Chapter 14

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"I'm kinda bored. What do you say if i have some fun with your not girlfriend?" I couldn't move and i couldn't speak. I was just standing there hoping I'd die soon better than have this creature touch me

"Don't you dare touch her! She's innocent!" Alec hissed in his face

"Yeah, she is. For now" the man started laughing and the sound was horrible. He sounded like a hiena.

"Boss you're called upstairs" one of the two men said. The boss took off Will's tape

"Have fun" he winked at me and left.

"Xander, i-" Will started talking but Alec turned to him and there was so much hate in his eyes

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Traitor" Alec said emphasizing every word. Will didn't say anything anymore and neither did Alec. And me- i was too shocked and confused to say something. After a while the man came back and went behind me

"Where were we? Oh yes, i wanted to have some fun with your girlfriend" i bet he was smirking

"Come on man. This wasn't part of the deal. Do what you want with me and Xander, leave her alone" Will begged

"Unfortunately, William, you are not my type" he motioned for the two other guys to come closer. They moved Alec's and Will's chair so they were facing me and pointed a gun at each one of their heads "you move or speak and she watches you die and then I'll fuck her brains out then kill her as well" i couldn't even cry. I was just a statue. He put his hands on my breasts and started massaging them. This can't be happening. "I think i changed my mind. I'll fuck her now. While you watch"

It all happened very fast. The door opened, then there were 3 gunshots and all three guys fell to the ground, each one of them with a bullet in their head. I looked at the door and the last person i expected was there. Claire. She lowered her gun and rushed towards us. She stood in front of Will and slapped him. Hard.

"Are you fucking mad?? What were you thinking?!" She screamed so loud i was sure everyone in town heard her

"I was just trying to protect you. They said they'll kill you" Will said looking at the ground

"You should know that i can protect myself! She can't!" And she pointed a finger at me

"They said they wouldn't hurt her"

"And you were stupid enough to believe them!" Slap. She untied him. Then she came to me. "Poor you. You're probably confused as fuck" she shook her head and untied me as well "you're still in shock, but i promise I'll explain everything"

"No!" Alec growled "I'll explain" Claire rolled her eyes

"Whatever" she went to untie him as well. "Do you want me to do it or you're going to do it yourself?" She motioned to the knife in his leg. Alec motioned his head towards me "I don't think she can do it. She's still in shock"

"I'll do it" i wasn't thinking anymore. I felt like i was dead. A stranger touched my breasts. I saw my best friend killing 3 people. This felt like the worst nightmare. I knelt next to Alec. I put one hand on his leg and one on the knife

"Do it quick!" And so i did. He screamed like someone cut off his leg and then he collapsed. On the door entered 2 people. And i collapsed as well as i saw my father entering along with Mr. Curtis both of them holding a gun each.


I felt relived. I was dreaming or at least i think i was. I felt like i was flying. I was hearing familiar voices. I tried to recognize who they were. I think it was my father, Mr Curtis and i think that's Claire. I tried to understand what they were saying but i couldn't. I tried to open my eyes and that wasn't very hard.

I looked around. It was my room. At the door Claire looked like she cried and Mr Curtis and my father lookes like they were discussing something important. But i was too tired to care so i closed my eyes again and fell asleep.

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