Chapter 20

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I've spent the whole Christmas holiday with my parents, Will and Claire. My father forgave Will but Alec and Mr Curtis didn't so i avoided them the whole time. But this morning my parents went back home and left me alone with these two. Alec's leg is fine now and he can walk perfectly which worries me. Who knows what he's going to do.


I finished learning and I'm going to take a shower. After i finished i towel dried my hair and went back in my room. There i had an unpleasant surprise. Alec was staying on my bed. He looked up at me when i entered and opened his mouth to speak but i raised my hand to stop him

"Leave. Please, Alec" i begged him

"Do you remember what you asked me when i was in the hospital?" I frowned "you told me to train you when i get better" oh god

"Don't worry, you don't have t-"

"But i want to." He got up from the bed and was coming towards us "close the door, Aurora" i gulped

"Wh-why?" I asked shaking a little

"Are you afraid of me, Aurora?" He stopped in his tracks and looked at me confused

"Y-yes. You're dangerous" he raised his eyebrows and looked really shocked and offended

"I don't understand. You have no problem being around your father, or Claire or that idiot Will!" He screamed

"They didn't say they liked to kill people!" I screamed back shaking even harder. He huffed and ran his hands through his short hair

"I don't do that anymore! I haven't killed anyone in 3 years!" He looked exasperated

"Please, Alec. Leave, I don't want you here" he gritted his teeth and started walking towards me again. I took a few steps back but i hit the wall next to the door. He closed the space between us and closed the door. He was so close i could feel his minty breath on my face

"I don't want you to be afraid of me. I need you" he put his hand on the side of my face. "Don't leave me again, i beg you" i was shaking really hard, my throat felt like i ate stones and my stomach was doing so many flips. I broke the eyes contact and looked down. He put his hand on my chin and raised my head

"I'll let you train me, but that's all you get. For now" i whispered "but with one condition" he raised his eyebrow "you'll talk to Will like a civilized adult"

"If you want that, i get to sleep with you two nights every week" he smirked

"What?! That's outrageous!" I widened my eyes. He rolled his eyes

"Not to have sex with you. Just sleep." He said it like it was obvious

"Oh" i frowned thinking about that "no!"

"Then Will can go fuck himself" i sighed

"Fine. I'll sleep with you. Just sleep." I put my hand on his chest to push him away but it was like all my power was a feather. He looked at my hand and then back at me. He leaned in and i froze. He kissed my forehead. I stood there shocked as he took a few steps back.

"We'll start tomorrow. But before we start training you gotta work out or I'll break you" he winked and left the room. What did i just agree to?

I went downstairs and took a deep breath before i knocked on Mr Curtis' door. He invited me in

"Hello, Mr Curtis. I wanted to apologise for the childish way i acted. I had no right, i mean you're letting me stay in your house and i act like this. I am sorry" i said sincerely. He smiled at me and got up. He opened his arms waiting for a hug. I hugged him

"No problem, Aurora"

"So you're not scared of him" i looked at the doorway and Alec was standing there. He huffed and shook his head then left. I looked at Mr Curtis

"Are you scared of my son, Aurora?" He asked confused

"Yes. And i think i did a big mistake making a deal with him"

"I don't know what deal you made, but i know my son. He would never hurt you"

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