Chapter 15

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As i opened my eyes i realized it's morning. The sun was shining outside. I was alone in my room. I went to the bathroom and when i came back Claire was sitting on my bed

"How are you feeling?" She asked worried

"Confused and a little shocked." I tried to give her a weak smile.

"I brought you some food" i ate in silence wanting desperately to finish so i can ask her where is Alec. After i finished she spoke first "I'll respect Alec's wish and I'll let him explain everything but he can't really do it now. He's at the hospital"

"Is he ok?" Oh god

"Yes, he's fine. His father's with him right now" realization hit me

"My father! Where is he?"

"He's downstairs. Go talk to him cause he's leaving soon" I jumped out of bed and went downstairs. He was sitting on the kitchen stool

"Hello, Aurora" he smiled nicely

"Dad!" I hugged him tightly. "I missed you so much"

"I missed you as well. I'm sorry for everything that happened. I'll take you home if that's what you want." I thought about that

"No, i want to stay. I like it here"

"Are you sure? Aren't you scared?"

"I-i don't know what i feel. I'll need some time to think about it. But right now i want to go to the hospital"

"Ok, dear. Then i guess this is goodbye"

"Why aren't you staying more?" I asked sadly

"I have work. You know i do. Plus you don't look like you need me."

"I'll always need you" i hugged him and we stood like that for a while. "Take care dad"

"You too" he kissed my forehead. I changed in some jeans and a t-shirt and went to the hospital. I asked a nurse where Alec was and she gave me the directions. Mr Curtis was just exiting

"Hello, Aurora" he looked really tired.

"How is he?" I asked hurriedly. I just wanted to see him

"He's sleeping right now. You don't have to stay with him. He's gonna be fine"

"But i want to"

"Then go on. I'll go home to rest" i nodded. I entered the room and my heart broke. He was lying there on that hospital bed. He looked so weak but at the same time he looked at peace. I went next to his bed and took one of his hands in mine. He was so warm. I sighed. I let go of his hand and took a sit on the chair next to the bed. I don't know how much time passed with me just looking at him, holding his hand, until a nurse came in

"Dear, i have to change his bandage. You'll have to wait outside, I'll call you when I'm done" i nodded and exited. I went to buy myself a coffee. When i came back the nurse was just leaving "he's awake and he's been asking for Aurora. That's you, right?"

"Yes" i smiled shyly. I opened the door and took a deep breath. "Hi Alec" i went next to his bed biting my lip. I don't know why but i had butterflies in my stomach

"Hi" he grimanced from the pain i guess

"How are you?" I asked sitting on the bed next to him

"I'll live. You? You probably want answers" he shook his head

"I'll wait until you'll be out of the hospital"

"Thank you" i nodded and smiled

"Can i look at your leg?" I whispered

"You've always liked seeing people's wounds" i shrugged

"Guilty pleasure" he made me sit up and took off the the blanket. He raised his robe a little. He had a big bandage on his left leg. I bit my lip and took off the bandage. He had a deep but clean cut. I put the bandage back on "what about your arm?"

"The nurse cleaned that wound as well"

"You should rest. I'll leave if you want me to" but i didn't want to leave

"No-" he cleared his throat "stay, please"

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