Chapter 34

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~3 years later~ (Aurora is 22, Alec is 29. College is over. Summer break)

I walked out of Marco's office and went straight to Irina's room. She was sitting on her bed with bag of ice on her arm

"What happened?" I asked sitting down on the bed next to her

"Your boyfriend is mad that you're leaving and he took it out on me" i rolled my eyes

"If you look like this i don't even want to know how he looks" i smirked

"Let's just say you won't have sex anytime soon" she smirked back "anyway, with you leaving us and all we have to celebrate. We're taking you to the cages"

"What?! Are you serious?"

"Yeah" she grinned "Go get ready we're leaving in an hour. Tell your boyfriend as well. He'll be mad he can't fight" she smiled evilly

"He'll deal" i walked over to my room and heard the water in the bathroom running. Kane was probably taking a shower, probably crying that Irina beat him up again. I can't believe that they I'm finally going to the cages. I was dying to go there but they never let me. Too much of a risk of running into Alec, Claire or Will with them back in the business and all. Kane opened the door of the bathroom with just a towel running low on his waist. He was covered in bruises just like i expected from his fight with Irina but you could still see his six pack and the well defined muscles of his arms and back. I walked over to him throwing my hands around his neck and kisses him. He responded immediately asking for permission by biting down on my lower lip. I pushed him against the wall and he groaned. I broke the kiss and took a step back

"You're hurt" i stated

"Yeah" he looked a bit uncomfortable

"Irina said we're going to the cages" i grinned. Like i expected he had an annoyed look on his face

"Of course we are going to the cages in the exact same night she beat me up. She's unbelievable" he huffed

"Well you can watch me fight at least" i smiled at him

"She lets you fight?" He raised his eyebrows while putting a shirt on

"It's not her choice, really. She's taking me there so I'm gonna fight" i said in a bored voice. I really just wanna leave


When we arrived at the cages i was a bit nervous but the moment i walked in everything disappeared and a smile appeared on my face. The fights were taking place in an old building. There were a lot of people, you could easily see the difference between the fighters, the coaches and the watchers. The fighters like me were dressed in sport clothes, the coaches were dressed casually but the watchers were dressed formally. Irina was my coach. The best there is. Well she learned from the best as well and is passing on her knowledge. She learned from Alec, who at that was her fiancé.

Before i left everyone told me how horrible Irina was but i couldn't have survived Marco without her. And Kane of course. Irina came close to my ear

"I'm gonna go register you in. Wait here with Kane" i nodded as i watched her walk away. I turned to Kane that was looking out in the crowd

"See anyone familiar?"

"Just a bunch of people that would enjoy seeing me dead" he laughed nervously. Yeah, of course he was scared that he couldn't fight and someone would try to kill him

"I'll protect you big boy, don't worry" i tried to hide my smile. He hates when i call him that

"Don't call me that" he rolled his eyes annoyed. When Irina came back she told me I'll be fighting in an hour. I excused myself to go to the bathroom.

It took me a while to find him but he wasn't changed at all. Maybe a bit more beard than the last time i saw him, but still the same guy. I waited until he was alone then walked to him. His eyes widened when he saw me and he took a step back. I raise my eyebrows amused. Is he seriously scared of me? I shook my head. This is important.

"We have to talk." I said without greeating him

"A-about?" He frowned and took another step back

"Look, just get Claire and Alec and meet me on the roof in five minutes. It's important. Be careful not to be followed" he turned his back to leave "and William if you run I'll beat the crap out of you". I think i heard him chuckle but i wasn't sure.

I went on the roof and looked out at the view. It was beautiful. It might sound strange but since I've started killing i seem to see things in a different way. I heard someone clear their throat and i turned to see Claire and Alec looking at me curios with Will staying behind them. It took me a few seconds to come back from my shock. Claire dyed her hair brown. It really suited her. She was just as beautiful as ever. It's like she hasn't aged a bit. And Alec, he was completely changed. He had a tattoo on his arm and a scar on his neck. His hair was short like ever, he had a beard, longer then Will's. But his eyes were the most changed. They didn't have that sparkle in them.

"Hi" i said shyly. Shyly?? Me?? I took a deep breath

"Hey" Claire smiled at me

"Hello, Aurora" Alec said lowly. My name rolling off his tongue still made my stomach flip. I tried to look him in the eyes but I couldn't

"Will said you wanted to talk to us and that's important" Claire started

"Yeah, it is. As you probably know, recently I've been Marco's little executioner" they all nodded. Well of course they know. "So today, being my last day working for him, he said he has one last job for me." They all waited patiently. I couldn't even look at Claire anymore "he wants me to kill you all and your families". I heard Claire gasp. Or was is Will?

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