Chapter 6

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"I'll let you change. See you downstairs" i said and quickly left the room before he could stop me. He's so confusing!

I walked downstairs and took a sit next to Will. After a few minutes, Alec came and we ate together. He was seated across from me and was staring at me. I was feeling uneasy. Fortunately, Will broke the silence

"So, Aurora, did you get your notes back from Claire?"

"Yeah, of course"

"Do you two get along?"

"Actually yes. She's very nice"

"That's cool cause i was thinking-"

"Ouch!" I cried out in pain. A sharp pain went through my leg. I realized that Alec hit me

"Shit. It was aimed for Will" Alec said a little amused. Bastard. Will looked at him with disapproval

"Are you ok, Aurora?"

"Yeah, it's probably just bruised" i can't believe half an hour ago he was so sweet and smooth and now he's amused that I'm hurt.

"Now, because you hurt her I'm going to tell her" Alec was shooting daggers at Will and it scared me a little. Will turned his gaze to me, smiling "I'm throwing a party for Claire's birthday today at 10pm. I'd be happy if you'd come" i looked hesitantly at Alec and saw he was pissed

"I'd like to" Alec got up from the table and stormed out. I frowned in confusion. "What did i do?"

"Oh, it's me, actually. I'm pretty sure he'd like to kill me now, but he can't do it in front of you" he winked at me

"What? Why?"

"I already said too much, love" Will helped me clean up after we finished eating "talk to Xander to give you a ride, he's coming too so i see no point in coming with two cars" i nodded a little unsure


It was 9 o'clock and i was a little nervous. I took a shower and decided to curl my hair. After i was done i knocked on Alec's door because i wasn't sure what kind of party it was and wanted to ask him what to wear. And also because i didn't ask him to give me a ride. I opened his door and his room was empty. I knocked on his bathroom door but no one answered. I wanted to open the door to check if it was empty when he's voice startled me

"Looking for me?" He was very serious and very shirtless with sweat covering his perfectly sculped body. He probably trained

"Yes, i, um-" he looked at me amused. Oh my god what was he doing to me

"Breathe" he chuckled. I ignored him

"I wondered what kind of party it was and what should i wear" i remember when we were little that he was really good with clothes and had a lot of style. I looked at him pounting a little with pleading eyes. He rolled his eyes and huffed

"I'm not ten, Aurora. You can't look at me like that and expect me to do everything you want" ouch that hurt

"I just needed your help but I'll manage" i turned to walk away but he grabbed my hand and walked in my room in front of me

"I can't believe I'm 25 and still letting you do what you want from me" i bit my tongue to prevent myself from giggling. He picked a black backless dress and advised me to wear my stilletos.

"Thank you, Alec" he flinched again

"I'm going to shower now" this time i grabbed his hand

"Um- Will said you were going to the party too. Can you give me a ride?" I asked biting my lip. His jaw was ticking

"Just to be clear, i don't want you at that party" this time i flinched

"Why?" I asked softly

"I-it's complicated" complicated? What was that supposed to mean? But i dropped it

"So can you give me a ride?" he sighed

"Yeah, if you promise you won't come close to me" my eyes widened and my lips parted in shock "when you want to go home, you text me and we'll meet at my car. You won't tell anybody that you know me and you won't leave with anybody but me. Understand?" I was too shocked to react. He put his hand on my cheek "promise me"

"I-i promise" he nodded and left my room. I got dressed in my dress, put some makeup on and went to Alec's room. He was dressed in black jeans and a blue shirt with the last buttons opened showing his perfect chest and the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows . He came close to me. I was still a bit shocked by what he said earlier

"I don't know what's in your mind right now but it's better that i hurt you than if others do"

"How is it better?"

"I hurt you for your own good, not to hurt someone through you" i frowned. Did that mean that there were people that wanted to hurt him through me?

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