Chapter 8: The Interesting Quidditch Match

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The next day marked the first Quidditch match of the year. It was supposed to be Gryffindor versus Slytherin, but since the Slytherin Quidditch team had no Seeker, they had to drop out of the first match. Gryffindor was to play Hufflepuff. Meg was relieved. She had wanted to sit with Hermione and Ron in the Gryffindor section to cheer on Harry. However, that would change in a matter of minutes.

A few hours before the match was supposed to begin, it had begun to rain. But that didn't stop the match from happening. Since the heavy rain, and the dementors on the premises, all four of the Quidditch trainers had to work during the match. Meg was not happy to hear this news. However, she wasn't surprised either. She went down to the trainers common room, which was just outside the Quidditch pitch, to discuss with her colleges how they were going to handle the match. The other trainers were Luna Lovegood for Gryffindor, Cho Chang for Ravenclaw, and Hannah Abbott for Hufflepuff. Hannah and Meg were going to be attending the match anyway. The other two were there for extra support due to the extreme rainfall.

As the two teams prepared for the upcoming match, the four trainers mounted their brooms and flew next to Madame Hooch who was the referee for the match. Gryffindor and Hufflepuff entered the pitch. Madame Hooch shouted, "On my whistle, both teams will fly in the air, and the Quaffle will be released, and the match shall begin." Once she had blown her whistle, the two teams shot up in the air, and the match had begun. Harry and the Hufflepuff Seeker stuck close to each other. The Seeker for Hufflepuff was Cedric Diggory. He was a sixth year prefect for Hufflepuff. Meg thought he was cute but not as cute as Draco. In her opinion, no one is as cute as Draco Malfoy.

The Golden Snitch has been released. Harry shot after it first. He couldn't see very well due to the rain hitting his glasses and then fogging up. But he persevered anyway. Cedric came close behind Harry. Meg took notice of this and watched the two boys closely. She didn't want Harry to get hurt again like he did last year. That was traumatizing enough for her. She noticed the two boys flying farther up in to the air. Meg signaled Hannah Abbott to follow them. Harry and Cedric weren't paying attention to the rain. They had their eyes set on getting the Snitch. Cedric had gotten ahead of Harry, but he was shaken by a powerful gust of wind that flew him backwards. Hannah caught him and took him down to the sidelines. Meg pursued after Harry. Harry had his right arm stretched out to reach for the Snitch. Before he could grasp it, a strike of lightning and a roar of thunder revealed a shape in the sky. It looked like the Grim. Meg took notice of this and sped towards her friend. Without sparing a second, the Snitch showed up in front of Harry. He pursued it again, but his path became blocked by a shadowy figure. A Dementor had come right in front of him and started sucking Harry's soul. Meg tried to intervene but it came to no avail. She was also attacked by a Dementor. She managed to shake it away from her and flew after Harry. He had fallen off of his broom and was plummeting to the ground. Meg sped up after Harry. She managed to get right underneath him and wrapped her arms around him. She planned to break his fall, even if it meant risking her own life. The two friends came to about 50 feet above the pitch when Dumbledore noticed the to friends and shouted, "ARRESTO MOMENTUM!" And Meg and Harry were saved from plummeting to their death. However, Cedric Diggory has managed to catch the Snitch and Hufflepuff had one the match.

A few hours later, Meg and Harry woke up in the Hospital Wing. Meg jolted awake began to freak out. She started asking a lot of questions. "Where's Harry? Is he alright? Who won the match?" Someone answered her, "Harry's alright. Thanks to you and Dumbledore. However, Hufflepuff won the match." Meg looked to see who was answering her questions. It was Draco. He sat by her bedside in the Hospital Wing. She was relieved to see his face. He may have been a git to her and her friends, but she knew he would want to see her okay. Besides, she took care of him when his arm was injured. It was his turn to take care of her. Meg sat back in her bed. Draco reached for Meg's right hand. She let him hold it. He asked her, "How are you feeling?" She answered him, "Eh. I could be better, but I'm glad Harry is safe." Draco smiled at her. He may have despised Harry, but he loved that Meg was caring about her friends safety and well-being more than her own. Draco moved closer to Meg to where he was right next to her right shoulder. She laid her head on his chest and drifted to sleep. Draco smiled. He laid back against the headboard of the bed and let Meg rest on his chest.

A few beds over from Meg's was Harry's. The whole Gryffindor Quidditch team, plus Hermione and Ron, gathered around Harry. When he woke up, everyone begun to talk to him. Hermione was first. "How are you feeling," she asked him with concern? Harry answered her confidently, "Oh brilliant!" Fred and George were next. "You gave us a right, good scare, mate!" Harry asked them, "What happened?" Ron answered him, "Well, you fell off your broom and Meg caught you." Harry retaliated, "I meant the match. Who won?" Hermione stood up and answered Harry. "No one blames you Harry. The Dementors aren't supposed to come inside the grounds. Dumbledore was furious. After he saved you and Meg, he sent them straight off." Harry was awestricken. He looked at Hermione, "Where's Meg?" Hermione answered him, "She' fine. She's recovering greatly." She pointed to where Meg and Draco were. Harry took notice of the fact that his best friend was asleep on his arch-nemesis's chest. Harry's face turned red with anger. Thankfully, Ron drew Harry's attention away from Draco and Meg. "There's something you should also know, Harry. When you fell off your broom, it kind of blew into the Whomping Willow and well..." Ron revealed a severely damaged broom to Harry. Harry's eyes widened. How was he going to play Quidditch with no broom? However, that wasn't the only thing on his priority list. He was going to find out more about Draco and Meg, and why he's flirting with her and being a jerk to him, Ron, and Hermione.

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