Chapter 33

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While we were waiting for the grown-ups to finish talking i got to know Kane better. He just moved from England and is going to the same college as me, second year as well. And is also working for his dad who guess what: is Alec's ex boss, the leader of the mafia. Kane seems like a nice guy tho. One thing I can't believe is that he's single. He's so handsome and still single. After some time Alec send me a text to come downstairs.

When i walked in the living room i saw Mr Curtis with a sad and apollogetical look on his face, Alec looked in pain and really angry and Marco looked like he had no trouble in this world.

"So should i tell her or will you?" She looked from me to Mr Curtis. Mr Curtis dropped his gaze to the floor "me it is. So Aurora" he took a step closer to me and i wanted to take a step back but i knew i couldn't cause Kane was there "Kane told you who i am, right?"

"Yes" i nodded

"I want you to move to my house so i can train you. Well not me. Kane and Irina will train you" he said simply. I was shocked to say the least

"Why?" I felt myself shaking a bit

"Well everyone around you was in the mafia. They have a lot of enemies so i consider you are in danger and need to learn to defend yourself. After you're finished training you will be free to go, if you don't choose to stay of course" he finished with a smile

"What about college?" I asked even if that was the least of my worries

"You will continue and Kane will take you everyday as you both take the same classes" how does he know what classes I'm taking?

"And if i say no?" I asked a bit afraid of the answer

"Well let's not be negative. But let's just say you and the ones around you will suffer the consequences"

"So i go with you or you kill us all" i stated

"If you put it like that, then yes"

"Okay. I'll train" i felt my throat really dry and i couldn't bring myself to look at Alec

"Great! The day after tomorrow Kane will come pick you up and all of your stuff. It was a pleasure meeting you but we have to go now" i walked to the door. Kane kissed the back of my hand

"You're handling everything very well. Here's my number. Call me if you need anything" he handed me a piece of paper with beautiful handwriting on it Kane Hunt alongside his phone number. I nodded

"Bye, Kane" I gave him a quick smile. I walked back to the living room to find both Alec and his father talking on the phone. Alec was talking with Claire and Mr Curtis with my dad. Suddenly i felt like i couldn't breathe anymore. I grabbed the car keys and went to the lake. Luckily i had a blanket in my car so i laid it down on the grass and looked up at the sky.

I don't know how long I've been sitting there until a dark figure came into view. A dark, attractive figure with electric blue eyes that can melt my heart

"I've been looking for you, you know. Could've left a note" he sighed and sat next to me. I looked back at the sky and realized is dark. Wierd that i didn't notice that before. Guess i was lost in thought.

"What time is it?" I asked looking at his profile

"Ten and something" he shrugged looking at the lake. He closed his eyes for a few seconds and then looked at me "how are you?" He tried to hide the concern in his voice

"I've been better i guess. I think I'm still in shock"

"Or you're just handling it very well. You're strong, give yourself credit for that" he looked away. I laid down my head on the hard ground and closed my eyes but i could still feel his eyes on me. I felt him lay next to me. We sat like that a bit until he intertwined his hand in mine sending electric shocks all over my body. I turned to the side so i was looking at his profile again. He looked tired and concerned, maybe a little scared too. I got closer and kissed him on the cheek. I rested my head on his chest breathing in his scent. At some point i felt my eyes closing and i drifted to sleep


"Time to wake up, Aurora" i felt someone shaking me up gently. I opened my eyes and saw Alec smiling at me

"What time is it?" I asked yawing

"Almost midnight" i took a deep breath and closed the space between us putting my lips on his. He didn't respond at first because of the shock but after a few seconds he pulled me over him, his hands almost on my butt but not really. When i let his tongue in my mouth, his hands trailed lower until they were fully on my ass and he squeezed which made me moan loudly earning a smirk from him.

When I couldn't breathe anymore i broke the kiss and looked at him

"What was that for?" He asked smiling

"Happy birthday, Alec" i leaned down and peeked him on the lips

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