but still breathing. A few moments later, he awoke and saw thee two girls at the end of the bed. Meg questioned, "What happened, Harry?" Harry replied, "I saw my dad in the forest. He conjured the Patronus. I saw him across the lake." Meg was in awe, but Hermione cut to the chase. "Listen, Harry, they've captured Sirius. Any minute the Dementors are going to perform the kiss." Harry jumped off the bed; Meg also got up. Harry protested, "They're gonna kill him?!?!?!?" Hermione replied, "It's worse, much worse. They're going to suck out his soul." Meg and Harry were both in shock. Before they could make their next statement, the doors to the Hospital Wing flew open and walked in Dumbledore. He walked straight to the trio. Hermione protested, "Professor, you must stop them! They've got the wrong man!" Harry added, "Sirius is innocent." Ron also added, "It's Scabbers who did it!" Dumbledore was confused with Ron's comment. "Scabbers?" Ron explained, "He's my rat, sir. Well, he's not really a rat, but he looks like one. He was my brother Percy's rat." Hermione interrupted, "But we know the truth. Please believe us." Dumbledore said calmly to the group, "I do believe you, Ms. Granger. However, I'm sorry to say, but the word from four thirteen year old wizards will change the mind of very few. A child's voice, though honest and true, is meaningful to those who listen." Dumbledore walked around the wing and continued, "Mysterious thing, time. Powerful, and when meddled with, dangerous. Sirius Black is in the cellar in the dark tower. You know the rules, Ms. Granger, you must not be seen, and return before this last chime, or the consequences will be disgraceful. If you succeed tonight, more than one innocent life will be spared. Three turns ought to do it." With that last word, Dumbledore left the Hospital Wing.  

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