Chapter 23

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~3 months later~

It's the beginning of Summer! Finally! College is over and i can finally relax. That if i wouldn't have a certain asshole that wants me to train every minute. For 3 whole months I've trained every day. But that was all. Me and Alec decided it was better if we wouldn't sleep together anymore and with that we stopped being close. He acts like my trainer and housemate.

I can't say that I'm not sad but i think it's better like that. The best thing is that Will and Alec are best friends again. Claire is crazy as always. For a month or so she's been trying to convince me that i should make Alec jealous. I told her i don't want to but she said I'm lying. The truth is i really don't know what i want. Life's so confusing.


I was currently training in the basement. I was fighting with Will and Alec was throwing punches at his punch bag. The door of the basement closing distracted me and gave Will the opportunity to throw me to the ground. He started laughing like the bastard he is. Claire came screaming to me

"Heeeeyyy" she hugged me tightly

"Hi, Claire" i said breathlessly

"O.M.G. is that what i think it is??!" She pointed to my neck. What was she talking about? "Is that a love biteeee??!" I couldn't even blink before a loud thud was heard. I turned around, the punch bag was on the other side of the room and Alec was trying to look occupied. Did he do that? I turned to Claire ready to scream

"Are you out of your mind?!" I whispered. She and Will tried not to laugh but they looked like they were going to explode. "You'll pay for this. Both of you" i narrowed my eyes at them. I turned to look at Alec but his back was facing me

"So Aurora when are you seeing him again?" I shut my eyes mentally cursing myself for turning my back to them. I took a deep breath and turned around

"See who?" I asked calmly

"The boy, or should i say man, that gave you that hickey" Will winked at me. I bit my tongue trying to keep myself calm

"There's no hickey. You should get your eyes checked" i smiled

"Oh come on i can see you tried to hide it with make up but i can still see it. You should learn to hide it better" Will smiled back

"This basement is made for training. If you wanna do something else you can leave." His voice was cold

"Well i gotta go" Claire said

"Yeah me too" Will smiled, grabbed Claire's hand and left. I can't believe they did this and left.

"Can you train with me?" I asked hesitantly. He turned to me

"Don't you have to go on a date?" He raised his eyebrow

"Really? You gonna believe them? You know how they are... And plus what's your problem? What if i have a date? What if i have a hickey?" I frowned. If he's free to have threesomes then i am allowed to go on dates. Not that i like someone.

"I'll train with you".


When i exited the basement my jaw, belly and legs hurt as hell and so did my knuckles. He went so hard on me! Every punch held so much frustration and sadness. I really don't know what his problem was. I went to the fridge and grabbed a few bags of ice. I took a sit on the couch, put one bag on my belly, one on my jaw and one on my leg then turned the tv on. He came in the living room after a while. I tried to ignore him but he was just standing in the doorway looking at me

"Do you want to throw some more punches at my face? Or maybe ask me about my dates?" I said tired

"No, acually, i want to take you away for a while" i blinked

"Take me away? What do you mean take me away? Where? Why?" I asked confused

"I was thinking of the Dominican republic. I have a house there. It's warm and cozy, it's got a nice private beach" he shrugged

"Why?" I asked again

"We both deserve a holiday" he said a little hesitant

"And..." I waited

"Bad guys are coming in town. I don't want you to be here" he said serious

"Right." I thought about it. Seemed a nice offer. I loved to swim

"When are we leaving?"

"Tommorow if you can pack your stuff"

"Tomorrow?" I asked shocked. He nodded.

"What about Claire and Will? And you dad?"

"They're leaving too but in other places" i nodded

"What if i refuse?" I asked daring him

"I'd ask Claire to talk to you. If you would refuse I'd probably kidnap you" he answered calmly

"No need for that" i shrugged "I'll go pack my stuff". I got up and headed for the stairs. I turned around "where is your dad and those two idiots going?"

"I can't tell you about my dad. Claire and Will are going to Italy" i frowned. Why couldn't he tell me about his dad? I dropped it and went to pack my stuff

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