Chapter 13

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Someone was hitting my chair and calling my name. Wait what? I tried to open my eyes but at that moment i felt like it was kind of impossible

"Aurora, wake up" it was Alec but he sounded so weak. I tried to open my eyes again and this time i could. It took me a few seconds to realize that we were in a very dark room. I tried to move but my hands and legs were tied to the chair "you're finally awake"

"Were are we?" Oh god my throat was so sore. "What happened?"

"We've been kidnapped. I'll tell you everything when we'll be free. For now just try to see if you can untie yourself" i tried over and over again but i was just hurting my arms or legs.

"What is that smell? Blood?" I think I'll collapse again

"Yes, it's me"

"What? Are you hurt?"

"I have a knife in my leg, but I'll live"

"Oh my God. How is this possible? Who kidnapped us?"

"I told you I'll tell you everything when we'll be free"

"How do you know we'll ever be free?"

"Because I've been through worse things. Someone will come save us. But you gotta promise me something: if someone comes you say nothing, no matter what they do. Understand?"

"Yes, i promise"

"Expect the worst."

"Great. For how long have we been here?"

"6 hours"

"I was asleep for 6 hours. What about you?"

"I woke up after 2. I have experience with chloroform. I've been trying to wake you since then"


"It's not your fault. Just don't be scared, everything's gonna be fine" i nodded my head. Just then we heard some noises like a door opened and a someone turned on the light. It took me a few seconds to adjust. A big man entered the room.

"So i see your girlfriend is finally awake, Alexander. She's pretty weak if you ask me. I'm sure you could get better. I hope she compensates in the bed" the man winked at me. I looked over at Alec and saw the knife in his leg and tears gathered in my eyes.

"She knows nothing. You can let her go" Alec said calmly.

"I don't want to let her go. Maybe I'll make her my personal whore. She has a pretty face and i bet even a prettier body" the man just kept staring at me. "I'll be back soon with a gift for the two of you" he exited the room turning off the light.


After a few minutes the man entered again holding someone with a bag on their head so i didn't know who they were. Behind them stood 2 more men. "Here" and he kicked the man with the bag on the head "i have the one that sold you out. I bet you'll be surprised. It was nobel what he did. Sold you out to protect his girlfriend"

"Will" Alec said under his breath. But it couldn't be. Will wouldn't do that. The man tied Will to the chair and took off the bag. It really was Will! He had tape on his mouth so he couldn't talk.

"I'd take off the tape but i guess you don't want to hear what he has to say. So how's your leg? I see you're still alive so i guess the bleeding is not that bad" Alec just looked at him with a bored look. How can he be so calm "didn't your mother teach you it's not polite to stay quiet when you have been asked a question" Alec just flexed his jaw and growled lowly in a warning way. "I see you're not responding to me not even when I'm bringing up your whore of a mother. Let's see how you act when I'm touching your girlfriend" oh no, god please no.

He came closer and moved behind my chair. He started unbuttoning Alec shirt that i was still wearing.

"Good piece you have here. How old is she?" I couldn't move i was just standing there shaking a little. Alec was just looking at him with what i guess it's disgust. "I advise you answer my questions or I'll make it a lot harder for her" he ran his finger up and down my arm sending shivers everywhere. And not the good kind

"18." Alec said through gritted teeth looking like it pained him to speak.

"So young! I didn't know you liked them like that. Or does she have something special?"

"She's not my girlfriend"

"But you still care about her." Alec's jaw was flexing again and it looked hard rock. The man put his hand on my shoulders. "I bet your father does too. Not in the same way i hope"

"Leave him out of this" Alec spit out with anger

"But how could i?"

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