Chapter 31

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"Hello Alexander" the girl said "from the long black hair i would guess you're Aurora. Am I right?" She addressed me.

"Yes" i extended my hand "nice to meet you". I took a quick glance at Alec who looked like he was prepared to jump to her throat the moment she made a bad move. Irina shook my hand

"You too. I've heard a lot of things about you" she smiled

"Really?" I frowned

"Oh yes. When i was-" she said but Alec cut her off

"That's enough. What are you doing here?" Alec asked in a very cold tone

"Claire invited me"

"I doubt that." The girl started laughing. A beautiful but kinda fake laugh

"You can ask her if you want. While you're gone i can stay here and have a nice chat with Aurora" a muscle flexed in Alec's jaw and he looked like he was gonna kill her right now

"Over my dead fucking body" he growled

"No need to speak like that. As evil as you may think i am, I didn't come here to ruin Claire's wedding. But i did came to tell you that Marco is going to pay you a visit."

"Why?" He asked through gritted teeth

"He didn't tell me. Nothing big i think" she shrugged


"Does it matter? What do you wanna do? Run? He'll find you. Just relax and everything will be fine. He doesn't want any war. I have to go now. It was nice seeing you again Alexander. And I'm glad i had the chance to meet you Aurora. I hope I'll see you again soon" she smiled

"Let's hope that doesn't happen" Alec answered before i could have a chance to

"Or what? You'll kill me? Like you could" she laughed and walked away. I sighed and walked in front of Alec

"Who was that? And who's Marco? And why is he paying us a visit?"

"Doesn't matter. Look you can't tell anyone about this, ok?"

"What, why?"

"Because first of all it will ruin Claire's wedding and second it will scare them."

"Like it scared you?" I asked. He looked at me with annoyance

"Something like that. Now act normal and let's say our goodbyes to Claire and Will cause they're leaving".


After Claire and Will left so did my parents and the other guests. My parents promised they'll visit but they said that last time as well.

"Come on, we're going home" Alec grabbed my hand and dragged me to his car.

"Hey! Can you stop?! I can walk for myself!" He stopped and let go of my arm "I'm not going anywhere with you until you tell me who the hell is that Marco and why you're so damn scared of him!" He didn't answer me anything he just walked towards me very slowly. In one quick motion he had me over his shoulder and i was screaming at him to put me down.

"The less you know, the better" he said and put me in the passenger seat. "Sit." He walked over to his part of the car and got inside. "Seatbelt" but i didn't move a bit. He let out a frustrated sigh and turned to me. He put my seatbelt on and leaned in towards my ear "you have no idea how much i want to punish you right now for being so fucking stubborn" he growled. My throat was really dry and I couldn't breath normally. Before i had time to react he started the car and we were on our way back to the house.

We sat in silence for a long time until i found myself asking the first thing that came into my mind

"Are you into BDSM?" I closed my eyes the moment i realised what i just said and mentally slapped myself. I opened my eyes in shock when i heard him laughing

"No. And i shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry. You just make me so frustrated, and I don't mean sexually. Not that you don't make me that kind of frustrated too, i just-"

"Alec" i put my hand over his "do you always talk so much when you are scared?" He didn't look at me but i think i saw him blushing

"I guess" he shrugged. I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

"You frustrate me as well" i smiled

"Sexually?" He grinned

"Just drive" i turned my head looking outside the window.


When we got home i went straight to the bathroom and took off my make up and undid my hair. I tried to take off my dress but I couldn't reach the zipper. I sighed and walked over to Alec's door. I knocked lightly so i wouldn't wake up Mr Curtis.

"Come in" i opended the door and closed it behind me. He was only in his pants his eight pack staring back at me and i closed my eyes realising i was staring yet again. "Did you want something?" His voice sounded amused

"Yes. Can you unzip my dress? I can't reach the zipper" he nodded and walked to me in 3 steps he was right in front of me.

"You are so much more beautiful like this" he trailed his hand on my face "with no make up" he leaned in again but i stopped him by turning with my back to him. He slowly trailed his finger on my bare back until he reached my zipper. He undid it agonizingly slow. When i turned back to face him, holding my dress so it wouldn't fall i caught him licking his lips. Those kissable lips. What the hell is wrong with me! Jesus, I've been acting like a horny teenager the whole day.

"I have to go" i said turning towards the door

"I have a deal for you" I turned to him my eyebrows raised "you let that dress fall to the floor and I'll tell you about Marco and Irina"

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